London Hearts Supporters Club

Hearts results by Team Hearts results by Country Team

<-- Heracles Almelo Hibernian HMS Achilles -->
<-- Helensburgh Scotland Holyrood -->

No Season No
Ko Date Sc Comp Rd V Crowd Ref Scorers Opp Scorers
7 1875-76 7 1875-12-25 Sat s n


Friendly S 0 Unknown -----
17 1876-77 4 1877-02-16 Fri n n


Friendly S 0 Unknown [Frank Rourke]
18 1876-77 5 1877-02-24 Sat s n


Friendly S 0 ----- [Missing]
22 1876-77 9 1877-04-21 Sat s n


Friendly S 0 ----- [Missing]
25 1877-78 2 1877-09-29 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R1 S 0 ----- -----
26 1877-78 3 1877-10-06 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R1Replay S 1200 Unknown [Missing] ;[Missing]
35 1877-78 12 1878-02-09 Sat s n


EFA Cup Final S 1000 ----- -----
36 1877-78 13 1878-02-16 Sat s n


EFA Cup Final1st Replay S 1100 Scrimmage 30 [Frank Rourke 85]
37 1877-78 14 1878-02-23 Sat s n


EFA Cup Final2nd Replay S 1200 J Burns [Frank Rourke]
40 1877-78 17 1878-04-06 Sat s n


EFA Cup Final3rd Replay S 1500 Scrimmage 30 [Willie Donnelly]
41 1877-78 18 1878-04-20 Sat s n


EFA Cup Final4th Replay S 1200 John Alexander ;George Mitchell ;John Alexander [Michael Whelahan 46] ;[Owen Quinn]
62 1878-79 20 1879-03-01 Sat s n


EFA Cup Final S 4000 Mr McNeill C Nelson 90 [Willie Donnelly]
64 1878-79 22 1879-03-29 Sat s n


EFA Cup FinalReplay N 3000 Mr McNeill ----- [Michael Whelahan] ;[Tommy Lee]
66 1878-79 24 1879-05-03 Sat s n


Presidents Cup SF H 2500 Scrimmage -----
79 1879-80 12 1879-11-01 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3-Protested H 0 ----- -----
80 1879-80 13 1879-11-08 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3-Protested H 0 ----- -----
81 1879-80 14 1879-11-15 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 S 2500 Mr Alexander John [1] McNeil [Gillie Byrne 15] ;[Patrick Cavanagh]
90 1879-80 23 1880-01-31 Sat s n


EFA Cup SF H 3500 Andrew Lees ;George Mitchell 7 [Gillie Byrne] ;[Owen Quinn] ;[William Cox] ;[Patrick Cavanagh] ;[Frank Rourke]
109 1880-81 9 15:30 1880-10-23 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 H 5000 Mr Browne Alex McNeil ;James Edwards ;John Alexander ;Alex McNeil ;John [1] McNeil [Scrimmage] ;[Scrimmage] ;[Missing]
115 1880-81 15 14:30 1880-12-04 Sat s n


EFA Cup R3 H 7000 James Edwards 15 [Tommy Lee 43] ;[Frank Rourke 80] ;[Frank Rourke 81]
136 1881-82 7 16:00 1881-10-01 Sat s n


Edinburgh Shield R2 H 4500 Bob Waugh 12 ;John Sweeney [Frank Rourke] ;[Gillie Byrne 43] ;[John Flynn 46] ;[Tommy Lee]
144 1881-82 15 14:30 1881-12-31 Sat s n


Friendly A 0 Will Ronaldson ;J Mitchell [Frank Rourke] ;[James Flynn] ;[James Flynn]
152 1881-82 23 16:00 1882-04-01 Sat s n


Friendly H 0 Unknown ;Unknown [Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing]
164 1882-83 8 15:45 1882-10-14 Sat s n


Friendly A 2000 James Renwick ;Will Ronaldson ;Bob Waugh [Andrew MacFayden] ;[James Waugh]
176 1882-83 20 15:00 1883-02-03 Sat s n


Friendly H 0 Unknown [Missing]
180 1882-83 24 16:00 1883-03-10 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF N 5000 J Stuart Andrew Lees 5 ;Nick Ross ;Nick Ross [Tommy Lee 4]
192 1883-84 8 15:15 1883-10-20 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 H 6000 Mr G Halley Jimmy Wood [Tommy Lee] ;[James Brogan] ;[James McGhee 46] ;[James McGhee 60]
194 1883-84 10 15:00 1883-11-03 Sat s n


Friendly H 2500 Jimmy Wood ;George Douglas [James Brogan 5] ;[James McLaren] ;[James Brogan] ;[Peter McGinn] ;[Peter McGinn]
211 1883-84 27 1884-02-09 Sat s n


Edinburgh Shield SF A 3500 James Fraser [John Lee 5] ;[James McGhee 15] ;[James McGhee] ;[James McGhee]
219 1883-84 35 1884-03-29 Sat s n


Friendly A 2500 Nick Ross ;Jimmy Wood ;Jimmy Wood ;Robert Calderwood [Patrick Connelly] ;[Peter McGinn]
225 1884-85 2 1884-08-30 Sat s n


Friendly A 3000 ----- [Missing 6] ;[Peter McGinn 9] ;[Duff og] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing]
242 1884-85 19 1884-12-13 Sat s n


Edinburgh Shield R4 A 4000 James Common [John Lee] ;[William Cox] ;[James McGhee]
248 1884-85 25 1885-01-31 Sat s n


Friendly H 0 John Addison ;John Addison [Phillip Clarke] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing]
259 1884-85 36 1885-04-25 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final N 6000 ----- [James McGhee 5] ;[John Lee] ;[James McGhee]
264 1885-86 4 1885-09-19 Sat s n


Friendly H 4000 ----- [Thomas Preston] ;[Tommy Lee]
267 1885-86 7 1885-10-03 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R2 A 4000 Scrimmage [James McGhee] ;[James McGhee]
278 1885-86 18 1885-12-19 Sat s n


Edinburgh Shield R4 A 0 Willie Mackay 3 ;Rab Henderson ;Rab Henderson [James McGhee] ;[Scrimmage] ;[Thomas Preston] ;[Thomas Preston]
290 1885-86 30 1886-03-13 Sat s n


Friendly A 4000 ----- [John Lee] ;[Peter McGinn] ;[Phillip Clarke]
302 1885-86 42 16:00 1886-05-15 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final-Abandoned H 4000 ----- [Peter McGinn] ;[John Lee]
303 1885-86 43 19:00 1886-06-01 Tue s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final-Abandoned1st Replay N 4000 Jimmy Wood ;Bobby McNeil -----
305 1885-86 45 19:00 1886-06-24 Thu s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final2nd Replay N 4000 Willie Mackay 40 -----
316 1886-87 11 15:30 1886-10-23 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 A 7000 RF Harrison Scrimmage [Phillip Clarke 20] ;[James McLaren] ;[Peter McGinn] ;[Willie Groves] ;[Willie Groves]
336 1886-87 31 16:00 1887-03-12 Sat s n


Edinburgh Shield Final N 4000 ----- [Willie Groves 30] ;[Jeremiah Reynolds 35] ;[Peter McGinn 37]
345 1886-87 40 1887-04-30 Sat s n


Friendly A 3000 Scrimmage ;James Lundy og [James McGhee 5] ;[Martin Molloy] ;[James McGhee] ;[James McGhee] ;[James McGhee]
348 1886-87 43 19:00 1887-05-16 Mon s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final A 4000 Tom Breckenridge [James McGhee 5] ;[James McGhee 10] ;[James McGhee 15] ;[Michael Dunbar 16] ;[James McGhee 18] ;[James McGhee 25] ;[William Cox]
360 1887-88 11 15:30 1887-10-15 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 H 6000 W McKinnon Jimmy Wood [Scrimmage]
361 1887-88 12 15:30 1887-10-22 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3Replay A 8500 J Lindsay 17 ;James Common 49 ;J Lindsay 90 [Patrick Gallacher]
369 1887-88 20 14:30 1887-12-24 Sat s n


Edinburgh Shield SF A 3000 Tommy Jenkinson ;Rab Henderson [James McGhee] ;[William Cox] ;[Willie Groves] ;[James McGhee] ;[James McLaren]
377 1887-88 28 15:30 1888-02-11 Sat s n


Friendly H 5000 Tommy Jenkinson 70 -----
382 1887-88 33 16:00 1888-03-17 Sat s n


Charities Benefit A 0 John Sneddon [1] ;John Sneddon [1] ;John Sneddon [1] [Hugh Clifford] ;[John Coleman] ;[Breckenridge Thomas og]
385 1887-88 36 14:30 1888-04-14 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF N 8000 J Moffat ----- [Michael Dunbar] ;[Michael Dunbar] ;[Willie Groves] ;[Michael Dunbar] ;[Michael Dunbar] ;[James McGhee]
414 1888-89 18 14:45 1888-11-24 Sat s n


Friendly A 500 Frank Lyons og 25 ;Davie Baird ;Unknown [Scrimmage 47]
425 1888-89 29 15:30 1889-02-09 Sat s n


Friendly H 0 Jimmy Wood ;Rab Henderson ;Rab Henderson ;Johnny Hill ;James Reid ;Davie Baird -----
443 1888-89 47 18:00 1889-05-23 Thu s n


Friendly H 0 Unknown ;Unknown ;Unknown ;Unknown ;Unknown [Missing] ;[Missing]
470 1889-90 27 15:15 1890-01-25 Sat s n


Friendly A 5000 Davie Baird 0:40 ;John McPherson ;Davie Baird ;Unknown ;Davie Baird [Dempsey] ;[Alexander McMahon]
476 1889-90 33 16:00 1890-03-15 Sat s n


Friendly H 5000 Willie Mason 50 [Alexander McMahon 47]
480 1889-90 37 16:30 1890-04-12 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF N 10000 Mr Harrison Willie Mason 6 ;Davie Baird 51 ;George Scott 52 [Dempsey] ;[Willie Groves 47]
484 1889-90 41 1890-05-01 Thu s n


Friendly H 0 Tommy Jenkinson ;A Wilson ;Unknown ;Unknown ;Unknown [Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing]
489 1890-91 1 19:00 1890-08-06 Wed s n


Edinburgh International Exhibition Cup Final N 20000 Tom Park George Scott 10 ;Tommy Jenkinson -----
500 1890-91 12 15:45 1890-10-11 Sat s n


EoSS R2 H 6000 George Sneddon Scrimmage 5 ;Willie Taylor [Halfpenny 40]
503 1890-91 15 15:15 1890-11-01 Sat s n


Friendly H 2000 George Sneddon George Scott ;George Scott ;Tommy Jenkinson ;Davie Russell [James McGhee]
631 1892-93 42 18:30 1893-05-18 Thu s n


Friendly H 0 Willie Michael 43 ;Bob McLaren 87 [John Kennedy]
638 1893-94 3 16:00 1893-08-12 Sat s s


Friendly A 8000 James McLaughlin Davie Baird ;Willie Taylor ;George Hogg ;Davie Baird ;Johnny Walker ;Davie Baird ;Johnny Walker ;Johnny Walker ;Willie Taylor ;Isaac Begbie [John Kennedy] ;[William Smith]
650 1893-94 15 15:30 1893-10-28 Sat s n


Friendly H 8000 Mr Johnson Isaac Begbie ;Willie Taylor ;George Hogg ;George Hogg ;Johnny Walker ;Tom Chambers ;Tom Chambers [Pat Murray] ;[Scrimmage] ;[William Smith]
656 1893-94 21 14:15 1893-12-09 Sat s n


EoSS R1 A 0 Mr J Williamson Davie Baird ;Davie Russell ;Davie Russell [Allan Martin] ;[Scrimmage] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[John Kennedy]
659 1893-94 24 14:15 1893-12-30 Sat s n


EoSS R11st Replay A 10000 Mr John Marshall Willie Michael ;Davie Baird 46 [Allan Martin] ;[Alexander Howie 89]
662 1893-94 27 14:30 1894-01-06 Sat s n


EoSS R12nd Replay H 3000 Mr John Marshall Willie Taylor ;George Hogg ;Willie Hogg [William Smith] ;[Allan Martin 30]
664 1893-94 29 15:18 1894-01-27 Sat s n


Friendly H 0 Mr J MacDonald Johnny Walker ;Scrimmage [Alexander Howie]
684 1893-94 49 19:15 1894-05-31 Thu s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final N 7500 Mr Dickson Joseph Murphy og ;Bob McLaren [Allan Martin] ;[Allan Martin] ;[William Smith] ;[Allan Martin]
686 1894-95 2 16:00 1894-08-04 Sat s n


Friendly H 7500 Mr James Baillie George Scott 89 [William Smith] ;[Pat Murray]
689 1894-95 5 16:00 1894-08-25 Sat s n


Friendly A 8000 Mr James Baillie Bob McLaren 7 ;William Phillips ;Willie Taylor 44 [Allan Martin 5] ;[William Smith] ;[William Smith] ;[Allan Martin] ;[William Smith]
707 1894-95 23 14:20 1894-12-08 Sat s n


Edinburgh League 01 of 06 H 13000 Willie Michael 2 ;Johnny Walker [William Smith 2]
710 1894-95 26 14:00 1895-01-01 Tue s n


Friendly H 8000 T Baillie George Scott ;Johnny Walker ;Willie Michael ;Willie Michael ;Bob McLaren ;Bob McLaren [Pat Murray]
725 1894-95 41 16:00 1895-04-20 Sat s n


Edinburgh League 03 of 06 A 10000 Mr John Marshall George Hogg [Missing] ;[Allan Martin]
737 1895-96 1 16:00 1895-08-03 Sat s n


Friendly H 6000 Mr Richardson Alex King ;Alex King ;Davie Russell ;Alex King ;James Mirk [Scrimmage] ;[Missing] ;[Missing]
746 1895-96 10 16:00 1895-09-28 Sat s n


Division 1 07 of 18 H 17500 Mr Spalding Alex King ;Davie Baird 44 ;George Hogg ;Davie Baird [John Kennedy] ;[John Kennedy] ;[John Kennedy]
758 1895-96 22 14:20 1895-12-21 Sat s n


Division 1 17 of 18 A 4500 Mr Henry Davie Baird ;Willie Taylor [Pat Murray] ;[Pat Murray] ;[William Smith]
764 1895-96 28 15:15 1896-01-25 Sat s n


Friendly A 4000 Scrimmage [Willie Groves]
771 1895-96 35 16:00 1896-03-14 Sat s s


Scottish Cup Final N 17034 Mr W McLeod Davie Baird pen 3 ;Alex King 63 ;Willie Michael 65 [John O'Neill 89]
772 1895-96 36 16:00 1896-03-21 Sat s n


Edinburgh League 03 of 07 A 8000 Mr Watt Davie Russell -----
776 1895-96 40 15:00 1896-04-20 Mon s n


Edinburgh League 05 of 07 H 3000 Mr W McLeod Davie Russell 30 ;Davie Baird 31 ;Unknown og 40 ;Johnny Walker 44 ;Willie Michael ;Willie Michael ;Alex King 87 [Alexander Howie]
780 1895-96 44 18:45 1896-05-06 Wed s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF N 3000 Mr W McLeod Robert Scott Gibson Neill og ;Willie Michael -----
795 1896-97 11 16:00 1896-09-26 Sat s n


Division 1 08 of 18 A 12000 James MacPherson ----- [John Pryce] ;[Alexander Howie]
805 1896-97 21 14:30 1896-12-05 Sat s n


Division 1 15 of 18 H 10500 J Walker Tom Robertson 7 -----
816 1896-97 32 16:00 1897-03-13 Sat s n


Edinburgh League 03 of 10 A 6000 James MacPherson Bobby Walker [John Pryce] ;[Pat Murray] ;[George Dougal] ;[George Dougal] ;[George Dougal]
822 1896-97 38 15:30 1897-04-19 Mon s n


