London Hearts Supporters Club
All Hearts Players Sent Off
Referees in Hearts Games since 1997
Hearts Discipline since 1997-98

Hearts Discipline since 1997-98 to 2004-05
Hearts Discipline since 2005-06

Hearts Players sent off

Games per Red card
By Team
By Score
By Comp
By Season
By All Seasons
Date Order

250 62 66 121 24 % 26 % 48 %

Players by Redcards
Player Red Cards Apps Goals Games per
Marius Zaliukas 7 250 16 35
Gary Mackay 6 739 88 123
John Robertson 6 722 311 120
Craig Levein 6 464 21 77
Walter Kidd 5 546 15 109
Paul Hartley 5 165 41 33
Michael Stewart 5 143 18 28
Alan Anderson 4 539 37 134
Alan Maybury 4 146 4 36
Saulius Mikoliunas 4 144 15 36
Eggert Jonsson 4 176 12 44
Alex Cochrane 4 143 7 35
Donald Park 3 299 55 99
Drew Busby 3 277 92 92
Wayne Foster 3 231 29 77
Tosh McKinlay 3 272 9 90
Ian Baird 3 83 21 27
Graeme Hogg 3 78 6 26
Steven Pressley 3 370 28 123
Andy Webster 3 297 17 99
Lee Wallace 3 193 5 64
Ruben Palazuelos 3 143 4 47
Ian Black 3 119 4 39
Jamie Hamill 3 94 19 31
Jamie Walker 3 281 64 93
Jorge Grant 3 109 10 36
Davie Russell 2 194 82 97
George Hogg 2 452 28 226
Jock White 2 377 223 188
Lachlan Macmillan 2 251 83 125
Alex Massie 2 261 30 130
Jim Townsend 2 185 13 92
Jim Jefferies 2 352 6 176
Cammy Fraser 2 229 26 114
Malcolm Robertson 2 144 21 72
Alex MacDonald 2 181 21 90
Roddy Macdonald 2 261 30 130
Gerry McCoy 2 47 14 23
Willie Johnston 2 96 12 48
Brian Whittaker 2 258 4 129
Neil Berry 2 370 15 185
John Millar 2 166 26 83
Gary Locke 2 217 12 108
Paul Ritchie 2 189 9 94
Scott Leitch 2 75 5 37
Neil Pointon 2 89 5 44
Gilles Rousset 2 184 0 92
Pasquale Bruno 2 49 1 24
Colin Cameron 2 205 61 102
Davy Weir 2 128 13 64
Thomas Flogel 2 187 14 93
Calum Elliot 2 144 19 72
Julien Brellier 2 69 0 34
Roman Bednar 2 54 14 27
Jose Goncalves 2 80 2 40
Laryea Kingston 2 78 11 39
Christian Nade 2 97 11 48
Scott Robinson 2 134 4 67
Ryan Stevenson 2 148 29 74
Callum Paterson 2 185 41 92
Danny Wilson 2 96 10 48
Prince Buaben 2 125 9 62
Blazej Augustyn 2 32 0 16
Juwon Oshaniwa 2 27 0 13
Jamie Brandon 2 47 0 23
Isma 2 46 16 23
Peter Haring 2 152 13 76
Josh Ginnelly 2 102 22 51
Isaac Begbie 1 430 15 430
George Goodfellow 1 110 0 110
Robert Gordon 1 16 1 16
Robert MacKie 1 35 1 35
Robert McNeil 1 29 1 29
Harry McNaught 1 35 0 35
Tim Williamson 1 54 20 54
Peter W Neil 1 12 0 12
Robert King 1 273 3 273
William Black 1 26 14 26
Tim Morgan 1 83 56 83
Barney Battles Jnr 1 208 236 208