Edinburgh League 08 of 10 H 7500 Mr Arnold James Sharp ;Willie Taylor ;George Scott ;Bobby Walker [George Hogg og] ;[Alex Robertson] ;[Pat Murray]
829 1896-97 45 18:45 1897-05-11 Tue s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final N 5000 ----- [Allan Martin] ;[Allan Martin] ;[Pat Murray]
832 1897-98 1 18:15 1897-09-01 Wed s n


Friendly H 4000 J Banks James Sharp ;James Sharp ;Bobby Walker ;James Sharp ;Willie Michael [Pat Murray] ;[Pat Murray] ;[John Kennedy]
837 1897-98 6 16:00 1897-09-18 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 18 A 14000 J Walker Tom Robertson [Allan Martin]
851 1897-98 20 14:30 1897-12-18 Sat s n


Division 1 17 of 18 H 7000 AB McKenzie Johnny Walker ;Johnny Walker ;James Sharp 90 [Pat Murray] ;[Charles Devine]
853 1897-98 22 14:00 1898-01-01 Sat s n


Friendly A 3000 Mr J Black Albert Buick ;James Sharp pen -----
860 1897-98 29 15:30 1898-02-12 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 01 of 08 H 5000 Mr Black Bobby Walker ;Bobby Walker [Alex Raisbeck]
865 1897-98 34 16:00 1898-03-26 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 04 of 08 A 4000 J Walker George Livingstone 43 [Bobby Atherton]
876 1897-98 45 16:00 1898-05-21 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final A 6500 George Livingstone ;Charlie Thomson ;George Livingstone ;Willie Taylor ;Willie Taylor ;George Livingstone [John Pryce]
879 1898-99 3 1898-08-20 Sat s n


Friendly A 7500 George Hogg 10 ;Charlie Thomson ;George Livingstone [William Mercer]
887 1898-99 11 15:45 1898-10-08 Sat s n


Division 1 07 of 18 H 14000 J Walker Bobby Walker ;Bobby Walker ;Willie Michael ;Willie Michael -----
890 1898-99 14 15:15 1898-10-29 Sat s n


Division 1 10 of 18 A 11000 James MacPherson Bobby Walker 1:30 ;Bobby Walker ;John Walker ;Willie Taylor ;Bobby Walker [Bobby Atherton]
900 1898-99 24 14:00 1899-01-02 Mon s n


Friendly H 3000 Charlie Thomson ;John Blair ;Charlie Thomson ;John Blair [William Porter]
912 1898-99 36 1899-03-18 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 11321 J Walker John Blair -----
913 1898-99 37 1899-04-01 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 04 of 10 A 4000 J Walker Willie Taylor [Bobby Atherton]
920 1898-99 44 1899-04-29 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 09 of 10 H 1500 James MacPherson Bobby Walker ;John Blair ;Willie Michael [Peter Douglas]
922 1898-99 46 18:45 1899-05-08 Mon s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF A 5000 Willie Taylor ;Joseph Dodds ;Willie Michael [Peter Douglas] ;[William Porter]
930 1899-00 3 16:00 1899-08-19 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 02 of 10 H 8000 J Walker Hamilton Handling og 2 ;George Livingstone ;Davie Baird [Bobby Atherton]
942 1899-00 15 15:15 1899-10-28 Sat s n


Division 1 10 of 18 A 9000 James MacPherson ----- [Hamilton Handling]
946 1899-00 19 14:30 1899-11-25 Sat s n


Division 1 14 of 18 H 7500 James MacPherson Bob McLaren 20 [Hamilton Handling] ;[Hamilton Handling] ;[Hamilton Handling pen 80]
952 1899-00 25 14:15 1900-01-01 Mon s n


Inter City League 01 of 09 H 6500 J Walker George Key ;James Sharp ;Alexander McLean [Hamilton Handling] ;[Andrew McGuigan] ;[Hamilton Handling]
956 1899-00 29 15:00 1900-01-27 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R2 H 14000 Mr W McLeod G Hogg og [Bobby Atherton]
957 1899-00 30 15:15 1900-02-03 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R2Replay A 12000 Mr W McLeod Albert Buick ;Willie Taylor [David Reid]
971 1899-00 44 15:00 1900-04-16 Mon s n


Inter City League 06 of 09 A 5500 Mr McArthur ----- -----
976 1899-00 49 16:00 1900-05-05 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 7000 Robert T Murray ----- [Hamilton Handling pen 46] ;[Hamilton Handling] ;[David Reid]
978 1899-00 51 16:00 1900-05-12 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 10 of 10 A 4000 ----- -----
982 1899-00 55 16:00 1900-05-19 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 4000 Davie Baird pen ;Bobby Walker ;Alex Walker [Hamilton Handling] ;[Bobby Atherton] ;[Bernard Breslin]
983 1899-00 56 18:45 1900-05-23 Wed s n


Rosebery Charity Cup FinalReplay N 0 Bobby Walker ;Bobby Walker ;Charlie Thomson -----
986 1900-01 3 16:00 1900-08-18 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 03 of 08 A 7000 Mr W McLeod Thomas Frew ;Thomas Frew [Hamilton Handling] ;[Pat Murray] ;[Pat Murray]
988 1900-01 5 16:00 1900-09-01 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 20 A 10500 J Walker ----- [Bobby Atherton] ;[Bernard Breslin] ;[Hamilton Handling]
996 1900-01 13 15:45 1900-10-13 Sat s n


Division 1 10 of 20 H 6500 Mr Allan ----- -----
1008 1900-01 25 14:00 1901-01-01 Tue s n


Inter City League 01 of 10 A 5000 Robert T Murray Robert Houston [Hamilton Handling 48] ;[Hamilton Handling] ;[Hamilton Handling]
1017 1900-01 34 16:00 1901-03-09 Sat s n


Scottish Cup SF H 19500 J Walker Mark Bell [Pat Murray]
1019 1900-01 36 16:00 1901-03-23 Sat s n


Scottish Cup SFReplay A 18000 J Walker Bill Porteous 30 ;Bobby Walker 75 [Hamilton Handling pen 80]
1023 1900-01 40 1901-04-13 Sat s n


EoSS R1 A 8000 Alexander Edwards Mark Bell [Hamilton Handling]
1025 1900-01 42 16:00 1901-04-20 Sat s n


EoSS R1Replay A 9500 Alexander Edwards Robert Houston 5 -----
1033 1900-01 50 19:00 1901-05-15 Wed s n


Inter City League 10 of 10 H 1750 ----- [Archibald Gray]
1037 1900-01 54 19:00 1901-05-31 Fri s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final A 3000 ----- [Robert McCulloch] ;[Robert McCulloch] ;[Robert McCulloch] ;[William McCartney]
1039 1901-02 2 1901-08-17 Sat s n


Division 1 01 of 18 H 5000 James MacPherson Tom Lorn 43 ;Charlie Thomson [Robert McCulloch]
1048 1901-02 11 16:00 1901-09-14 Sat s n


Division 1 05 of 18 A 12000 Tom Robertson Tom Lorn ;Bill Porteous 47 [William McCartney]
1065 1901-02 28 14:30 1902-01-01 Wed s n


East of Scotland League 03 of 09 H 8000 James MacPherson Charlie Thomson 44 [John Divers]
1076 1901-02 39 16:00 1902-03-08 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 05 of 09 A 6000 J Hay ----- [Peter Boyle] ;[Paddy Callaghan]
1079 1901-02 42 16:00 1902-03-29 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 10000 Tom Robertson Charlie Thomson ;Bobby Walker [Andrew McGeachan 80]
1091 1901-02 54 16:00 1902-05-10 Sat s n


Inter City League 08 of 09 H 6000 J McLeod Charlie Thomson 20 ;Bobby Walker 46 ;Charlie Thomson 88 [John Divers 23] ;[Archibald Gray pen 65]
1094 1901-02 57 19:00 1902-05-15 Thu s n


Inter City League 09 of 09 A 2000 Mr McLaughlan Mark Bell ;Charlie Thomson ;Bobby Walker [Bobby Atherton] ;[Andrew McGeachan 44]
1097 1901-02 60 16:00 1902-05-24 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final A 6000 Mr James Baillie ----- [Andrew McGeachan]
1099 1902-03 2 18:45 1902-08-15 Fri s n


East of Scotland League 01 of 10 H 5000 Tom Robertson Bill Porteous 5 ;Bill Porteous 90 [Alex Robertson 2]
1108 1902-03 11 16:00 1902-09-13 Sat s n


Division 1 05 of 22 A 13000 J Hay ----- -----
1114 1902-03 17 16:00 1902-10-11 Sat s n


Division 1 11 of 22 H 14500 Mr Simpson Robert Dalrymple 6 [David Reid 46]
1124 1902-03 27 14:30 1902-12-13 Sat s n


Friendly H 4000 J Nisbet Alex Menzies ;John Hunter pen -----
1128 1902-03 31 13:00 1903-01-01 Thu s n


East of Scotland League 03 of 10 A 7000 DS Walker John Hunter 80 -----
1132 1902-03 35 14:45 1903-01-17 Sat s n


Inter City League 01 of 08 A 5000 J Hay ----- -----
1159 1902-03 62 19:00 1903-05-27 Wed s n


Benefit H 0 David Axford -----
1163 1903-04 4 18:30 1903-08-25 Tue s n


Player Testimonial A 3000 J Black Bobby Walker -----
1170 1903-04 11 15:30 1903-09-21 Mon s n


East of Scotland League 02 of 06 A 8000 Bobby Walker 85 -----
1174 1903-04 15 15:45 1903-10-10 Sat s n


Division 1 08 of 26 H 12500 John Deans Bobby Walker ;Bobby Walker -----
1183 1903-04 24 14:30 1903-12-05 Sat s n


Friendly A 7000 Alexander Edwards George Wilson ;Bill Porteous ;George Wilson [John Divers]
1187 1903-04 28 14:00 1904-01-01 Fri s n


Edinburgh City Cup Final H 7000 Mr James Baillie ----- -----
1196 1903-04 37 1904-02-20 Sat s n


Division 1 23 of 26 A 4000 J Martin George Wilson ;Bobby Walker ;David Axford ;David Wilson [Paddy Callaghan] ;[John Divers 89]
1211 1903-04 52 1904-05-03 Tue s n


Edinburgh City Cup FinalReplay A 1500 Peter Hodge John Hunter 10 ;David Axford ;David Axford ;John Anderson [1] ;Charlie Thomson pen [John Divers]
1212 1903-04 53 16:00 1904-05-07 Sat s n


Inter City League 07 of 07 H 4500 Tom Robertson Charlie Thomson pen [Archibald Gray pen]
1215 1903-04 56 19:00 1904-05-30 Mon s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 4000 Alexander A Jackson Bobby Walker ;David Wilson ;David Wilson -----
1216 1904-05 1 1904-08-15 Mon s n


East of Scotland League 01 of 11 H 4000 Robert T Murray Charles Yorke ;David Wilson -----
1231 1904-05 16 16:00 1904-10-08 Sat s n


East of Scotland League 04 of 11 A 7000 W Forrest James Brown 16 ;George Wilson [George Dalrymple 15] ;[Duncan McLean]
1234 1904-05 19 15:15 1904-10-29 Sat s n


Division 1 11 of 26 A 8000 Robert T Murray ----- [Bernard Donaghy 5] ;[Bernard Donaghy] ;[Duncan McLean]
1245 1904-05 30 12:00 1905-01-02 Mon s n


Division 1 20 of 26 H 9000 J Muir Charlie Thomson pen 80 -----
1260 1904-05 45 16:00 1905-04-08 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 10000 J McCorkindale Charlie Thomson pen [Robert Lawrie]
1262 1904-05 47 16:00 1905-04-15 Sat s n


EoSS Final1st Replay H 10000 J McCorkindale George Wilson ;Robert McNeil [John Campbell[4]] ;[John Campbell[4] 90]
1264 1904-05 49 16:00 1905-04-22 Sat s n


EoSS Final2nd Replay H 10000 J McCorkindale ----- [James Harrower 75]
1267 1904-05 52 16:00 1905-05-06 Sat s n


East of Scotland Cup SF A 6000 J Banks David Axford 3 [John Campbell[4]]
1270 1904-05 55 18:30 1905-05-11 Thu s n


East of Scotland Cup SFReplay H 5000 Robert T Murray Martin Moran ;David Axford 47 [John Campbell[4]]
1275 1905-06 1 18:45 1905-08-15 Tue s n


East of Scotland League 01 of 06 A 5500 Robert T Murray Bobby Walker 44 -----
1284 1905-06 10 15:00 1905-09-18 Mon s n


Division 1 07 of 30 A 15000 Alexander Edwards Bobby Walker 60 ;Bobby Walker ;Bobby Walker -----
1292 1905-06 18 15:00 1905-11-04 Sat s n


Division 1 13 of 30 H 10500 John Deans Alex Menzies 3 -----
1301 1905-06 27 12:00 1906-01-01 Mon s n


Wilson Cup Final H 10000 Mr Muir ----- [Adam Miller 85]
1318 1905-06 44 16:00 1906-04-14 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 10000 Robert T Murray David Wilson [] ;[George Stewart[1] 44]
1320 1905-06 46 12:00 1906-04-23 Mon s n


EoSS Final-Rematch H 5000 ----- -----
1329 1905-06 55 18:45 1906-05-15 Tue s n


EoSS FinalReplay A 5500 Robert T Murray George Couper ;Bobby Walker 85 [Robert Glen]
1331 1905-06 57 19:00 1906-05-30 Wed s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 3000 Robert T Murray ----- [Henry McCann] ;[Thomas Findlay]
1338 1906-07 7 18:20 1906-09-03 Mon s n


Player Benefit A 1500 Mr Alves Charlie Thomson pen [John Maconnachie]
1342 1906-07 11 15:30 1906-09-22 Sat s n


Division 1 06 of 34 H 11500 D Turnbull William Williamson ;Alex Menzies ;Thomas Pearson ;William Williamson [George Sneddon]
1362 1906-07 31 12:00 1907-01-01 Tue s n


Division 1 20 of 34 A 9000 Fred Kirkham ----- -----
1390 1906-07 59 1907-05-15 Wed s n


East of Scotland Cup Final H 3000 John Deans Bobby Walker -----
1391 1906-07 60 1907-05-25 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF H 7000 W Forrest Isaac Tomlinson 88 -----
1397 1907-08 5 1907-08-26 Mon s n


Player Benefit A 3000 D Riddell ----- [Paddy Callaghan] ;[Thomas Findlay]
1402 1907-08 10 14:30 1907-09-16 Mon s n


EoSS SF A 8000 JB Stark Charlie Thomson pen [Thomas Findlay 7]
1406 1907-08 14 15:15 1907-10-12 Sat s n


EoSS SFReplay H 11000 JB Stark ----- [James Main 44]
1411 1907-08 19 14:45 1907-11-16 Sat s n


Division 1 13 of 34 A 12000 J Wilson Basil Colombo ;Charlie Thomson ;James Dargue 89 [Richard Harker 3] ;[James Morton 20]
1418 1907-08 26 12:00 1908-01-01 Wed s n


East of Scotland League 03 of 04 H 8000 J Muir ----- [Paddy Callaghan] ;[Richard Harker] ;[Duncan Ritchie] ;[Paddy Callaghan]
1434 1907-08 42 1908-04-04 Sat s n


Division 1 30 of 34 H 5500 Robert T Murray Robert Ritchie 6 [James Peggie] ;[Duncan Ritchie 20]
1447 1908-09 3 18:45 1908-08-18 Tue s n


Friendly A 800 ----- [Lindsay] ;[Lindsay] ;[Brown [8]]
1455 1908-09 11 15:30 1908-09-19 Sat s n


Division 1 06 of 34 H 15000 JS Muir Rod Walker pen 50 [John Burnett]
1459 1908-09 15 15:30 1908-10-03 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 11000 CG Shaw George Sinclair ;George Sinclair [John O'Hara] ;[John O'Hara 89]
1466 1908-09 22 15:00 1908-11-07 Sat s n


Division 1 12 of 34 A 10000 JS Lyons Bobby Walker -----
1477 1908-09 33 12:00 1909-01-01 Fri s n


Wilson Cup Final A 7000 ----- [James Peggie]
1487 1908-09 43 15:30 1909-02-27 Sat s n