Tom Robertson [3] 1 16 5 16
Jimmy Philp 1 177 5 177
Bobby Christie 1 58 15 58
Norrie Davidson 1 62 35 62
Willie Wallace 1 280 159 280
Roy Barry 1 180 13 180
Roald Jensen 1 129 27 129
Don Kerrigan 1 60 20 60
Ian Sneddon 1 229 1 229
Eddie Thomson 1 248 8 248
Peter Oliver 1 109 0 109
Bobby Prentice 1 240 26 240
Ralph Callachan 1 129 23 129
Don Murray 1 71 0 71
Eamonn Bannon 1 279 42 279
Ray Dunlop 1 74 0 74
Lawrie Tierney 1 66 2 66
Dave McNicoll 1 56 1 56
Ian George Black 1 41 0 41
Frank Liddell 1 134 4 134
Dave Bowman 1 183 14 183
Peter Shields 1 135 5 135
Gary Liddell 1 37 8 37
Paddy Byrne 1 98 17 98
Jimmy Bone 1 81 16 81
Kenny Black 1 268 27 268
Sandy Clark 1 205 56 205
Brian McNaughton 1 22 7 22
John Colquhoun 1 498 101 498
Scott Crabbe 1 183 51 183
Dave McPherson 1 416 37 416
Mike Galloway 1 86 22 86
Alan McLaren 1 249 9 249
Derek Ferguson 1 141 6 141
Ally Mauchlen 1 33 0 33
Justin Fashanu 1 18 1 18
Stephen Frail 1 87 6 87
Grant Murray 1 117 1 117
Neil McCann 1 142 27 142
Darren Beckford 1 12 2 12
Stefano Salvatori 1 84 3 84
Stephane Adam 1 148 34 148
Gary McSwegan 1 108 32 108
Robert Tomaschek 1 65 6 65
Robbie Neilson 1 282 2 282
Austin McCann 1 56 1 56
Craig Gordon 1 335 0 335
Graham Weir 1 92 8 92
Phil Stamp 1 90 7 90
Patrick Kisnorbo 1 74 3 74
Edgaras Jankauskas 1 53 14 53
Takis Fyssas 1 67 1 67
Ibrahim Tall 1 54 6 54
Bruno Aguiar 1 77 11 77
Mauricio Pinilla 1 8 2 8
Eduardas Kurskis 1 7 0 7
Gary Glen 1 74 7 74
David Obua 1 117 8 117
Janos Balogh 1 51 0 51
Suso Santana 1 84 10 84
Craig Thomson 1 62 3 62
Ismael Bouzid 1 76 2 76
Darren Barr 1 83 2 83
Kevin McHattie 1 107 7 107
Brad McKay 1 62 2 62
Sam Nicholson 1 148 18 148
Jordan McGhee 1 95 5 95
Morgaro Gomis 1 68 1 68
Osman Sow 1 63 26 63
Adam Eckersley 1 28 2 28
Juanma 1 48 14 48
Gavin Reilly 1 40 5 40
Igor Rossi 1 61 4 61
Arnaud Djoum 1 133 16 133
Abiola Dauda 1 15 5 15
Harry Cochrane 1 47 2 47
Michael Smith 1 227 10 227
Kyle Lafferty 1 51 20 51
Connor Randall 1 27 0 27
Demetri Mitchell 1 35 2 35
Andy Irving 1 72 6 72
Ben Garuccio 1 39 2 39
Steven MacLean 1 58 10 58
Jake Mulraney 1 59 4 59
Sean Clare 1 75 14 75
Aaron Hickey 1 35 1 35
Toby Sibbick 1 102 1 102
Marcel Langer 1 3 0 3
Ross Stewart 1 21 0 21
Andy Halliday 1 126 14 126
Taylor Moore 1 23 0 23
Cammy Devlin 1 135 6 135
Lewis Neilson 1 29 0 29
Kye Rowles 1 103 1 103
Lawrence Shankland 1 125 65 125
Robert Snodgrass 1 25 1 25
Christos Karipidis 1 84 4 84