EoSS Final1st Replay H 7000 George Sinclair [William Smith]
1501 1908-09 57 1909-04-30 Fri s n


EoSS Final2nd Replay H 5000 ----- [William Smith]
1502 1908-09 58 15:30 1909-05-08 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF A 7000 Robert Burns 30 [John O'Hara 44] ;[John Sharp]
1507 1909-10 5 1909-09-11 Sat s n


North-Eastern Cup R1 H 10000 JB Stark Robert Burns 3 ;Robert Burns ;Dick Harker -----
1516 1909-10 14 15:30 1909-10-23 Sat s n


Division 1 09 of 34 A 14000 Robert T Murray Robert Burns 10 ;Dick Harker ;Samuel [1] Allan og ;Robert Burns [James Peggie]
1526 1909-10 24 1910-01-01 Sat s n


Division 1 18 of 34 H 14000 Alexander A Jackson Daniel Cavin -----
1537 1909-10 35 1910-02-19 Sat s n


Scottish Cup QF-Abandoned A 30000 JBF Stark Philip Cole 30 -----
1538 1909-10 36 1910-02-26 Sat s n


Scottish Cup QF H 25000 JBF Stark ----- [James Peggie 50]
1556 1909-10 54 1910-05-07 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF H 6000 J Bell ----- [Harry Anderson 50]
1560 1910-11 4 1910-08-17 Wed s n


Player Benefit H 2000 George Bennett ;Henry Brown -----
1562 1910-11 6 1910-08-22 Mon s n


HMFC Testimonial H 1500 Mr Berttram ----- [Hugh Thomson] ;[Hugh Thomson]
1563 1910-11 7 1910-08-24 Wed s n


Dunedin Cup SF A 4000 Tom Robertson Dick Harker ;George Sinclair ;George Sinclair [Donald Dixon 75] ;[Donald Dixon 84]
1577 1910-11 21 1910-10-22 Sat s n


Division 1 11 of 34 H 13500 JB Stark Dick Harker 60 ;Bobby Walker 85 -----
1588 1910-11 32 1911-01-02 Mon s n


Division 1 22 of 34 A 12000 JSH Mark ----- [David Anderson]
1610 1910-11 54 1911-05-06 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF H 8000 J Rennie Peter Nellies 40 [George Rae] ;[William Smith]
1615 1911-12 5 18:30 1911-08-23 Wed s n


Dunedin Cup SF A 9000 Tom Robertson ----- -----
1617 1911-12 7 18:20 1911-08-28 Mon s n


Dunedin Cup SFReplay H 9000 Tom Robertson Lol Abram pen ;George Sinclair -----
1641 1911-12 31 14:25 1911-12-09 Sat s n


Division 1 16 of 34 A 12000 J Bell Tommy Murray [1] 10 ;Tommy Murray [1] 40 ;Lol Abram 47 ;George Whitehead -----
1645 1911-12 35 12:30 1912-01-01 Mon s n


Division 1 20 of 34 H 18000 Tommy Murray [1] ;Tommy Murray [1] ;Tommy Murray [1] -----
1650 1911-12 40 15:00 1912-01-27 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R1 H 32000 JB Stark ----- -----
1651 1911-12 41 15:15 1912-02-03 Sat s n


Friendly A 14000 JB Stark Lol Abram [George Rae]
1652 1911-12 42 15:30 1912-02-10 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R11st Replay A 18000 JB Stark Bob Mercer 82 [Samuel Fleming 44]
1653 1911-12 43 1912-02-14 Wed s n


Scottish Cup R12nd Replay N 25000 JB Stark Percy Dawson 18 ;Lol Abram 50 ;Percy Dawson 52 [George Rae 75]
1669 1911-12 59 18:45 1912-04-30 Tue s n


Wilson Cup Final H 3000 Tom Robertson Willie Wilson ;George Sinclair -----
1682 1912-13 8 18:25 1912-08-28 Wed s n


Dunedin Cup Final H 9000 Tom Dougray Willie Wilson 0:30 -----
1688 1912-13 14 15:00 1912-09-16 Mon s n


EoSS SF A 11000 Tom Dougray Percy Dawson [Matthew Paterson pen]
1690 1912-13 16 15:30 1912-09-28 Sat s n


Division 1 06 of 34 H 20500 J Bell Peter Nellies 13 -----
1699 1912-13 25 15:00 1912-11-06 Wed s n


Inter City Midweek League 04 of 04 A 2500 Tom Robertson ----- [Duncan Currie og 0:55] ;[James Hendren]
1709 1912-13 35 12:00 1913-01-01 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 13000 JB Stark Percy Dawson 9 ;Willie Wilson 70 [Samuel Fleming 15] ;[James Hendren 20] ;[James Hendren 35]
1728 1912-13 54 18:15 1913-04-16 Wed s n


Division 1 31 of 34 A 4000 Tom Dougray Percy Dawson 30 ;Bobby Walker 40 ;Percy Dawson 50 -----
1734 1912-13 60 15:30 1913-05-10 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 8000 J Binnie ----- [James Forbes 15] ;[Peter Kerr 80]
1745 1913-14 11 18:20 1913-09-10 Wed s n


Benefit A 1500 Alfie Briggs [Samuel Fleming]
1756 1913-14 22 1913-11-08 Sat s n


Division 1 14 of 38 A 21000 J Bell Bob Mercer 35 ;Willie Wilson [Matthew Paterson pen]
1765 1913-14 31 12:00 1914-01-01 Thu s n


Wilson Cup Final H 14000 Alexander Edwards Harry Wattie [Samuel Fleming]
1773 1913-14 39 15:30 1914-02-14 Sat s n


Division 1 27 of 38 H 16000 GW Hamilton Bob Mercer 0:30 ;Albert Holmes 50 ;Percy Dawson [Robert Reid 30]
1789 1913-14 55 15:00 1914-04-20 Mon s n


Wilson Cup FinalReplay A 6000 Tom Dougray Harry Graham 88 -----
1793 1913-14 59 1914-04-30 Thu s n


EoSS Final A 800 Tom Dougray Jimmy Low 87 -----
1796 1913-14 62 1914-05-09 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final A 5000 Tom Dougray Harry Wattie ;Jimmy Low ;George Sinclair [Robert Wilson 10] ;[Robert Wilson]
1804 1914-15 6 18:20 1914-08-26 Wed s n


Dunedin Cup Final H 4750 L Wynne Tom Gracie 4 ;Harry Graham 8 ;Robert Malcolm 15 ;Harry Graham 75 ;Jimmy Speedie 80 ;Tom Gracie 88 -----
1820 1914-15 22 14:15 1914-12-05 Sat s n


Division 1 18 of 38 H 12000 J Lyons Harry Wattie 15 ;Harry Graham 60 ;Jimmy Low 85 [Archie Boyd og 65]
1825 1914-15 27 12:00 1915-01-01 Fri s n


Wilson Cup Final A 9000 Tom Dougray Willie Wilson 48 ;Harry Graham 52 [Matthew Paterson pen]
1835 1914-15 37 15:30 1915-02-27 Sat s n


Division 1 31 of 38 A 16000 H Humphrey Harry Graham 30 ;Tom Gracie 60 [Paddy Crossan og 15] ;[John [1915] Robertson 75]
1844 1914-15 46 15:30 1915-04-24 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 8000 Mr Adams Harry Wattie 67 -----
1853 1915-16 8 1915-09-20 Mon s n


Division 1 06 of 37 A 10000 Tom Dougray Teddy McGuire 5 ;Willie Wilson 10 [Robert Alexander]
1868 1915-16 23 1916-01-01 Sat s n


Wilson Cup Final H 6000 H Humphrey ----- [Henry Hutchison] ;[Henry Hutchison]
1884 1915-16 39 1916-04-17 Mon s n


Division 1 35 of 37 H 5000 Tom Dougray Peter Nellies [Robert Lennie] ;[Samuel Fleming] ;[Frank Newton]
1888 1915-16 43 1916-05-13 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 5000 L Wynne Harry Graham 10 ;Harry Graham 12 ;Fletcher Welsh ;Fletcher Welsh -----
1896 1916-17 8 1916-09-18 Mon s n


Division 1 06 of 38 H 5500 James Gilbert ;George Boag [William Miller]
1912 1916-17 24 1917-01-01 Mon s n


Wilson Cup Final A 6000 J Lyons ----- [Thomas Kilpatrick] ;[Thomas Kilpatrick] ;[John Meaney]
1930 1916-17 42 15:00 1917-04-16 Mon s n


Division 1 37 of 38 A 5000 J Lyons George Hilsdon ;Bert Denyer -----
1933 1916-17 45 15:30 1917-05-05 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF H 3000 WG Johnstone James Conacher ;Bert Denyer ;Tommy Ross -----
1939 1917-18 5 15:30 1917-09-01 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 34 H 7500 Robert Drummond 40 -----
1942 1917-18 8 15:00 1917-09-17 Mon s n


EoSS Final1st Leg A 7000 WG Johnstone ----- [Simpson] ;[William Robertson] ;[William Robertson] ;[Robert Smith[1]]
1958 1917-18 24 12:00 1918-01-01 Tue s n


Wilson Cup Final H 6000 Alexander Edwards James Dawson [William Miller] ;[William Miller] ;[Charles Campbell]
1963 1917-18 29 15:15 1918-02-02 Sat s n


Division 1 24 of 34 A 8000 Tom Robertson James Dawson ;George Sinclair 47 ;James Dawson [William Miller]
1973 1917-18 39 15:30 1918-04-15 Mon s n


EoSS Final2nd Leg H 6000 J Johnson James Dawson 4 [Thomas Kilpatrick 65]
1977 1917-18 43 15:30 1918-05-18 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 6000 G Simpson ----- [Andrew Moir] ;[Andrew Moir pen 85]
1985 1918-19 8 1918-09-16 Mon s n


EoSS Final1st Leg H 2000 Alexander Edwards Jack Sharp ;Jack Sharp [James Williamson]
1990 1918-19 13 15:45 1918-10-19 Sat s n


Division 1 10 of 34 A 3000 William Bell Andy Wilson ;Andy Wilson ;George P Miller [John King pen]
2000 1918-19 23 1919-01-01 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 7000 Tom Dougray George Sinclair ;Andy Wilson [Robert Gilmour] ;[John King]
2003 1918-19 26 1919-01-11 Sat s n


Division 1 21 of 34 H 12000 JB Stevenson Andy Wilson 3 ;Andy Wilson 6 ;Andy Wilson 35 [Alex Grosart]
2022 1918-19 45 1919-05-07 Wed s n


EoSS Final & Final2nd Leg H 12000 Andy Wilson pen 70 -----
2024 1918-19 47 1919-05-17 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 14000 L Wynne Arthur Lochhead 5 ;Arthur Lochhead 10 [Hugh Shaw pen]
2032 1919-20 8 1919-09-15 Mon s n


Division 1 06 of 42 A 18000 J Lyons Tommy Ross ;John Low ;George Sinclair ;George Sinclair [William Miller] ;[William Stage]
2050 1919-20 26 1920-01-01 Thu s n


Division 1 23 of 42 H 22000 J Bell Willie Wilson [Robert Birrell og 0:55] ;[Peter Nellies og] ;[James Williamson]
2077 1919-20 53 1920-05-03 Mon s n


EoSS Final H 4000 Tom Dougray Freddie Forbes 30 [George Anderson 85]
2078 1919-20 54 1920-05-05 Wed s n


EoSS Final & FinalReplay H 8000 Tom Dougray Angus Meikle ;John Murphy ;Harry Graham 65 [William Stage]
2080 1919-20 56 1920-05-15 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 14000 W Bertram George P Miller 6 ;Arthur Lochhead 7 -----
2087 1920-21 6 1920-08-28 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 42 H 27500 L Wynne George Sinclair 20 ;Freddie Forbes 22 ;Willie Wilson 27 ;John Murphy 80 ;Freddie Forbes 82 [Bobby Templeton pen 48]
2109 1920-21 28 1921-01-01 Sat s n


Division 1 25 of 42 A 26000 Alexander A Jackson ----- [Jimmy Dunn] ;[John Halligan] ;[John Walker]
2134 1920-21 53 1921-04-20 Wed s n


Dunedin Cup Final H 15000 JR Grant (1) Jock Ramage pen 47 ;George P Miller -----
2140 1920-21 59 1921-05-03 Tue s n


Wilson Cup Final A 8000 WG Johnstone ----- [William Miller 50]
2142 1920-21 61 1921-05-06 Fri s n


EoSS Final H 5000 J Martin (2) ----- [Harry Ritchie 86]
2153 1921-22 8 1921-09-10 Sat s n


Division 1 06 of 42 A 20000 GH McKenzie Bob Preston 75 [David Anderson 15] ;[David Anderson 25]
2176 1921-22 31 1922-01-02 Mon s n


Division 1 25 of 42 H 30500 JB Stevenson ----- [James Buchanan 6] ;[Jimmy Dunn 85]
2199 1921-22 54 1922-04-19 Wed s n


EoSS SF A 10000 A Allan ----- [John Walker] ;[James Buchanan]
2201 1921-22 56 1922-04-26 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 8000 GH McKenzie John Murphy 2 ;John Murphy [Hugh Shaw] ;[Harry Ritchie pen] ;[James Buchanan] ;[Harry Ritchie]
2203 1921-22 58 1922-05-06 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup SF H 13000 JW Smith ----- [James Buchanan 90]
2204 1921-22 59 1922-05-10 Wed s n


Relief Fund Final H 6000 A Allan ----- [James Buchanan]
2212 1922-23 8 1922-08-30 Wed s n


EoSS Final H 20711 A Allan Jock White 44 [James Buchanan 80]
2218 1922-23 14 1922-09-23 Sat s n


Division 1 07 of 38 H 31500 Peter Craigmyle James A Henderson 47 ;Jock White pen [Jimmy Dunn 6] ;[Harry Ritchie 80]
2235 1922-23 31 12:00 1923-01-01 Mon s n


Division 1 22 of 38 A 25000 M Quinn Jock White 30 [John Halligan] ;[John Walker]
2254 1922-23 50 1923-04-25 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 8000 M Quinn ----- -----
2255 1922-23 51 1923-04-27 Fri s n


Wilson Cup FinalReplay H 6000 M Quinn Willie Wilson ;John Murphy [John Halligan 84]
2258 1922-23 54 1923-04-30 Mon s n


EoSS FinalReplay H 6000 Peter Craigmyle John Murphy 75 [John Walker 5] ;[James McColl 50]
2260 1922-23 56 1923-05-12 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 11000 A Allan Jock White 2 ;Jimmy White 89 [James McColl 44]
2261 1922-23 57 1923-05-15 Tue s n


Benefit H 5000 JM Dickson Jock White 43 ;Jock White pen 67 [Jimmy Dunn 5]
2269 1923-24 8 1923-09-05 Wed s n


EoSS Final H 11000 Tom Dougray Jock White 20 [Harry Ritchie pen 25]
2270 1923-24 9 1923-09-08 Sat s n


Division 1 04 of 38 A 20000 H Humphrey Jock White 80 [Jimmy Dunn 6]
2289 1923-24 28 12:00 1924-01-01 Tue s n


Division 1 22 of 38 H 26000 William Bell Jock White 54 [Jimmy Dunn 88]
2314 1923-24 53 19:00 1924-04-22 Tue s n


Wilson Cup Final H 8000 T McMillan Lachlan Macmillan ;Lachlan Macmillan ;Lachlan Macmillan ;Tim Williamson [Harry Ritchie 50]
2317 1923-24 56 19:00 1924-04-29 Tue s n


EoSS FinalReplay A 7000 John A Martin Jock White 25 [George Murray 28] ;[George Murray 54]
2319 1923-24 58 15:00 1924-05-10 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 12000 J Kilbride ----- [James McColl] ;[Jimmy Dunn]
2325 1924-25 6 19:00 1924-08-27 Wed s n


EoSS SF H 17000 M Quinn ----- -----
2339 1924-25 20 15:00 1924-10-18 Sat s n


Division 1 13 of 38 H 33500 WF Campbell William H Miller og 13 ;Jock White 28 -----
2350 1924-25 31 12:00 1925-01-01 Thu s n


Division 1 24 of 38 A 25000 A Allan John Murphy 40 [John Walker 52] ;[Jimmy Dunn 59]
2368 1924-25 49 18:00 1925-04-15 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 5000 J Binnie ----- [John Walker 44]
2372 1924-25 53 15:15 1925-04-25 Sat s n


EoSS SFReplay A 14000 Tom Dougray ----- [James McColl 70]
2375 1924-25 56 15:00 1925-05-16 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 11000 J Binnie ----- [Jimmy Dunn 60]
2383 1925-26 8 19:00 1925-09-02 Wed s n


Player Benefit A 7000 J Pryor Jock White 5 ;Alex Wright 10 ;William Black 15 [Harry Ritchie 60] ;[Harry Ritchie 68]
2390 1925-26 15 1925-09-16 Wed s n


EoSS Final H 11000 Tom Dougray William Black 44 [Jimmy Dunn 23] ;[John Clark[2] 78]
2397 1925-26 22 15:15 1925-10-17 Sat s n


Division A 11 of 38 A 20000 R Innes ----- -----
2408 1925-26 33 12:00 1926-01-01 Fri s n


Division A 22 of 38 H 33000 J Martin (3) John Slavin 53 [Peter Kerr 34] ;[Harry Ritchie pen 46] ;[Harry Ritchie 47] ;[John Halligan 62]
2432 1925-26 57 1926-04-22 Thu s n


Dunedin Cup Final H 4000 Peter Craigmyle Chris Martin 35 ;Jock White 41 [Harry Ritchie]
2436 1925-26 61 1926-04-28 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 5000 J Pryor Jock White 15 ;John McNeil [2] 25 [John Walker 75]
2447 1926-27 9 1926-09-08 Wed s n


Friendly A 6000 H McLachlan Tom Reid 1 ;Colin Dand 20 ;Bruce Harley 35 -----
2451 1926-27 13 1926-09-20 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 13000 Peter Craigmyle John McNeil [2] 30 ;John A Johnston 35 ;Willie Murray 40 ;John McNeil [2] 48 ;John McNeil [2] 85 [Thomas Haggarty 60]
2457 1926-27 19 15:00 1926-10-30 Sat s s


Division A 12 of 38 H 25500 Tom Dougray Jock White 11 ;Jock White 44 [Harry Ritchie pen 20] ;[James McColl 54]
2466 1926-27 28 12:00 1927-01-01 Sat s n


Division A 21 of 38 A 27000 R Morrison Bill Henderson 5 ;Jock White 31 [Harry Ritchie 20] ;[John Halligan 82]
2488 1926-27 50 19:00 1927-04-27 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 5500 A Scott Willie Murray 84 [Jimmy Dunn 8] ;[John Bradley 47]
2492 1926-27 54 15:00 1927-05-14 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 8000 AH Leishman Lachlan Macmillan 103 -----
2499 1927-28 7 18:45 1927-08-31 Wed s n


EoSS Final H 10000 Tom Dougray Willie Murray 15 ;Tim Morgan 63 [James McColl] ;[John Halligan]
2503 1927-28 11 15:30 1927-09-19 Mon s n


EoSS FinalReplay A 12000 Tom Dougray Tim Morgan 67 [Harry Ritchie 87] ;[John Bradley 90]
2507 1927-28 15 15:15 1927-10-15 Sat s n


Division A 10 of 38 A 31000 R Morrison Hugh Shaw pen 35 [James McColl 20] ;[Edward Gilfeather 65]
2519 1927-28 27 12:00 1928-01-02 Mon s n


Division A 22 of 38 H 36000 Tom Dougray Lachlan Macmillan 13 ;Lachlan Macmillan 47 [James McColl 3] ;[John Bradley 52]
2545 1927-28 53 19:00 1928-04-25 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 5000 William Bell Bruce Harley 25 ;Tim Morgan ;Jimmy Smith pen -----
2556 1928-29 8 18:45 1928-09-05 Wed s n


EoSS Final A 11000 Peter Craigmyle Jimmy Smith pen 55 ;David Edgar 87 [John Halligan 20] ;[James McColl 50] ;[John Halligan 70]
2560 1928-29 12 18:30 1928-09-18 Tue s n


Player Benefit A 1000 H McLachlan Faulds 35 -----
2567 1928-29 19 15:00 1928-10-20 Sat s n


Division A 11 of 38 H 28000 AH Leishman Jimmy Smith 50 [Henry Brown 6]
2579 1928-29 31 12:00 1929-01-01 Tue s n


Division A 23 of 38 A 25000 R Morrison ----- [James McColl 75]
2585 1928-29 37 1929-02-02 Sat s n


Wilson Cup Final A 12000 C Bilney Willie Murray [John Halligan]
2599 1928-29 51 1929-04-17 Wed s s


Dunedin Cup Final H 5000 Tom Dougray Barney Battles Jnr 13 ;Andrew Miller 16 ;Barney Battles Jnr 18 ;Andrew Miller 21 ;Jimmy Smith 31 ;Barney Battles Jnr 40 ;Barney Battles Jnr pen 54 ;Barney Battles Jnr 75 [John Frew 44] ;[Archibald Connell 49]
2604 1928-29 56 19:00 1929-04-30 Tue s s


Wilson Cup FinalReplay H 6000 Tom Dougray Barney Battles Jnr 18 ;Hugh Shaw 32 ;Robert Johnstone 67 ;Barney Battles Jnr 70 ;George Mason 87 [James McColl 80]
2606 1928-29 58 15:15 1929-05-11 Sat s s


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 8000 C Ritchie Barney Battles Jnr pen 50 ;Barney Battles Jnr 51 ;Barney Battles Jnr 60 ;Barney Battles Jnr ;Jimmy Smith [James McColl 53]
2619 1929-30 6 1929-08-21 Wed s n


Friendly N 500 Tom Dougray Andrew Miller 5 ;Tim Morgan 7 ;Tim Morgan -----
2622 1929-30 9 1929-09-03 Tue s n


EoSS Final H 8000 Tom Dougray Peter Kerr pen 31 ;Tim Morgan 37 ;Tim Morgan 53 ;Lachlan Macmillan [Henry Brown 10] ;[James McColl 30] ;[Pratt A Gordon og 50] ;[James McColl]
2628 1929-30 15 1929-09-16 Mon s n


EoSS FinalReplay A 10000 Tom Dougray Barney Battles Jnr 55 [John Halligan]
2635 1929-30 22 1929-10-26 Sat s n


Division A 12 of 38 A 27000 A Stewart Andrew Miller 32 [James Dobson 44]
2645 1929-30 32 1930-01-01 Wed s n


Division A 22 of 38 H 15000 William E Webb Willie Murray 19 [James Preston 67]
2654 1929-30 41 1930-02-15 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 A 28000 Peter Craigmyle Andrew Miller 14 ;Barney Battles Jnr 30 ;Barney Battles Jnr 72 [Robert Sclater 22]
2669 1929-30 56 19:00 1930-04-16 Wed s n


Dunedin Cup Final H 6000 Tom Dougray ----- -----
2671 1929-30 58 1930-04-23 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 4000 Tom Dougray ----- [Thomas Lauder 68]
2685 1930-31 12 11:30 1930-09-15 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 12000 Tom Dougray Barney Battles Jnr 5 ;Lachlan Macmillan 30 ;Barney Battles Jnr 43 ;John Jaap ;John Jaap 75 [Henry Brown 9] ;[Andrew Main 20] ;[John Bradley] ;[Andrew Main]
2686 1930-31 13 15:00 1930-09-20 Sat s n


Division A 07 of 38 H 23000 J Hudson Willie Murray 25 ;Barney Battles Jnr ;Willie Murray ;Barney Battles Jnr [Andrew Main]
2703 1930-31 30 12:00 1931-01-01 Thu s n


Division A 22 of 38 A 20000 J Baillie John Jaap 84 ;Stewart Chalmers 87 [Charles Brown 42] ;[John Taylor 49]
2723 1930-31 50 1931-04-20 Mon s n


Dunedin Cup Final H 5000 Mungo Charles Hutton Willie Murray ;Robert Marshall 47 ;Robert Marshall pen 60 -----
2727 1930-31 54 1931-04-30 Thu s n


Wilson Cup Final A 2000 Tom Dougray Robert Marshall 54 ;Alex Massie pen [Thomas Lauder 42] ;[William Watson pen] ;[Thomas Lauder 85]
2774 1931-32 45 17:30 1932-04-06 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 4000 Mungo Charles Hutton Jock White 0:55 ;Jock White pen 39 ;Barney Battles Jnr 84 [James Dobson]
2789 1932-33 7 18:45 1932-08-31 Wed s n


EoSS Final H 14000 J Baillie Jock White 42 ;Tommy Walker 75 ;Jock White 81 ;Robert Johnstone 85 -----
2810 1932-33 28 14:15 1932-12-26 Mon s n


Wilson Cup Final A 12000 Tom Dougray John J Smith 3 ;Willie Murray 78 [Peter Flucker] ;[Peter Flucker] ;[Peter Flucker]
2822 1932-33 40 15:00 1933-03-04 Sat s n


Scottish Cup QF A 33579 Tom Dougray ----- -----
2823 1932-33 41 15:30 1933-03-08 Wed s n


Scottish Cup QFReplay H 41034 Tom Dougray Robert Johnstone 7 ;Willie Murray 30 -----
2834 1932-33 52 19:00 1933-04-26 Wed s n


Dunedin Cup Final H 5557 W Dawson John J Smith 15 -----
2849 1933-34 9 15:00 1933-09-09 Sat s n


Division A 06 of 38 H 32853 DF Reilly ----- -----
2868 1933-34 28 12:00 1934-01-01 Mon s n


Division A 24 of 38 A 30000 William E Webb Alex Massie 35 ;Alex Massie 43 ;James A Reid 60 ;James A Reid 65 [Peter Flucker 33]
2875 1933-34 35 15:00 1934-02-10 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 15000 Mungo Charles Hutton Archie Gardiner 38 ;William Coutts 65 ;Archie Miller 84 ;Robert Johnstone 86 -----
2892 1933-34 52 1934-04-30 Mon s n


Wilson Cup Final A 5000 Tom Dougray William Coutts 60 ;James A Reid 72 -----
2895 1933-34 55 15:00 1934-05-12 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 4919 J Thomson James A Reid 76 ;James A Reid 83 [Wilfred Sharp 6]
2906 1934-35 11 15:00 1934-09-08 Sat s n


Division A 06 of 38 A 24038 Hugh Watson ----- [John Borland 50]
2927 1934-35 32 12:00 1935-01-01 Tue s n


Division A 24 of 38 H 28743 Mungo Charles Hutton David McCulloch 5 ;Tommy Walker 10 ;David McCulloch 57 ;Robert Johnstone 75 ;Tommy Walker 82 [Peter Wilson 30] ;[Robert Walls 55]
2949 1934-35 54 1935-04-23 Tue s n


EoSS Final A 4000 Mungo Charles Hutton James Hector Wilkinson og ;Tommy Walker pen [Alfred Anderson] ;[Alfred Anderson 15] ;[Willie Black] ;[Alfred Anderson]
2953 1934-35 58 19:00 1935-04-30 Tue s n


Wilson Cup Final H 6199 Mungo Charles Hutton David McCulloch 17 ;Tommy Walker pen 44 ;Tommy Walker pen 49 ;David McCulloch 60 -----
2959 1935-36 3 1935-08-14 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 12000 Mungo Charles Hutton David McCulloch 5 ;Archie Miller ;David McCulloch ;David McCulloch 65 [Thomas Brady 22] ;[Alfred Anderson 48] ;[Andy Anderson og]
2968 1935-36 12 15:00 1935-09-21 Sat s n


Division A 09 of 38 H 27014 J Horsburgh Tommy Walker 4 ;Tommy Walker 5 ;Andy Black 20 ;Andy Black 32 ;Charlie Wipfler 48 ;Alex Munro 50 ;Charlie Wipfler 83 ;David McCulloch 85 [Robert Walls 51] ;[Willie Black 61] ;[Thomas Brady 67]
2986 1935-36 30 14:15 1936-01-01 Wed s n


Division A 23 of 38 A 37306 William E Webb John Harvey 30 [Thomas Brady 87]
3016 1936-37 4 19:00 1936-08-12 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 12000 J Horsburgh Andy Black 30 ;Freddie Warren 33 ;Alex M Anderson 90 [Willie Black 7] ;[Willie Black 50]
3026 1936-37 14 1936-09-19 Sat s n


Division A 09 of 38 A 27471 W Wilson Freddie Warren 35 ;Andy Black 42 ;Alex Munro 58 [Willie Black 25] ;[James Miller 40] ;[Willie Black 89]
3043 1936-37 31 14:00 1937-01-01 Fri s n


Division A 23 of 38 H 38908 William E Webb Freddie Warren 3 ;Bill Walsh 30 ;Andy Black 48 [James Harrison 0:12] ;[James Harrison 60]
3060 1936-37 48 15:00 1937-04-17 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 7431 Mungo Charles Hutton Charlie Wipfler 33 ;Bill Walsh ;Freddie Warren ;Alex Ferguson 80 ;Bill Walsh 83 ;Alex Ferguson 86 [Patrick Farrell 2] ;[Patrick Farrell]
3066 1936-37 54 15:00 1937-05-15 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 5973 J Horsburgh Alex Ferguson 53 ;Bill Walsh 79 -----
3069 1937-38 3 19:00 1937-08-18 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 12000 J Hudson Andy Black 30 ;Tommy Walker ;Alex Ferguson 86 ;Andy Black 89 [Thomas McIntyre]
3074 1937-38 8 1937-09-08 Wed s n


Club Benefit N 0 PW Gardiner Alex M Anderson ;Bill Walsh 15 ;Bill Walsh 67 [Newman 2] ;[James Harrison 35] ;[Newman 65]
3075 1937-38 9 15:00 1937-09-11 Sat s n


Division A 06 of 38 H 29158 W Wilson Duncan McClure 12 ;Andy Black 24 ;Tommy Walker pen 52 [James Harrison 39] ;[James Harrison 88]
3093 1937-38 27 14:00 1938-01-01 Sat s n


Division A 22 of 38 A 37606 William E Webb Arthur Biggs 54 ;Freddie Warren 82 [Thomas McIntyre 43] ;[Alex Davidson 83]
3111 1937-38 45 19:00 1938-04-18 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 4700 J Horsburgh ----- [Willie Finnigan 72] ;[Thomas McIntyre 75] ;[Thomas McIntyre 77] ;[Bobby Nutley 85]
3122 1938-39 4 19:00 1938-08-17 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 15583 WR McCulloch Tommy Walker pen ;Jimmy Briscoe 85 -----
3128 1938-39 10 1938-09-10 Sat s n


Division A 06 of 38 A 30000 J Baillie ----- [Thomas McIntyre 30] ;[Thomas McIntyre 43] ;[Arthur Milne 77] ;[Thomas McIntyre 87]
3146 1938-39 28 14:00 1939-01-02 Mon s n


Division A 24 of 38 H 45061 William E Webb ----- [Arthur Milne 82]
3164 1938-39 46 15:00 1939-04-15 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 4286 J Horsburgh Andy Black 85 [Bobby Nutley 8] ;[Bobby Nutley 51] ;[Arthur Milne 68]
3172 1939-40 4 19:00 1939-08-16 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 11000 William E Webb Tommy Walker 5 ;Tommy Walker 6 -----
0 1939-40 0

1939-09-09 Sat


Division A H 0 Cancelled - Outbreak of WWII
3178 1939-40 10 15:00 1939-09-23 Sat s n


Friendly H 6000 J Horsburgh Andy Black ;Robert Boyd [Bobby Nutley] ;[Samuel Kean] ;[Bobby Nutley] ;[Arthur Milne]
3192 1939-40 24 14:00 1940-01-01 Mon s s