Players by Games per Redcards - Post 1946
Player Red Cards Apps Goals Games per
Marcel Langer 1 3 0

Eduardas Kurskis 1 7 0

Mauricio Pinilla 1 8 2

Darren Beckford 1 12 2

Juwon Oshaniwa 2 27 0

Abiola Dauda 1 15 5

Blazej Augustyn 2 32 0

Justin Fashanu 1 18 1

Ross Stewart 1 21 0

Brian McNaughton 1 22 7

Gerry McCoy 2 47 14

Jamie Brandon 2 47 0

Isma 2 46 16

Taylor Moore 1 23 0

Pasquale Bruno 2 49 1

Robert Snodgrass 1 25 1

Graeme Hogg 3 78 6

Ian Baird 3 83 21

Roman Bednar 2 54 14

Connor Randall 1 27 0

Michael Stewart 5 143 18

Adam Eckersley 1 28 2

Lewis Neilson 1 29 0

Jamie Hamill 3 94 19

Paul Hartley 5 165 41

Ally Mauchlen 1 33 0

Julien Brellier 2 69 0

Marius Zaliukas 7 250 16

Alex Cochrane 4 143 7

Demetri Mitchell 1 35 2

Aaron Hickey 1 35 1

Alan Maybury 4 146 4

Saulius Mikoliunas 4 144 15

Jorge Grant 3 109 10

Scott Leitch 2 75 5

Gary Liddell 1 37 8

Ian Black 3 119 4

Laryea Kingston 2 78 11

Ben Garuccio 1 39 2

Jose Goncalves 2 80 2

Gavin Reilly 1 40 5

Ian George Black 1 41 0

Eggert Jonsson 4 176 12

Neil Pointon 2 89 5

Ruben Palazuelos 3 143 4

Harry Cochrane 1 47 2

Willie Johnston 2 96 12

Christian Nade 2 97 11

Danny Wilson 2 96 10

Juanma 1 48 14

Josh Ginnelly 2 102 22

Janos Balogh 1 51 0

Kyle Lafferty 1 51 20

Edgaras Jankauskas 1 53 14

Ibrahim Tall 1 54 6

Dave McNicoll 1 56 1

Austin McCann 1 56 1

Steven MacLean 1 58 10

Jake Mulraney 1 59 4

Don Kerrigan 1 60 20

Igor Rossi 1 61 4

Prince Buaben 2 125 9

Norrie Davidson 1 62 35

Craig Thomson 1 62 3

Brad McKay 1 62 2

Osman Sow 1 63 26

Lee Wallace 3 193 5

Davy Weir 2 128 13

Robert Tomaschek 1 65 6

Lawrie Tierney 1 66 2

Scott Robinson 2 134 4

Takis Fyssas 1 67 1

Morgaro Gomis 1 68 1

Don Murray 1 71 0

Malcolm Robertson 2 144 21

Calum Elliot 2 144 19

Andy Irving 1 72 6

Ryan Stevenson 2 148 29

Ray Dunlop 1 74 0

Patrick Kisnorbo 1 74 3

Gary Glen 1 74 7

Sean Clare 1 75 14

Peter Haring 2 152 13

Ismael Bouzid 1 76 2

Craig Levein 6 464 21

Wayne Foster 3 231 29

Bruno Aguiar 1 77 11

Jimmy Bone 1 81 16

John Millar 2 166 26

Darren Barr 1 83 2

Stefano Salvatori 1 84 3

Suso Santana 1 84 10

Christos Karipidis 1 84 4

Mike Galloway 1 86 22