War League Eastern Division 12 of 29 A 12000 Peter Craigmyle John Donaldson 13 ;John Donaldson 33 ;Jimmy Briscoe 44 ;George Reynolds Gilmour 44:55 ;George Reynolds Gilmour 47 ;Tommy Walker 85 [John Cuthbertson 15] ;[Willie Finnigan 22] ;[Bobby Nutley 35] ;[John Cuthbertson 70] ;[John Cuthbertson 75]
3207 1939-40 39 15:00 1940-04-06 Sat s n


War League Eastern Division 21 of 29 H 6419 Peter Craigmyle Tommy Walker 4 ;Robert McCartney 27 ;Tommy Walker 58 ;Robert McCartney 83 -----
3215 1939-40 47 1940-05-15 Wed s n


EoSS Final A 2001 William E Webb Andy Black 15 ;Willie Phillips 40 ;Tommy Brown 48 [John Gilmartin 3] ;[John Gilmartin 88]
3218 1939-40 50 15:00 1940-06-01 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 2920 J Horsburgh Tommy Walker 15 ;Tommy Walker [Willie Finnigan 5] ;[John Cuthbertson 40] ;[Arthur Milne] ;[Arthur Milne] ;[Arthur Milne]
3221 1940-41 3 1940-08-14 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final H 3085 Mungo Charles Hutton Edward Broadley 2 ;Edward Broadley 15 ;Tommy Walker 48 [John Cuthbertson 20] ;[John Gilmartin 25]
3225 1940-41 7 1940-09-07 Sat s n


Southern Football League 05 of 30 A 13000 Andy Black 44 [John Cuthbertson 20] ;[Willie Finnigan 38]
0 1940-41 0

1941-01-01 Wed


Wartime S H 0 Postponed - Snow
3249 1940-41 31 1941-03-08 Sat s n


Southern League Cup Section 2 of 6 A 10000 JM Martin Tommy Walker 6 ;George Hay 61 [Thomas Adams 25] ;[Jimmy Dykes og 35] ;[William Anderson 51]
3252 1940-41 34 15:00 1941-03-29 Sat s n


Southern League Cup Section 5 of 6 H 18893 J Horsburgh Tommy Brown 15 ;Tommy Walker 35 ;Alex Massie 52 ;George Hamilton 61 ;Bobby Christie 85 [William Anderson 51] ;[William Anderson 72]
3256 1940-41 38 19:00 1941-04-28 Mon s n


Southern Football League 29 of 30 H 3004 Charles Edward Faultless Tommy Walker ;Tommy Walker ;Tommy Walker pen [Gordon Smith] ;[Bobby Combe 60] ;[Thomas Adams] ;[Gordon Smith] ;[Gordon Smith pen]
3260 1940-41 42 1941-05-31 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final A 5352 J Horsburgh Bobby Christie 53 ;Tommy Walker 75 -----
3268 1941-42 3 1941-08-13 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 4000 JR Boyd Jimmy Dykes 80 -----
3272 1941-42 7 15:00 1941-09-06 Sat s n


Southern Football League 05 of 30 H 20000 WJ Robertson Tommy Walker 40 ;George B Smith 55 [Willie Finnigan 0:55] ;[Bobby Combe 14] ;[Gordon Smith 17] ;[Bobby Baxter 31]
3289 1941-42 24 1942-01-01 Thu s n


Southern Football League 22 of 30 A 21525 Tommy Walker 6 ;George B Smith [Matt Busby 15] ;[Gordon Smith]
3307 1941-42 42 1942-05-16 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 8000 JR Boyd Andy Black 33 ;Tommy Walker 42 ;Alex McCrae 72 [Gordon Smith pen 48] ;[Bobby Combe 87]
3308 1941-42 43 1942-05-23 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 8380 JR Boyd Alex McCrae 60 [Andy Aitken 72]
3317 1942-43 5 1942-09-05 Sat s n


Southern Football League 05 of 30 A 25000 W Davidson Jackie Gillies 10 ;Robert Beattie 86 [Gordon Smith 82] ;[Gordon Smith 88]
3334 1942-43 22 1943-01-01 Fri s n


Southern Football League 22 of 30 H 6243 Jackie Gillies [John Cuthbertson] ;[Arthur Milne] ;[Gordon Smith] ;[Gordon Smith]
3350 1942-43 38 15:00 1943-05-08 Sat s n


EoSS Final-Abandoned H 300 J Jackson Archie Kelly 29 [Doug Wallace 28]
3351 1942-43 39 15:00 1943-05-15 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 6897 J Jackson Tommy Walker 3 ;Alex Smith 44 [William Anderson 20] ;[James Caskie 30] ;[Gordon Smith]
3352 1942-43 40 15:00 1943-05-22 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 5537 J Jackson Alex Smith 24 [Doug Wallace 86]
3360 1943-44 6 15:00 1943-09-11 Sat s n


Southern Football League 05 of 30 H 16767 ----- [Willie Finnigan 46]
3362 1943-44 8 1943-09-20 Mon s n


Wilson Cup Final H 5072 JL McCauley Willie MacFarlane 12 ;Archie Kelly 85 [Leonard Butt 75]
3377 1943-44 23 1944-01-01 Sat s n


Southern Football League 21 of 30 A 22000 Alex McCrae 78 -----
3393 1943-44 39 1944-05-13 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 4884 Ken Currie 30 ;Archie Kelly 72 [George Marshalsay 25]
3394 1943-44 40 1944-05-27 Sat s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final H 8068 CR Blues Jimmy Inglis 30 [Thomas McIntyre 7] ;[Tommy Bogan 15] ;[Thomas McIntyre 46] ;[John Cuthbertson 47]
3404 1944-45 6 1944-09-09 Sat s n


Southern Football League 05 of 30 A 20000 CR Blues Stirton Smith 18 [John Devlin 8] ;[Bobby Nutley 58] ;[Gordon Smith 70]
3406 1944-45 8 1944-09-18 Mon s n


Wilson Cup Final H 6920 G Bruce Archie Kelly 53 ;Malcolm McLure [Tommy Bogan 2] ;[William Peat 4] ;[John Devlin] ;[William Peat] ;[William Peat] ;[Tommy Bogan]
3422 1944-45 24 1945-01-01 Mon s n


Southern Football League 22 of 30 H 23507 Alex McCrae 12 ;Alex McCrae 48 ;Jackie Oakes 69 -----
3436 1944-45 38 1945-04-16 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 9448 R Calder Alex McCrae [Bobby Baxter 35] ;[Gordon Smith 49] ;[William Rice 55]
3438 1944-45 40 1945-05-09 Wed s n


Rosebery Charity Cup Final A 15252 J Calder Andy Black 29 ;Andy Black 85 [John Weir 7] ;[John Weir 68]
3444 1945-46 2 1945-08-15 Wed s n


Wilson Cup Final A 9000 JL McCauley Archie Kelly 87 [William Peat 4] ;[Charles McMullen 49] ;[Gordon Smith 55] ;[Robert Docherty 75]
3448 1945-46 6 1945-09-08 Sat s n


Southern Football League Division A 05 of 30 H 31525 R Calder ----- [Arthur Milne 23] ;[Arthur Milne 37]
3465 1945-46 23 1946-01-01 Tue s n


Southern Football League Division A 22 of 30 A 36000 Peter Craigmyle ----- [Arthur Milne 53]
3484 1945-46 42 1946-05-04 Sat s n


Victory Cup (WWII) R2 H 39323 William E Webb Archie Kelly 20 [John Weir 15] ;[John Weir 35] ;[William Peat 90]
3485 1945-46 43 1946-05-11 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 25625 A Watt Willie MacFarlane 56 ;Alfie Conn 72 ;Alex McCrae 84 [David Shaw 12] ;[Alex Wright 20]
3495 1946-47 9 15:00 1946-09-07 Sat s n


Division A 09 of 30 A 39000 R Calder Alex McCrae 17 -----
3512 1946-47 26 14:20 1947-01-01 Wed s n


Division A 20 of 30 H 33810 Peter Craigmyle Dick Whitehead 56 ;Archie Kelly 80 [Eddie Turnbull 27] ;[Gordon Smith 37] ;[Willie Finnigan]
3530 1946-47 44 19:30 1947-05-12 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 19753 R Calder Alfie Conn 81 [Eddie Turnbull 11] ;[Willie Ormond 85]
3532 1947-48 1 15:00 1947-08-09 Sat s n


League Cup Section 1 of 6 A 43000 Peter Craigmyle John Urquhart 14 ;Archie Kelly 87 [Willie Ormond 82]
3538 1947-48 7 15:00 1947-08-30 Sat s n


League Cup Section 4 of 6 H 39268 RG Benzie Davie Laing 1:25 ;Archie Kelly 44 [Leslie Johnston 73]
3542 1947-48 11 15:00 1947-09-20 Sat s n


Division A 03 of 30 H 47752 MC Dale Davie Laing pen 55 ;John Urquhart 76 [Willie Ormond 87]
3558 1947-48 27 14:00 1948-01-01 Thu s n


Division A 17 of 30 A 45000 George Mitchell Arthur Dixon 79 [Willie Ormond pen 54] ;[Alex Linwood 64] ;[Eddie Turnbull 84]
3581 1948-49 3 15:00 1948-08-21 Sat s n


Division A 03 of 30 A 40000 George Mitchell Ken Currie 46 [Alex Linwood 23] ;[Alex Linwood 32] ;[Eddie Turnbull 60]
3602 1948-49 24 14:00 1949-01-01 Sat s n


Division A 17 of 30 H 45030 William E Webb Bobby Flavell 18 ;Willie Bauld 19:30 ;Alfie Conn 89:30 [Lawrie Reilly 73] ;[Bobby Combe 87]
3618 1948-49 40 18:30 1949-04-11 Mon s n


EoSS Final H 17151 J Gaffney ----- [Gordon Smith 40] ;[Eddie Turnbull 78] ;[John Cuthbertson 82]
3637 1949-50 12 1949-09-24 Sat s s


Division A 03 of 30 H 37730 P Fitzpatrick Alfie Conn 5 ;Willie Bauld 10 ;Alfie Conn 46 ;Bobby Flavell 53 ;Willie Bauld 54 [Bobby Combe 66] ;[Gordon Smith 81]
3652 1949-50 27 14:00 1950-01-02 Mon s n


Division A 17 of 30 A 65860 Jack Mowat Alfie Conn 52 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 78 [Gordon Smith 30]
3683 1950-51 9 15:00 1950-09-23 Sat s n


Division A 03 of 30 A 44976 Jack Mowat Tommy Sloan 72 -----
3698 1950-51 24 14:00 1951-01-01 Mon s n


Division A 18 of 30 H 41832 WJ Brown Alfie Conn 10 ;Tommy Sloan 43 [Gordon Smith 85]
3719 1950-51 45 19:00 1951-05-15 Tue s n


EoSS Final A 20000 Jack Mowat Willie Bauld 83 [Eddie Turnbull 38] ;[Archie Buchanan 87]
3734 1951-52 10 15:00 1951-09-22 Sat s n


Division A 03 of 30 H 44842 Charles Edward Faultless Alfie Conn 13 [Lawrie Reilly 11]
3750 1951-52 26 14:00 1952-01-01 Tue s n


Division A 18 of 30 A 39000 Jack Mowat Jimmy Wardhaugh 17 ;Willie Bauld 24 ;Willie Bauld 44 [Lawrie Reilly 25] ;[Lawrie Reilly 51]
3771 1951-52 47 15:00 1952-05-03 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 22000 Jack Mowat ----- [Lawrie Reilly 54] ;[Bobby Combe 59] ;[Bobby Combe 61]
3785 1952-53 10 15:00 1952-09-20 Sat s n


Division A 03 of 30 A 50000 Jack Mowat Bobby Parker pen 89 [Lawrie Reilly 11] ;[Lawrie Reilly 44] ;[Lawrie Reilly 49]
3800 1952-53 25 14:00 1953-01-01 Thu s n


Division A 18 of 30 H 41085 Charles Edward Faultless John Urquhart 82 [Lawrie Reilly 9] ;[Eddie Turnbull pen 52]
3818 1952-53 43 19:00 1953-05-07 Thu s n


EoSS Final A 20000 Jack Mowat Jimmy Wardhaugh 41 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh [Lawrie Reilly 6] ;[Lawrie Reilly 7] ;[Gordon Smith 40] ;[Eddie Turnbull pen 70]
3832 1953-54 9 15:00 1953-09-19 Sat s n


Division A 03 of 30 H 45000 George Mitchell Alfie Conn 26 ;Bobby Parker pen 56 ;Willie Bauld 70 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 86 -----
3853 1953-54 30 14:00 1954-01-01 Fri s n


Division A 18 of 30 A 48000 Charles Edward Faultless Jim Souness 61 ;Willie Bauld 85 [Tommy McDonald 43]
3868 1953-54 45 15:00 1954-04-10 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 11000 Charles Edward Faultless Jimmy Wardhaugh 34 -----
3893 1954-55 9 15:00 1954-09-18 Sat s n


Division A 02 of 30 A 42000 R Morris Alfie Conn 28 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 57 ;Alfie Conn 82 [Bobby Johnstone 49] ;[Willie Ormond pen 56]
3900 1954-55 16 19:15 1954-10-18 Mon s n


Floodlight Friendly A 25000 Jack Mowat Ron Tulloch 50 ;Jimmy Whittle 75 -----
3913 1954-55 29 14:00 1955-01-01 Sat s n


Division A 14 of 30 H 49000 R Morris Alfie Conn 15 ;Willie Bauld 48 ;Willie Bauld 53 ;Jim Souness 76 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 84 [Bobby Johnstone pen 73]
3917 1954-55 33 15:00 1955-02-05 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R5 H 45770 Charles Edward Faultless Jimmy Wardhaugh 17 ;Willie Bauld 22 ;Willie Bauld 25 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 66 ;Alfie Conn 77 -----
3934 1954-55 50 15:00 1955-05-07 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 16000 JAS Bisset John Urquhart 32 ;John Urquhart 36 ;John Urquhart 74 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 88 [Eddie Turnbull pen 40] ;[Willie Ormond 42] ;[Eddie Turnbull 68]
3945 1955-56 11 15:00 1955-09-24 Sat s n


Division A 02 of 34 H 45000 Hugh Phillips ----- [Jimmy Mulkerrin 85]
3962 1955-56 28 14:00 1956-01-02 Mon s n


Division A 17 of 34 A 60812 R Yacamini Willie Bauld 62 ;Alfie Conn 65 [Willie Ormond 57] ;[Lawrie Reilly 60]
3987 1955-56 53 15:00 1956-05-05 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 20000 JR Bisset Jimmy Wardhaugh 16 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 44:55 [Willie Ormond 22]
3988 1956-57 1 15:00 1956-08-11 Sat s n


League Cup Section 1 of 6 H 42000 Tom Wharton Jimmy Wardhaugh 6 ;Bobby Kirk pen 28 ;Ian Crawford 44:30 ;Alfie Conn 62 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 65 ;Bobby Kirk pen 85 [Eddie Turnbull 5]
3992 1956-57 5 15:00 1956-08-25 Sat s n


League Cup Section 4 of 6 A 40000 Jack Mowat Alex Young 26 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 54 [Gordon Smith 72]
3998 1956-57 11 15:00 1956-09-22 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 34 A 39000 R Yacamini Jimmy Wardhaugh 10 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 12 ;Tom Mackenzie 79 [Lawrie Reilly 40] ;[Eddie Turnbull 61]
4018 1956-57 31 14:00 1957-01-01 Tue s n


Division 1 18 of 34 H 35000 R Yacamini ----- [Eddie Turnbull 0:18] ;[John Fraser 19]
4038 1956-57 51 19:15 1957-04-24 Wed s n


EoSS Final A 14000 JAS Bisset Jimmy Wardhaugh 80 [John Fraser 16] ;[Eddie Turnbull 21]
4050 1957-58 10 15:00 1957-09-21 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 34 H 38500 William Brittle Jimmy Wardhaugh 2 ;Ian Crawford 7 ;Jimmy Murray 24 [Eddie Turnbull 78]
4052 1957-58 12 19:15 1957-10-07 Mon s n


Floodlight Friendly H 25000 TF Edward Willie Bauld 18 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 25 [Tommy Preston 28] ;[Tommy Preston 65] ;[Joe Baker 68] ;[Tommy Preston 72]
4072 1957-58 32 14:00 1958-01-01 Wed s n


Division 1 18 of 34 A 48500 G Bowman Alex Young 52 ;Davie Mackay 78 -----
4081 1957-58 41 15:00 1958-03-01 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R2 H 41666 Jack Mowat Johnny Hamilton 10 ;Jimmy Wardhaugh 49 ;Jimmy Murray 89 [Joe Baker 12] ;[Joe Baker 28] ;[Joe Baker 66] ;[Joe Baker 81]
4111 1958-59 9 15:00 1958-09-06 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 A 29500 William MM Syme Davie Mackay 3 ;Ian Crawford 24 ;Ian Crawford 35 ;Jimmy Murray 44 -----
4132 1958-59 30 19:30 1958-11-24 Mon s n


EoSS Final H 12000 JP Barclay Willie Bauld 30 ;Bobby Blackwood 40 ;Willie Bauld 82 -----
4138 1958-59 36 14:00 1959-01-01 Thu s s


Division 1 19 of 34 H 35000 Tom Wharton Alex Young 37 [Willie Ormond 30] ;[Willie Ormond 69] ;[Desmond Fox 84]
4158 1958-59 56 15:00 1959-04-25 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 10000 A Crossman ----- [Willie Ormond 48] ;[Joe Baker 57]
4182 1959-60 9 15:00 1959-09-05 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 H 40000 William MM Syme Jimmy Murray 16 ;Jimmy Murray 75 [Joe Baker 23] ;[Joe Baker 46]
4204 1959-60 31 14:00 1960-01-01 Fri s s


Division 1 19 of 34 A 54000 Bobby Davidson Alex Young 7 ;John Boyd Plenderleith og 20 ;Alex Young 54 ;Alex Young 67 ;Gordon Smith 72 [Bobby Johnstone 66]
4222 1959-60 49 19:30 1960-04-18 Mon s n


EoSS Final H 18000 George Mitchell Jimmy Murray 13 ;Alex Young 80 [Bobby Johnstone pen 30] ;[Willie Ormond 32] ;[Bobby Johnstone 48]
4242 1960-61 8 15:00 1960-09-10 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 A 40000 George Mitchell Andy Bowman 16 ;Jimmy Murray 43 ;Alex Young 69 ;Bobby Blackwood 85 [Tommy Preston 68]
4264 1960-61 30 14:00 1961-01-02 Mon s n


Division 1 19 of 34 H 43000 William Brittle Ian Crawford 30 [Jim Scott 8] ;[John McLeod 31]
4279 1960-61 45 19:30 1961-03-29 Wed s n


EoSS Final A 6000 A Crossman Willie Bauld 80 ;Ian Crawford 88 [John Baxter 20] ;[Joe Baker 23] ;[Eric Stevenson 34] ;[Joe Baker 60]
4295 1961-62 10 15:00 1961-09-16 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 34 H 23022 W Elliott James Howatson Easton og 18 ;Johnny Hamilton 55 ;Johnny Hamilton 86 ;Bobby Ross 87 [Brian Marjoribanks 30] ;[Ally MacLeod 84]
0 1961-62 0

1962-01-01 Mon


Division 1 A 0 Postponed - Snow
4320 1961-62 35 19:45 1962-01-17 Wed s n


Division 1 18 of 34 A 15277 William MM Syme Alan Gordon 19 ;Alan Gordon 60 ;Willie Wallace 66 ;Willie Bauld 88 [David Gibson 62]
4335 1961-62 50 15:30 1962-03-31 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 8000 William Brittle Danny Paton 11 ;Danny Paton 30 ;Willie Wallace 83 [Eric Stevenson 15]
4351 1962-63 8 15:00 1962-09-08 Sat s s


Division 1 02 of 34 A 28847 J Stewart John Cumming 36 ;Danny Paton 46 ;Danny Paton 66 ;Danny Paton 89 -----
0 1962-63 0

1963-01-01 Tue


Division 1 H 0 Postponed - Snow
4389 1962-63 46 15:00 1963-05-04 Sat s n


Division 1 30 of 34 H 15538 Hugh Phillips Danny Paton 25 ;Johnny Hamilton 35 ;Norrie Davidson 67 [Jim Scott 54] ;[John Fraser 56] ;[Jim Scott 60]
4403 1963-64 9 15:00 1963-09-07 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 H 29173 Alistair McKenzie Danny Ferguson 20 ;Willie Wallace 30 ;Willie Wallace 55 ;Norrie Davidson 78 [Gerry Baker 40] ;[Gerry Baker 57]
4423 1963-64 29 14:00 1964-01-01 Wed s n


Division 1 19 of 34 A 31439 William Brittle Willie Wallace 48 [Neil Martin pen 68]
4438 1963-64 44 19:30 1964-03-16 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 0 DW Spiers ----- [Peter Cormack pen 50] ;[Stan Vincent 80]
4442 1963-64 48 19:30 1964-04-08 Wed s n


EoSS Final H 0 WJ Mullen Tommy White 13 ;Willie Wallace 29 ;Tommy White 40 -----
4446 1963-64 52 15:00 1964-05-02 Sat s n


Summer Cup Section 1 of 6 H 12533 William MM Syme Tommy White 11 ;Tommy White 24 ;Johnny Hamilton pen 43 [Stan Vincent 9] ;[Jimmy O'Rourke 12]
4449 1963-64 55 19:30 1964-05-13 Wed s n


Summer Cup Section 4 of 6 A 10065 JP Barclay ----- [Stan Vincent 50]
4466 1964-65 8 15:00 1964-09-05 Sat s s


Division 1 02 of 34 A 17098 Tom Wharton Alan Gordon 27 ;Willie Wallace 30 ;Alan Gordon 64 ;Tommy White 70 ;Tommy Traynor 88 [Jim Scott 54] ;[Jim Scott 65] ;[Neil Martin 90]
4484 1964-65 26 14:00 1965-01-01 Fri s n


Division 1 19 of 34 H 36297 JP Barclay ----- [Willie Hamilton 74]
4504 1964-65 46 15:00 1965-05-01 Sat s n


Summer Cup Section 1 of 6 A 13049 William MM Syme ----- [Neil Martin 60] ;[Neil Martin 62] ;[Jim Scott 79]
4507 1964-65 49 19:30 1965-05-12 Wed s n


Summer Cup Section 4 of 6 H 11515 Tom Wharton Willie Wallace 29 ;Johnny Hamilton pen 88 [Neil Martin 4] ;[Peter Cormack 62]
4524 1965-66 11 15:00 1965-09-18 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 34 H 22369 Bobby Davidson ----- [Jimmy O'Rourke 3] ;[Eric Stevenson 4] ;[Jimmy O'Rourke 8] ;[Eric Stevenson 10]
4543 1965-66 30 15:00 1966-01-01 Sat s s


Division 1 17 of 34 A 32192 Alistair McKenzie Willie Wallace 44 ;Don Kerrigan 47 ;John McNamee og 70 [Peter Cormack 8] ;[Peter Cormack 19]
0 1965-66 0

1966-02-19 Sat


Scottish Cup H 0 Postponed - Frozen
4552 1965-66 39 19:30 1966-02-21 Mon s n


Scottish Cup R2 H 31244 Tom Wharton Tommy Traynor 60 ;Billy Higgins 74 [John McNamee 10]
4568 1965-66 55 1966-05-04 Wed s n


EoSS Final A 5713 D Small Willie Wallace 31 ;Don Kerrigan 49 ;Johnny Hamilton 79 [Joe Davis pen 77]
4569 1965-66 56 15:00 1966-05-07 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 8200 E Thomson Tommy Traynor 48 ;Alan Gordon 72 ;Tommy Traynor 80 ;Don Kerrigan 84 [Jim Scott 24] ;[Colin Stein 69]
4577 1966-67 8 15:00 1966-09-10 Sat s n


Division 1 01 of 34 A 21395 Bobby Davidson Don Kerrigan 90 [Joe Davis pen 6] ;[Allan McGraw 31] ;[Jim Scott 81]
4595 1966-67 26 14:00 1967-01-02 Mon s n


Division 1 18 of 34 H 30086 Bobby Davidson ----- -----
4631 1967-68 9 15:00 1967-09-09 Sat s n


Division 1 01 of 34 H 20773 Bobby Davidson Tommy Traynor 43 [Pat Quinn 21] ;[Peter Cormack 51] ;[Pat Quinn 80] ;[Pat Quinn 85]
4638 1967-68 16 1967-10-23 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 10876 E Thomson Donald Ford 20 [Jimmy O'Rourke 13] ;[Joe Davis pen 85]
4649 1967-68 27 15:00 1968-01-01 Mon s n


Division 1 18 of 34 A 32360 William MM Syme ----- [Joe Davis pen 81]
4683 1968-69 8 15:00 1968-09-07 Sat s n


Division 1 01 of 34 A 24110 John Wright Paterson Jim Fleming 59 ;George Fleming 65 ;Rene Moller 78 [Pat Stanton 38]
4702 1968-69 27 14:00 1969-01-01 Wed s n


Division 1 18 of 34 H 30011 Bobby Davidson ----- -----
4715 1968-69 40 15:00 1969-03-22 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 14000 E Thomson Rene Moller 80 [Jimmy O'Rourke 79]
4723 1968-69 48 15:00 1969-04-26 Sat s n


EoSS FinalReplay A 10729 Edward Hare (Eddie) Pringle ----- [Jimmy O'Rourke 34]
4739 1969-70 15 15:00 1969-09-27 Sat s n


Division 1 06 of 34 H 26807 Bobby Davidson ----- [Peter Cormack 39] ;[Joe McBride 58]
4754 1969-70 30 15:00 1970-01-01 Thu s n


Division 1 20 of 34 A 36421 John Robertson Proudfoot Gordon ----- -----
4766 1969-70 42 1970-03-17 Tue s n


EoSS Final A 8991 Edward Hare (Eddie) Pringle Ernie Winchester 5 ;Rene Moller 47 [Joe McBride pen 64]
4775 1969-70 51 19:30 1970-05-01 Fri s n


EoSS Final H 8927 WJ Mullen Donald Ford 33 ;Wilson Wood 55 ;Donald Ford 69 [Johnny Graham 9] ;[Joe McBride 40]
4785 1970-71 10 15:00 1970-09-05 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 A 23225 Alistair McKenzie ----- -----
4795 1970-71 20 15:00 1970-10-24 Sat s n


EoSS Final A 12000 John Robertson Proudfoot Gordon ----- [John Blackley pen 79]
4809 1970-71 34 15:00 1971-01-01 Fri s n


Division 1 19 of 34 H 27715 Alistair McKenzie ----- -----
4815 1970-71 40 15:00 1971-02-13 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R2 H 30450 Tom Wharton Kevin Hegarty 63 [John Hazel 16] ;[Arthur Duncan 80]
4848 1971-72 9 15:00 1971-09-04 Sat s n


Division 1 01 of 34 H 26671 Bobby Davidson ----- [Alex Cropley 84] ;[John Hamilton 89]
4869 1971-72 30 15:00 1972-01-01 Sat s n


Division 1 18 of 34 A 36046 IMD Foote ----- -----
4902 1972-73 12 15:00 1972-09-09 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 A 21221 John Robertson Proudfoot Gordon ----- [Alex Cropley 12] ;[Pat Stanton 75]
4923 1972-73 33 15:00 1973-01-01 Mon s s


Division 1 19 of 34 H 35989 John Robertson Proudfoot Gordon ----- [Jimmy O'Rourke 9] ;[Alan Gordon 15] ;[Arthur Duncan 26] ;[Alex Cropley 35] ;[Arthur Duncan 37] ;[Jimmy O'Rourke 56] ;[Alan Gordon 75]
4952 1973-74 9 15:00 1973-09-08 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 H 28946 John Robertson Proudfoot Gordon Erich Schaedler og 20 ;Kenny Aird 54 ;Donald Ford 56 ;Drew Busby 80 [Alex Cropley 55]
4972 1973-74 29 15:00 1974-01-01 Tue s n


Division 1 18 of 34 A 35393 AFJ Webster Donald Ford 5 [Alex Cropley 12] ;[Alex Cropley 35] ;[Arthur Duncan 41]
5006 1974-75 10 15:00 1974-09-07 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 A 26560 Bobby Davidson Donald Ford pen 80 [Jimmy Cant og 7] ;[Arthur Duncan 64]
5028 1974-75 32 15:00 1975-01-01 Wed s n


Division 1 19 of 34 H 36389 Willie Anderson ----- -----
5049 1974-75 53 15:00 1975-05-03 Sat s n


EoSS Final H 12000 George B Smith Donald Park 79 ;Donald Park 119 [Arthur Duncan 3]
5063 1975-76 10 15:00 1975-08-30 Sat s n


Premier 01 of 36 A 23646 E Thomson ----- [Joe Harper 43]
5075 1975-76 22 15:00 1975-11-01 Sat s n


Premier 10 of 36 H 24471 IMD Foote Ralph Callachan 60 [Pat Stanton 90+2:30]
5084 1975-76 31 15:00 1976-01-01 Thu s n


Premier 19 of 36 A 32923 John Wright Paterson ----- [Bobby Smith 15] ;[Arthur Duncan 19] ;[Arthur Duncan 23]
5097 1975-76 44 15:00 1976-03-13 Sat s n


Premier 27 of 36 H 18528 Willie Anderson ----- [Arthur Duncan 3]
5143 1976-77 23 15:00 1976-10-30 Sat s n


Premier 09 of 36 A 23773 WJ Mullen Bobby Prentice 83 [Willie Paterson 0:35]
0 1976-77 0

1977-01-01 Sat


Premier H 0 Postponed - Snow
5157 1976-77 37 19:30 1977-01-26 Wed s n


Premier 20 of 36 H 24068 Edward Hare (Eddie) Pringle ----- [Ally MacLeod 68]
5169 1976-77 49 19:30 1977-03-23 Wed s n


Premier 27 of 36 A 13625 E Thomson Willie Gibson 59 [Ally MacLeod 17] ;[Bobby Smith 49] ;[Alistair Scott 66]
5175 1976-77 55 19:30 1977-04-13 Wed s n


Premier 32 of 36 H 10686 John Robertson Proudfoot Gordon Willie Gibson 25 ;Jim Brown 89 [Des Bremner 38] ;[Des Bremner 43]
0 1977-78 0

1978-01-03 Tue


EoSS A 0 Postponed - Snow
5233 1977-78 54 15:00 1978-05-07 Sun s n


EoSS Final A 16000 D Ramsey ----- [Gerald O'Brien 73]
5241 1978-79 8 15:00 1978-08-26 Sat s n


Premier 03 of 36 H 19663 IMD Foote Donald Park 8 [Ally MacLeod 90+2]
5253 1978-79 20 14:00 1978-11-04 Sat s n


Premier 12 of 36 A 20120 Willie Anderson Denis McQuade 47 ;Derek O'Connor 58 [Gordon Rae 87]
0 1978-79 0

1979-01-01 Mon


Premier H 0 Postponed - Snow
5266 1978-79 33 15:00 1979-03-10 Sat s n


Scottish Cup QF A 22618 Brian McGinlay Derek O'Connor 80 [George Stewart 38] ;[Gordon Rae 55]
5267 1978-79 34 15:00 1979-03-17 Sat s n


Premier 22 of 36 A 13297 T Muirhead Willie Gibson pen 26 [Colin Campbell 17]
5268 1978-79 35 19:30 1979-03-28 Wed s n


Premier 23 of 36 H 16042 K Stewart Willie Gibson 16 [Ally MacLeod 6] ;[Ralph Callachan 43]
5284 1979-80 3 1979-08-04 Sat s n


Skol Festival Trophy A 13000 DS Downie Willie Gibson 38 [Gordon Rae 43] ;[Colin Campbell 86]
5343 1980-81 9 1980-08-20 Wed s n


EoSS Final H 7167 D Ramsay Willie Gibson pen 34 ;Willie Gibson 40 [Brian Rice 80] ;[Gordon Rae 89]
5407 1981-82 23 1981-10-27 Tue s n