Stephen Frail 1 87 6

Tosh McKinlay 3 272 9

Alex MacDonald 2 181 21

Phil Stamp 1 90 7

Drew Busby 3 277 92

Jim Townsend 2 185 13

Gilles Rousset 2 184 0

Callum Paterson 2 185 41

Graham Weir 1 92 8

Jamie Walker 3 281 64

Thomas Flogel 2 187 14

Paul Ritchie 2 189 9

Jordan McGhee 1 95 5

Paddy Byrne 1 98 17

Donald Park 3 299 55

Andy Webster 3 297 17

Colin Cameron 2 205 61

Toby Sibbick 1 102 1

Kye Rowles 1 103 1

Kevin McHattie 1 107 7

Gary Locke 2 217 12

Gary McSwegan 1 108 32

Walter Kidd 5 546 15

Peter Oliver 1 109 0

Cammy Fraser 2 229 26

Grant Murray 1 117 1

David Obua 1 117 8

John Robertson 6 722 311

Gary Mackay 6 739 88

Steven Pressley 3 370 28

Lawrence Shankland 1 125 65

Andy Halliday 1 126 14

Brian Whittaker 2 258 4

Roald Jensen 1 129 27

Ralph Callachan 1 129 23

Roddy Macdonald 2 261 30

Arnaud Djoum 1 133 16

Alan Anderson 4 539 37

Frank Liddell 1 134 4

Peter Shields 1 135 5

Cammy Devlin 1 135 6

Derek Ferguson 1 141 6

Neil McCann 1 142 27

Stephane Adam 1 148 34

Sam Nicholson 1 148 18

Jim Jefferies 2 352 6

Roy Barry 1 180 13

Dave Bowman 1 183 14

Scott Crabbe 1 183 51

Neil Berry 2 370 15

Sandy Clark 1 205 56

Michael Smith 1 227 10

Ian Sneddon 1 229 1

Bobby Prentice 1 240 26

Eddie Thomson 1 248 8

Alan McLaren 1 249 9

Kenny Black 1 268 27

Eamonn Bannon 1 279 42

Willie Wallace 1 280 159

Robbie Neilson 1 282 2

Craig Gordon 1 335 0

Dave McPherson 1 416 37

John Colquhoun 1 498 101


By Team
Team Red Cards W D L W D L


31 3 2 21 11% 7% 80%


30 3 1 22 11% 3% 84%


28 4 5 16 16% 20% 64%


27 6 9 8 26% 39% 34%

Dundee United

24 5 6 11 22% 27% 50%


18 5 2 11 27% 11% 61%


15 3 7 4 21% 50% 28%

St Johnstone

12 2 6 4 16% 50% 33%


11 4 2 5 36% 18% 45%

Hamilton Academical

11 4 2 2 50% 25% 25%

St Mirren

9 3 4 2 33% 44% 22%

Raith Rovers

7 1 2 2 20% 40% 40%

Partick Thistle

6 3 0 3 50% 0% 50%


5 1 1 3 20% 20% 60%


5 1 1 2 25% 25% 50%

Inverness Caledonian Thistle

5 0 2 3 0% 40% 60%

Queen of the South

5 3 2 0 60% 40% 0%

Ayr United

4 1 1 2 25% 25% 50%

Dunfermline Athletic

4 3 1 0 75% 25% 0%

Greenock Morton

4 0 3 1 0% 75% 25%

Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle)