EoSS SF A 10304 Douglas Downie Roddy Macdonald 17 ;Gordon Rae og 86 [Derek Rodier 73]
5444 1982-83 6 19:30 1982-08-09 Mon s n


Tom Hart Trophy A 10700 Edward Hare (Eddie) Pringle ----- [Jackie McNamara 90]
5509 1983-84 10 15:00 1983-09-03 Sat s n


Premier 02 of 36 H 19206 Robert Bonar (Bob) Valentine John Robertson 57 ;John Robertson 70 ;Jimmy Bone 77 [Ralph Callachan 11] ;[William Irvine 65]
5522 1983-84 23 15:00 1983-11-05 Sat s n


Premier 11 of 36 A 21281 David FT Syme John Robertson 76 [Bobby Thomson 66]
5533 1983-84 34 15:00 1984-01-02 Mon s n


Premier 20 of 36 H 23499 David FT Syme Donald Park 46 [William Irvine 47]
5548 1983-84 49 15:00 1984-04-21 Sat s n


Premier 31 of 36 A 17437 Brian McGinlay ----- -----
5564 1984-85 9 15:00 1984-08-25 Sat s s


Premier 03 of 36 A 16724 AW Waddell Craig Levein 52 ;Derek O'Connor 89:30 [Paul Kane 44]
5579 1984-85 24 15:00 1984-10-27 Sat s n


Premier 12 of 36 H 20156 Hugh Alexander ----- -----
5588 1984-85 33 15:00 1985-01-01 Tue s n


Premier 21 of 36 A 18925 Kenneth James (Kenny) Hope Gary Mackay 36 ;Sandy Clark 62 [Willie Jamieson 64]
0 1984-85 0

1985-03-30 Sat


Premier H 0 Postponed - Frozen
5603 1984-85 48 1985-04-02 Tue s n


Premier 31 of 36 H 17814 David FT Syme John Robertson 0:28 ;Sandy Clark 20 [Joseph McBride 84] ;[Joseph McBride 87]
5620 1985-86 11 15:00 1985-08-31 Sat s n


Premier 04 of 36 H 17457 Brian McGinlay John Colquhoun 8 ;Sandy Clark 81 [Gordon Durie 35]
5632 1985-86 23 15:00 1985-11-09 Sat s n


Premier 14 of 36 A 19776 George B Smith ----- -----
5640 1985-86 31 15:00 1986-01-01 Wed s n


Premier 22 of 36 H 25605 Robert Bonar (Bob) Valentine Iain Jardine 25 ;John Robertson 71 ;Sandy Clark 74 [Colin Harris 72]
5651 1985-86 42 15:00 1986-03-22 Sat s n


Premier 30 of 36 A 20956 J Duncan Sandy Clark 38 ;John Robertson pen 66 [Steve Cowan 64]
5659 1985-86 50 1986-05-06 Tue s n


EoSS Final A 700 AN Huett Billy Mackay pen 9 ;Billy Mackay 80 [Paul Kane 89]
5673 1986-87 10 15:00 1986-08-30 Sat s n


Premier 05 of 44 A 20714 Jim McCluskey Sandy Clark 26 ;Iain Jardine 40 ;John Robertson 64 [Joseph McBride 83]
5687 1986-87 24 15:00 1986-11-01 Sat s n


Premier 16 of 44 H 22178 AW Waddell Gary Mackay pen 68 [Joseph McBride 18]
0 1986-87 0

1987-01-01 Thu


Premier H 0 Postponed - Frozen
5699 1986-87 36 19:30 1987-01-06 Tue s n


Premier 28 of 44 A 22928 J Duncan John Colquhoun 11 ;John Colquhoun 16 [George McCluskey 10] ;[Mickey Weir 32]
5715 1986-87 52 15:00 1987-04-04 Sat s n


Premier 38 of 44 H 19731 WNB Crombie Roddy Macdonald 71 ;Sandy Clark 78 [Roddy Macdonald og 83]
5721 1986-87 58 19:00 1987-05-07 Thu s n


EoSS Final H 958 J Duncan ----- [Steve Cowan 5] ;[Willie Miller 80]
5742 1987-88 14 15:00 1987-08-29 Sat s n


Premier 05 of 44 H 24496 Kenneth James (Kenny) Hope John Robertson 6 -----
5752 1987-88 24 15:00 1987-10-17 Sat s n


Premier 13 of 44 A 23390 George B Smith John Robertson 14 [Eddie May 3] ;[Paul Kane 41]
5768 1987-88 40 15:00 1988-01-02 Sat s n


Premier 28 of 44 H 28992 WNB Crombie ----- -----
5779 1987-88 51 15:00 1988-03-19 Sat s n


Premier 36 of 44 A 20870 J Duncan ----- -----
5790 1987-88 62 1988-05-08 Sun s n


EoSS Final A 400 Neil Berry 25 ;Sean Docherty 48 ;Neil Berry 61 ;Allan Moore 72 ;Allan Moore 82 [Mathieson]
5805 1988-89 15 15:00 1988-08-27 Sat s n


Premier 03 of 36 A 23760 Douglas David Hope ----- -----
5824 1988-89 34 15:00 1988-11-12 Sat s s


Premier 15 of 36 H 23062 WNB Crombie Dave McPherson 89:30 [Paul Kane 15] ;[Steve Archibald 83]
5834 1988-89 44 19:30 1989-01-04 Wed s s


Premier 22 of 36 A 27219 Kenneth James (Kenny) Hope ----- [Eddie May 13]
5847 1988-89 57 15:00 1989-04-01 Sat s s


Premier 30 of 36 H 22090 Robert Bonar (Bob) Valentine Eamonn Bannon 29 ;John Robertson 81 [Keith Houchen 25]
5853 1988-89 63 1989-05-08 Mon s n


EoSS Final A 1439 JF McGilvary Scott Crabbe 77 ;Scott Crabbe pen 85 ;Scott Crabbe pen 87 [David Fellinger 44] ;[Paul McGovern 67] ;[David Fellinger 90]
5864 1989-90 10 15:00 1989-08-26 Sat s s


Premier 03 of 36 H 22731 Kenneth James (Kenny) Hope Husref Musemic 4 -----
5875 1989-90 21 15:00 1989-11-04 Sat s s


Premier 12 of 36 A 19104 AW Waddell Eamonn Bannon 33 [Steve Archibald 39]
5884 1989-90 30 15:00 1990-01-01 Mon s s


Premier 21 of 36 H 25224 AN Huett John Robertson pen 38 ;John Robertson 48 -----
5897 1989-90 43 15:00 1990-03-31 Sat s s


Premier 31 of 36 A 17373 Kenneth James (Kenny) Hope John Robertson 37 ;John Robertson 47 [Mickey Weir 17]
5902 1989-90 48 1990-05-03 Thu s n


EoSS Final H 400 ----- -----
5917 1990-91 14 15:00 1990-09-15 Sat s s


Premier 04 of 36 A 19813 Jim McCluskey John Robertson 12 ;Craig Levein 25 ;John Robertson 44 -----
5931 1990-91 28 15:00 1990-11-24 Sat n s


Premier 14 of 36 H 19004 Kenneth James (Kenny) Hope Neil Berry 79 [Keith Houchen 71]
5937 1990-91 34 20:00 1991-01-02 Wed n s


Premier 20 of 36 A 13601 J Duncan Tosh McKinlay 8 ;Dave McPherson 14 ;Gary Mackay 43 ;Craig Levein 69 [Gary Mackay og 68]
5948 1990-91 45 15:00 1991-03-23 Sat s s


Premier 29 of 36 H 14221 David FT Syme Craig Levein 56 ;George Wright 60 ;John Robertson 65 [Joe Tortolano 64]
5966 1991-92 10 15:00 1991-08-31 Sat n s


Premier 05 of 44 H 22208 Brian McGinlay ----- -----
5978 1991-92 22 15:00 1991-11-02 Sat n s


Premier 16 of 44 A 19831 AW Waddell John Robertson 4 [Keith Wright 26]
5989 1991-92 33 19:30 1992-01-01 Wed n s


Premier 27 of 44 H 20358 David FT Syme Ian Ferguson 65 [Tommy McIntyre pen 71]
6003 1991-92 47 15:00 1992-03-21 Sat n n


Premier 37 of 44 A 14429 Jim McCluskey Gordon Hunter og 41 ;Ian Ferguson 75 [Mickey Weir 54]
6024 1992-93 11 15:00 1992-08-22 Sat n s


Premier 05 of 44 A 15937 David FT Syme ----- -----
6040 1992-93 27 15:00 1992-11-07 Sat n s


Premier 16 of 44 H 17342 Hugh Williamson Ian Baird 17 -----
6049 1992-93 36 15:00 1993-01-02 Sat n s


Premier 25 of 44 A 21657 Douglas David Hope ----- -----
6062 1992-93 49 15:00 1993-03-20 Sat n s


Premier 35 of 44 H 13740 Donald McVicar John Robertson 61 -----
6082 1993-94 10 15:00 1993-08-21 Sat n s


Premier 03 of 44 H 17283 Jim McCluskey Allan Johnston 53 -----
6096 1993-94 24 15:00 1993-10-30 Sat s s


Premier 14 of 44 A 18505 Donald McVicar John Colquhoun 40 ;John Colquhoun 56 -----
0 1993-94 0

1994-01-01 Sat


Premier H 0 Postponed - Snow
6108 1993-94 36 19:30 1994-01-12 Wed n s


Premier 26 of 44 H 24139 David FT Syme John Millar 78 [Keith Wright 54]
6114 1993-94 42 15:05 1994-02-20 Sun s s


Scottish Cup R4 A 20953 Leslie William Mottram John Robertson 2 ;Wayne Foster 87 [Keith Wright 42]
6127 1993-94 55 15:00 1994-04-30 Sat n s


Premier 42 of 44 A 14213 Donald McVicar ----- -----
6140 1994-95 9 15:00 1994-08-27 Sat n s


Premier 03 of 36 H 12371 Leslie William Mottram ----- [Gordon Hunter 61]
6149 1994-95 18 15:00 1994-10-29 Sat n s


Premier 11 of 36 A 13622 Hugh Williamson John Robertson pen 80 [Darren Jackson 13] ;[Michael O'Neill 15]
0 1994-95 0

1995-01-01 Sun


Premier H 0 Postponed - Snow
6161 1994-95 30 19:30 1995-01-18 Wed n s


Premier 22 of 36 H 12630 AW Waddell Dave McPherson 37 ;John Millar 82 -----
6180 1994-95 49 15:00 1995-05-06 Sat n s


Premier 35 of 36 A 7122 Jim McCluskey David Hagen 34 [Mickey Weir 62] ;[Keith Wright 65] ;[Kevin Harper 69]
6195 1995-96 14 15:00 1995-10-01 Sun n s


Premier 05 of 36 A 12374 Willie Young Dave McPherson 40 ;John Robertson 90+2 [Graeme Donald 61] ;[Pat McGinlay 73]
6205 1995-96 24 13:00 1995-11-19 Sun s s


Premier 14 of 36 H 12074 Kenny Clark John Millar 31 ;John Robertson pen 55 [Chris Jackson 51]
6210 1995-96 29 15:00 1996-01-01 Mon s s


Premier 19 of 36 A 14872 WNB Crombie Neil Pointon 7 [Kevin Harper 29] ;[Michael O'Neill 41]
6223 1995-96 42 15:00 1996-03-16 Sat n s


Premier 29 of 36 H 14923 Leslie William Mottram Gary Mackay 82 [Andy Dow 50]
6250 1996-97 17 15:00 1996-09-28 Sat s s


Premier 07 of 36 A 14217 Hugh Dallas Colin Cameron 19 ;Colin Cameron 30 ;John Robertson 40 [Darren Jackson pen 59]
6257 1996-97 24 15:00 1996-11-16 Sat n s


Premier 13 of 36 H 15129 John Rowbotham ----- -----
6266 1996-97 33 15:00 1997-01-01 Wed n s


Premier 21 of 36 A 15826 Kenny Clark John Robertson 33 ;Jim Hamilton 63 ;Colin Cameron 65 ;Jim Hamilton 87 -----
6278 1996-97 45 15:00 1997-03-15 Sat n s


Premier 30 of 36 H 15136 Kenny Clark Neil McCann 82 -----
6296 1997-98 11 15:00 1997-08-30 Sat n s


Premier 04 of 36 A 15565 Hugh Dallas Neil McCann 7 -----
6302 1997-98 17 14:00 1997-10-12 Sun s n


HMFC Testimonial H 8057 Martin Clark ----- [Andrew Newman 78]
6306 1997-98 21 15:00 1997-11-08 Sat n s


Premier 12 of 36 H 16739 Mike McCurry John Robertson 17 ;Jose Quitongo 88 -----
6314 1997-98 29 14:00 1998-01-01 Thu s s


Premier 20 of 36 H 17564 Bobby Tait Steve Fulton 5 ;Steve Fulton 10 [Andy Walker 51] ;[Pat McGinlay 67]
6330 1997-98 45 15:00 1998-04-11 Sat n s


Premier 32 of 36 A 15530 Willie Young John Robertson 71 [Barry Lavety 56] ;[Kevin Harper 80]
6400 1999-00 8 15:00 1999-08-14 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 03 of 36 A 16976 Stuart Dougal Gary McSwegan 79 [Russell Latapy pen 42]
6417 1999-00 25 18:05 1999-12-19 Sun s s


Scottish Premier League 17 of 36 H 17954 Willie Young ----- [Dirk Lehmann 18] ;[Franck Sauzee 27] ;[Kenny Miller 90]
6429 1999-00 37 15:00 2000-03-18 Sat s s


Scottish Premier League 25 of 36 A 15908 Hugh Dallas Darren Jackson 26 [Russell Latapy 37] ;[Franck Sauzee 60] ;[Mixu Paatelainen 85]
6440 1999-00 48 15:00 2000-05-21 Sun s s


Scottish Premier League 36 of 36 H 17391 Hugh Dallas Juanjo 30 ;Gary McSwegan 62 [Mixu Paatelainen 57]
6445 2000-01 5 15:00 2000-07-30 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 01 of 38 H 17132 Kenny Clark ----- -----
6461 2000-01 21 18:05 2000-10-22 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 12 of 38 A 12926 Hugh Dallas Andy Kirk 5 ;Colin Cameron 90 [Mixu Paatelainen 43] ;[Mixu Paatelainen 44:50] ;[David Zitelli 51] ;[Mixu Paatelainen 74] ;[John O'Neil 81] ;[Russell Latapy 84]
6473 2000-01 33 16:00 2000-12-26 Tue n s


Scottish Premier League 23 of 38 H 17619 Willie Young Gary McSwegan 60 [Stuart Lovell 41]
6492 2000-01 52 18:05 2001-05-13 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 37 of 38S1 A 8913 Stuart Dougal ----- -----
6508 2001-02 15 15:00 2001-10-21 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 11 of 38 A 13774 Mike McCurry Stephen Simmons 64 [Ulises de la Cruz 0:36] ;[Ulises de la Cruz 26]
6519 2001-02 26 15:00 2001-12-29 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 22 of 38 H 17474 Stuart Dougal Kevin McKenna 11 [John O'Neil 90+1]
6531 2001-02 38 17:35 2002-03-16 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 32 of 38 A 13240 Willie Young Scott Severin 40 ;Steven Pressley pen 88 [Garry O'Connor 5]
6543 2002-03 6 15:00 2002-08-11 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 02 of 38 H 15245 Mike McCurry Andy Kirk 18:04 ;Mark de Vries 39:51 ;Mark de Vries 66 ;Mark de Vries 90+1 ;Mark de Vries 90+3 [Ian Murray 50:38]
6556 2002-03 19 15:00 2002-11-03 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 13 of 38 A 15660 Willie Young Kevin McKenna 85:46 ;Phil Stamp 90+2:08 [Mixu Paatelainen 36]
6568 2002-03 31 15:00 2003-01-02 Thu n s


Scottish Premier League 24 of 38 H 17332 Stuart Dougal Steven Pressley pen 29 ;Mark de Vries 60 ;Graham Weir 90+4 ;Graham Weir 90+5 [Derek Townsley 11] ;[Tom McManus 16] ;[Craig James 89] ;[Grant Brebner 90+1]
6592 2003-04 8 15:00 2003-08-02 Sat s s


Festival Cup A 10090 Tom Brown Andy Webster 17 -----
6594 2003-04 10 15:00 2003-08-17 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 02 of 38 A 14803 Stuart Dougal ----- [Garry O'Connor 90+2]
6610 2003-04 26 15:00 2003-11-23 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 13 of 38 H 16632 Hugh Dallas Alen Orman og 9 ;Gary Smith og 67 -----
6624 2003-04 40 15:00 2004-02-15 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 23 of 38 A 15016 Mike McCurry Steven Pressley pen 47 [Derek Riordan 24]
6651 2004-05 12 15:00 2004-09-04 Sat n s


Festival Cup H 7282 John Rowbotham Craig Sives 41 ;Mark de Vries 63 ;Dennis Wyness 81 [Stephen Dobbie pen 80]
6661 2004-05 22 15:00 2004-10-24 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 10 of 38 H 16720 Mike McCurry Patrick Kisnorbo 14 ;Joe Hamill 76 [Derek Riordan 90]
6675 2004-05 36 14:00 2005-01-02 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 20 of 38 A 17259 Douglas McDonald Paul Hartley 55 [Derek Riordan 22]
6694 2004-05 55 19:45 2005-04-13 Wed n s


Scottish Premier League 32 of 38 H 17676 John Rowbotham Lee Miller 39 [Garry O'Connor 68] ;[Dean Shiels 73]
6696 2004-05 57 15:00 2005-04-23 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 34 of 38S1 A 16620 Mike McCurry Lee Miller 23 ;Andy Webster 88 [Garry O'Connor 8] ;[Derek Riordan 63]
6709 2005-06 9 14:00 2005-08-07 Sun s s


Scottish Premier League 02 of 38 H 16459 Stuart Dougal Rudi Skacel 13 ;Paul Hartley pen 58 ;Stephen Simmons 71 ;Saulius Mikoliunas 83 -----
6722 2005-06 22 15:00 2005-10-29 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 13 of 38 A 17180 John Underhill ----- [Guillaume Buezelin 78] ;[Garry O'Connor 80]
6734 2005-06 34 15:00 2006-01-28 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 24 of 38 H 17371 Mike McCurry Paul Hartley 26 ;Rudi Skacel 40 ;Paul Hartley pen 43 ;Calum Elliot 50 [Garry O'Connor 58]
6744 2005-06 44 12:15 2006-04-02 Sun n s


Scottish Cup SF N 43180 Stuart Dougal Paul Hartley 27:06 ;Paul Hartley 58:13 ;Edgaras Jankauskas 80:13 ;Paul Hartley pen 87:46 -----
6748 2005-06 48 15:00 2006-04-22 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 35 of 38S1 A 16654 Charlie Richmond Roman Bednar 45+3:30 [Derek Riordan 15] ;[Abdessalam Benjelloun 78]
6774 2006-07 22 14:00 2006-10-15 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 10 of 38 A 16623 Charlie Richmond Andrius Velicka 27 ;Andrius Velicka 73 [Merouane Zemamma 4] ;[Chris Killen 15]
6778 2006-07 26 19:45 2006-11-08 Wed n s


League Cup QF A 15825 Calum Murray ----- [Rob Jones 32]
6786 2006-07 34 14:00 2006-12-26 Tue n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 H 17369 Mike McCurry Paul Hartley 2 ;Edgaras Jankauskas 48 ;Saulius Mikoliunas 70 [Chris Killen 55] ;[Dean Shiels pen 61]
6799 2006-07 47 14:00 2007-04-01 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 32 of 38 A 15953 Kenny Clark Marius Zaliukas 81 -----
6804 2006-07 52 12:30 2007-05-12 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 37 of 38S1 H 16443 Stuart Dougal Michal Pospisil 0:30 ;Andrew Driver 23 -----
6813 2007-08 8 19:45 2007-08-06 Mon n s


Scottish Premier League 01 of 38 H 16436 Stuart Dougal ----- [Brian Kerr 3]
6827 2007-08 22 14:00 2007-11-04 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 12 of 38 A 17015 Charlie Richmond Christian Nade 46 [Christophe Berra og 18]
6839 2007-08 34 12:30 2008-01-19 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 23 of 38 H 17131 Kenny Clark Andrius Velicka 19 -----
6873 2008-09 16 14:00 2008-10-19 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 09 of 38 A 17030 Eddie Smith Bruno Aguiar 41 [Steven Fletcher 2]
6884 2008-09 27 12:30 2009-01-03 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 20 of 38 H 17244 Calum Murray ----- -----
6886 2008-09 29 12:15 2009-01-11 Sun n s


Scottish Cup R4 A 14837 Craig Thomson Christian Nade 38 ;Gary Glen 90+2 -----
6895 2008-09 38 12:30 2009-03-14 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 29 of 38 A 15091 Charlie Richmond ----- [Steven Fletcher 14]
6901 2008-09 44 19:45 2009-05-07 Thu n s


Scottish Premier League 35 of 38S1 H 14714 Steve Conroy ----- [Derek Riordan pen 79]
6927 2009-10 23 12:30 2009-11-07 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 11 of 38 H 16762 Steve Conroy ----- -----
6935 2009-10 31 15:00 2010-01-03 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 19 of 38 A 16949 Charlie Richmond Gordon Smith [3] 44:30 [Anthony Stokes 54]
6948 2009-10 44 12:15 2010-03-20 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 30 of 38 H 17126 William Collum Andrew Driver 22 ;Gary Glen 26 [Derek Riordan 79]
6954 2009-10 50 12:30 2010-05-01 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 36 of 38S1 A 11277 Douglas McDonald Suso Santana 71 ;David Obua 88 [Anthony Stokes pen 54]
6974 2010-11 18 14:15 2010-11-07 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 11 of 38 A 17767 William Collum David Templeton 19 ;Stephen Elliott 67 -----
6982 2010-11 26 12:30 2011-01-01 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 19 of 38 H 17156 Calum Murray Kevin Kyle 86 -----
6995 2010-11 39 12:45 2011-04-03 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 31 of 38 A 17793 Iain Brines Ryan Stevenson 24 ;Stephen Elliott 83 [Liam Miller pen 35] ;[Ricardo Vaz Te 80]
7018 2011-12 16 15:45 2011-08-28 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 06 of 38 H 15868 Craig Thomson Ryan Stevenson 39 ;Andy Webster 69 -----
7035 2011-12 33 12:15 2012-01-02 Mon n s


Scottish Premier League 22 of 38 A 15013 Calum Murray Ryan McGowan 58 ;Andy Webster 83 ;Rudi Skacel 90+2 [Marius Zaliukas og 59]
7047 2011-12 45 12:00 2012-03-18 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 30 of 38 H 15128 Craig Thomson Craig Beattie 28 ;Suso Santana 90+4 -----
7058 2011-12 56 15:00 2012-05-19 Sat s s


Scottish Cup Final N 51041 Craig Thomson Darren Barr 15 ;Rudi Skacel 27 ;Danny Grainger pen 47 ;Ryan McGowan 50 ;Rudi Skacel 75 [James McPake 41]
7064 2012-13 6 12:30 2012-08-12 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 02 of 38 A 12887 William Collum Andrew Driver 29 [Leigh Griffiths 44:30]
7084 2012-13 26 15:30 2012-12-02 Sun n s


Scottish Cup R4 A 17052 Calum Murray ----- [David Wotherspoon 81]
7089 2012-13 31 19:45 2013-01-03 Thu n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 H 17062 William Collum ----- -----
7100 2012-13 42 12:45 2013-03-10 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 31 of 38 A 15007 Euan Norris ----- -----
7107 2012-13 49 12:00 2013-05-12 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 37 of 38S2 H 15994 Steven McLean Darren Barr 44 [Leigh Griffiths 47] ;[Ross Caldwell 90]
7116 2013-14 8 12:05 2013-08-11 Sun n s


Premiership 02 of 38 H 16621 Craig Thomson Callum Paterson 72 -----
7128 2013-14 20 19:00 2013-10-30 Wed n s


League Cup QF A 16797 William Collum Ryan Stevenson 34 -----
7139 2013-14 31 19:45 2014-01-02 Thu n s


Premiership 20 of 38 A 20106 Bobby Madden David [2] Smith 72 [James Collins 61] ;[Liam Craig pen 83]
7151 2013-14 43 12:45 2014-03-30 Sun n n


Premiership 31 of 38 H 16873 Steven McLean Dale Carrick 6 ;Billy King 90+3 -----
7155 2013-14 47 12:45 2014-04-27 Sun n n


Premiership 35 of 38S2 A 14806 Bobby Madden Callum Paterson 37 ;Callum Paterson 41 [Jordon Forster 69]
7169 2014-15 11 12:30 2014-08-17 Sun n n


Championship 02 of 36 H 17280 William Collum Sam Nicholson 76 ;Prince Buaben pen 80 [Farid El Alagui 90]
7181 2014-15 23 12:15 2014-10-26 Sun n n


Championship 11 of 36 A 14562 Bobby Madden Alim Ozturk 90+1 [Dominique Malonga 43]
7190 2014-15 32 12:45 2015-01-03 Sat n n


Championship 19 of 36 H 17279 Steven McLean Jamie Walker 40 [Jason Cummings 23]
7205 2014-15 47 14:15 2015-04-12 Sun n n


Championship 33 of 36 A 13530 Kevin Clancy ----- [Jason Cummings 30] ;[Farid El Alagui 90+1]
7245 2015-16 37 12:30 2016-02-07 Sun n n


Scottish Cup R5 H 16845 Craig Thomson Arnaud Djoum 32 ;Sam Nicholson 44 [Jason Cummings 80] ;[Paul Hanlon 90+1]
7247 2015-16 39 19:45 2016-02-16 Tue n n


Scottish Cup R5Replay A 19433 John Beaton ----- [Jason Cummings 4]
7295 2016-17 34 12:30 2017-02-12 Sun n n


Scottish Cup R5 H 16971 William Collum ----- -----
7297 2016-17 36 19:45 2017-02-22 Wed n n


Scottish Cup R5Replay A 20205 Steven McLean Isma 70 [Jason Cummings 21] ;[Grant Holt 37] ;[Andrew Shinnie 63]
7329 2017-18 19 19:45 2017-10-24 Tue n n


Premiership 11 of 38 A 20165 Andrew Dallas ----- [Simon Murray 3]
7339 2017-18 29 19:45 2017-12-27 Wed n n


Premiership 21 of 38 H 19316 Steven McLean ----- -----
7341 2017-18 31 14:05 2018-01-21 Sun n n


Scottish Cup R4 H 18709 Kevin Clancy Don Cowie 87 -----
7351 2017-18 41 19:45 2018-03-09 Fri n n


Premiership 30 of 38 A 20166 Bobby Madden ----- [Scott Allan 59] ;[Jamie Maclaren 80]
7358 2017-18 48 19:45 2018-05-09 Wed n n


Premiership 37 of 38S1 H 19324 Craig Thomson Kyle Lafferty 26 ;Steven Naismith 57 [Florian Kamberi pen 48]
7382 2018-19 23 19:45 2018-10-31 Wed n n


Premiership 11 of 38 H 19410 Andrew Dallas ----- -----
7392 2018-19 33 17:30 2018-12-29 Sat n n


Premiership 21 of 38 A 20200 Kevin Clancy Olly Lee 28 -----
7409 2018-19 50 12:30 2019-04-06 Sat n n


Premiership 33 of 38 H 19667 William Collum Peter Haring 25 [Daryl Horgan 28] ;[Daryl Horgan 56]
7412 2018-19 53 12:15 2019-04-28 Sun n n


Premiership 35 of 38S1 A 19395 Craig Thomson Uche Ikpeazu 84 [Christophe Berra og 69]
7431 2019-20 15 15:00 2019-09-22 Sun n n


Premiership 06 of 38 A 19828 John Beaton Uche Ikpeazu 70 ;Aaron Hickey 84 [Stevie Mallan 47]
7447 2019-20 31 12:30 2019-12-26 Thu n n


Premiership 20 of 38 H 19313 Don Robertson ----- [Martin Boyle 6] ;[Martin Boyle 31]
7458 2019-20 42 19:45 2020-03-03 Tue n n


Premiership 28 of 38 A 20197 Kevin Clancy Sean Clare pen 53 ;Oliver Bozanic 65 ;Conor Washington 80 [Melker Hallberg 89]
0 2019-20 0

2020-04-11 Sat


Scottish Cup N 0 Postponed - COVID-19
7473 2020-21 13 17:00 2020-10-31 Sat n n


Scottish Cup SF N 0 William Collum Craig Wighton 59:40 ;Liam Boyce pen 110:29 [Christian Doidge 66:37]
7519 2021-22 16 12:00 2021-09-12 Sun n n


Premiership 05 of 38 H 18177 Nick Walsh ----- -----
0 2021-22 0

2022-01-03 Mon


Premiership A 0 Postponed - COVID-19
7539 2021-22 36 19:45 2022-02-01 Tue n n


Premiership 24 of 38 A 20419 Don Robertson ----- -----
7550 2021-22 47 15:00 2022-04-09 Sat n n


Premiership 33 of 38 H 19041 Nick Walsh Andy Halliday 45+0:58 ;Stephen Kingsley 46:02 ;Andy Halliday 57:34 [Drey Wright 4:30]
7551 2021-22 48 12:15 2022-04-16 Sat n n


Scottish Cup SF N 37783 John Beaton Ellis Simms 15:26 ;Stephen Kingsley 20:23 [Chris Cadden 21:33]
7567 2022-23 10 15:00 2022-08-07 Sun n n


Premiership 02 of 38 A 20179 John Beaton Lawrence Shankland 21:39 [Martin Boyle 90+4:39]
7595 2022-23 38 15:00 2023-01-02 Mon n n


Premiership 19 of 38 H 18980 Kevin Clancy Lawrence Shankland 7:44 ;Lawrence Shankland pen 37:12 ;Stephen Humphrys 90+3:23 -----
7599 2022-23 42 14:00 2023-01-22 Sun n n


Scottish Cup R4 A 18622 Don Robertson Josh Ginnelly 9:37 ;Lawrence Shankland 71:15 ;Toby Sibbick 90+5:25 -----
7611 2022-23 54 12:30 2023-04-15 Sat n n


Premiership 32 of 38 A 20132 John Beaton ----- [Kevin Michael Nisbet 66:12]
7617 2022-23 60 12:30 2023-05-27 Sat n n


Premiership 38 of 38S1 H 18971 Don Robertson Yutaro Oda 7:49 [Kevin Michael Nisbet 30:25]
7635 2023-24 18 15:00 2023-10-07 Sat n n


Premiership 08 of 38 H 18675 William Collum Alan Forrest 27:38 ;Christian Rhys Doidge og 57:03 [Elie Youan 65:50] ;[Elie Youan 67:13]
7647 2023-24 30 20:00 2023-12-27 Wed n n


Premiership 19 of 38 A 20150 John Beaton Lawrence Shankland 90+2:17 -----
7658 2023-24 41 19:45 2024-02-28 Wed n n


Premiership 28 of 38 H 18936 Kevin Clancy Lawrence Shankland pen 45+1:14 [Emiliano Marcondes 27:06]
7689 2024-25 19 12:00 2024-10-27 Sun n n


Premiership 10 of 38 A 20011 Don Robertson James Wilson 85:59 [Mykola Kukharevych 64:44]
7702 2024-25 32 12:30 2024-12-26 Thu n n


Premiership 19 of 38 H 18726 Nick Walsh Rocky Bushiri og 45+1:24 [Rowles Kye og 8:49] ;[Dwight Gayle 77:02]
7714 2024-25 44 12:30 2025-03-02 Sun n n


Premiership 29 of 38 A 19873 John Beaton Jorge Grant 73:07 [Martin Boyle 5:52] ;[Jack Iredale]

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