4 1 1 2 25% 25% 50%

Ross County

4 3 1 0 75% 25% 0%

AEK Athens

3 0 0 2 0% 0% 100%


3 0 0 3 0% 0% 100%


3 0 2 1 0% 66% 33%

Albion Rovers

1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%

Brechin City

1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%

East Fife

1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%


1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

Leith Athletic

1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%

Ludogorets Razgrad

1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%


1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%

Mossend Swifts

1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%

Queens Park

1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%


1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%


1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%

SC Birkenfeld

1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%

Schalke 04

1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

Sportsklubben Brann

1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%

TSV Battenberg

1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%

Union Deportiva Almeria

1 0 0 0 0% 0% 0%


1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

By Score
Score Red Cards W D L W D L


44 0 40 0 0% 100% 0%


33 0 0 31 0% 0% 100%


30 0 0 24 0% 0% 100%


29 0 0 27 0% 0% 100%


16 14 0 0 100% 0% 0%


15 0 15 0 0% 100% 0%


15 0 0 10 0% 0% 100%


14 0 0 13 0% 0% 100%


12 12 0 0 100% 0% 0%


12 12 0 0 100% 0% 0%


11 0 11 0 0% 100% 0%


10 0 0 7 0% 0% 100%


9 9 0 0 100% 0% 0%


8 0 0 7 0% 0% 100%


7 0 0 7 0% 0% 100%


6 6 0 0 100% 0% 0%


5 5 0 0 100% 0% 0%


5 0 0 5 0% 0% 100%


3 3 0 0 100% 0% 0%


3 0 3 0 0% 100% 0%


2 0 0 2 0% 0% 100%


1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%


1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%


1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%


1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%


1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%


1 0 0 0 0% 0% 0%

By Comp
Comp Red Cards W D L W D L

Scottish Premier League

77 10 16 42 14% 23% 61%


55 19 12 18 38% 24% 36%


50 7 13 26 15% 28% 56%

Scottish Cup

28 4 7 13 16% 29% 54%

Division 1

24 6 7 11 25% 29% 45%

League Cup

17 3 5 9 17% 29% 52%

First Division

9 3 4 2 33% 44% 22%


7 4 1 1 66% 16% 16%

Division A

7 3 2 2 42% 28% 28%

Champions League

3 0 0 2 0% 0% 100%


3 0 0 1 0% 0% 50%


2 1 0 1 50% 0% 50%

Overseas Tour1988-89

2 1 1 0 50% 50% 0%

Southern League Cup

2 0 0 2 0% 0% 100%

East of Scotland Cup

1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%

English Tour

1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

Europa Conference League

1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

Europa League

1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

Overseas Tour1964-65

1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%

Overseas Tour1985-86a

1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%

Rosebery Charity Cup

1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%


1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%


1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

By Season
Season Red Cards W D L W D L
2022-23 16 3 3 6 23% 23% 46%
2006-07 11 2 2 6 20% 20% 60%
2008-09 11 2 1 7 20% 10% 70%
2009-10 11 1 2 5 12% 25% 62%
2015-16 10 1 4 5 10% 40% 50%
1991-92 9 7 1 1 77% 11% 11%
2007-08 9 0 2 5 0% 28% 71%
1988-89 8 2 2 2 33% 33% 33%
2005-06 8 2 3 3 25% 37% 37%
2014-15 8 3 1 3 42% 14% 42%
1996-97 7 2 0 2 50% 0% 50%
1978-79 6 1 2 2 20% 40% 40%
1986-87 6 2 3 1 33% 50% 16%
1989-90 6 4 2 0 66% 33% 0%
2010-11 6 2 1 3 33% 16% 50%
2013-14 6 2 2 1 40% 40% 20%
2018-19 6 0 0 6 0% 0% 100%
1981-82 5 2 3 0 40% 60% 0%
1982-83 5 2 1 2 40% 20% 40%
1992-93 5 1 1 3 20% 20% 60%
1994-95 5 0 0 4 0% 0% 100%
1995-96 5 0 2 2 0% 50% 50%
2004-05 5 0 1 4 0% 20% 80%
2016-17 5 0 0 5 0% 0% 100%
2017-18 5 2 3 0 40% 60% 0%
2019-20 5 0 2 3 0% 40% 60%
1977-78 4 0 2 2 0% 50% 50%
1984-85 4 0 1 3 0% 25% 75%
1985-86 4 1 0 2 33% 0% 66%
1990-91 4 2 0 2 50% 0% 50%
1993-94 4 2 2 0 50% 50% 0%
1999-00 4 0 2 2 0% 50% 50%
2000-01 4 0 2 2 0% 50% 50%
2002-03 4 1 0 2 33% 0% 66%
2011-12 4 1 1 2 25% 25% 50%
2012-13 4 0 2 2 0% 50% 50%
1922-23 3 0 2 1 0% 66% 33%
1966-67 3 1 1 1 33% 33% 33%
1971-72 3 1 0 2 33% 0% 66%
1972-73 3 0 1 2 0% 33% 66%
1976-77 3 0 0 3 0% 0% 100%
1998-99 3 0 1 1 0% 50% 50%
2001-02 3 0 0 2 0% 0% 100%
2003-04 3 0 0 2 0% 0% 100%
2021-22 3 0 0 3 0% 0% 100%
1891-92 2 2 0 0 100% 0% 0%
1893-94 2 1 1 0 50% 50% 0%
1898-99 2 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1904-05 2 0 1 1 0% 50% 50%
1925-26 2 0 1 1 0% 50% 50%
1928-29 2 1 1 0 50% 50% 0%
1931-32 2 0 0 2 0% 0% 100%
1973-74 2 0 1 1 0% 50% 50%
1997-98 2 1 1 0 50% 50% 0%
1901-02 1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%
1905-06 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1924-25 1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%
1929-30 1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%
1930-31 1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%
1934-35 1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%
1941-42 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1943-44 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1961-62 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1962-63 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1964-65 1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%
1968-69 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1969-70 1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%
1970-71 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1974-75 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1975-76 1 0 1 0 0% 100% 0%
1979-80 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1980-81 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
1983-84 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%
2020-21 1 1 0 0 100% 0% 0%
2024-25 1 0 0 1 0% 0% 100%

By All Seasons
Season Red Cards W D L W D L
1891-92 2 2 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
1893-94 2 1 1 0 50 % 50 % 0 %
1898-99 2 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1901-02 1 1 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
1904-05 2 0 1 1 0 % 50 % 50 %
1905-06 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1922-23 3 0 2 1 0 % 66 % 33 %
1924-25 1 1 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
1925-26 2 0 1 1 0 % 50 % 50 %
1928-29 2 1 1 0 50 % 50 % 0 %
1929-30 1 1 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
1930-31 1 1 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
1931-32 2 0 0 2 0 % 0 % 100 %
1934-35 1 1 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
1941-42 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1943-44 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1961-62 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1962-63 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1964-65 1 1 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
1966-67 3 1 1 1 33 % 33 % 33 %
1968-69 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1969-70 1 0 1 0 0 % 100 % 0 %
1970-71 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1971-72 3 1 0 2 33 % 0 % 66 %
1972-73 3 0 1 2 0 % 33 % 66 %
1973-74 2 0 1 1 0 % 50 % 50 %
1974-75 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1975-76 1 0 1 0 0 % 100 % 0 %
1976-77 3 0 0 3 0 % 0 % 100 %
1977-78 4 0 2 2 0 % 50 % 50 %
1978-79 6 1 2 2 20 % 40 % 40 %
1979-80 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1980-81 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1981-82 5 2 3 0 40 % 60 % 0 %
1982-83 5 2 1 2 40 % 20 % 40 %
1983-84 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %
1984-85 4 0 1 3 0 % 25 % 75 %
1985-86 4 1 0 2 33 % 0 % 66 %
1986-87 6 2 3 1 33 % 50 % 16 %
1988-89 8 2 2 2 33 % 33 % 33 %
1989-90 6 4 2 0 66 % 33 % 0 %
1990-91 4 2 0 2 50 % 0 % 50 %
1991-92 9 7 1 1 77 % 11 % 11 %
1992-93 5 1 1 3 20 % 20 % 60 %
1993-94 4 2 2 0 50 % 50 % 0 %
1994-95 5 0 0 4 0 % 0 % 100 %
1995-96 5 0 2 2 0 % 50 % 50 %
1996-97 7 2 0 2 50 % 0 % 50 %
1997-98 2 1 1 0 50 % 50 % 0 %
1998-99 3 0 1 1 0 % 50 % 50 %
1999-00 4 0 2 2 0 % 50 % 50 %
2000-01 4 0 2 2 0 % 50 % 50 %
2001-02 3 0 0 2 0 % 0 % 100 %
2002-03 4 1 0 2 33 % 0 % 66 %
2003-04 3 0 0 2 0 % 0 % 100 %
2004-05 5 0 1 4 0 % 20 % 80 %
2005-06 8 2 3 3 25 % 37 % 37 %
2006-07 11 2 2 6 20 % 20 % 60 %
2007-08 9 0 2 5 0 % 28 % 71 %
2008-09 11 2 1 7 20 % 10 % 70 %
2009-10 11 1 2 5 12 % 25 % 62 %
2010-11 6 2 1 3 33 % 16 % 50 %
2011-12 4 1 1 2 25 % 25 % 50 %
2012-13 4 0 2 2 0 % 50 % 50 %
2013-14 6 2 2 1 40 % 40 % 20 %
2014-15 8 3 1 3 42 % 14 % 42 %
2015-16 10 1 4 5 10 % 40 % 50 %
2016-17 5 0 0 5 0 % 0 % 100 %
2017-18 5 2 3 0 40 % 60 % 0 %
2018-19 6 0 0 6 0 % 0 % 100 %
2019-20 5 0 2 3 0 % 40 % 60 %
2020-21 1 1 0 0 100 % 0 % 0 %
2021-22 3 0 0 3 0 % 0 % 100 %
2022-23 16 3 3 6 23 % 23 % 46 %
2024-25 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 % 100 %

All Columns are sortable click on column to sort
Season No
Player Time Team Date NF MF Score Comp Round Venue Crowd Note
1891-92 1 Davie Russell 0 Mossend Swifts 1891-12-12 Sat s n


EoSS R1 Tynecastle Park 2500 Fight between Russell and P Davidson
1891-92 1 George Goodfellow 85 Rangers 1892-04-23 Sat s n


Division 1 20 of 22 Tynecastle Park 4500 Rushed into tackle and Kicked the Ranger
1893-94 1 Robert Gordon 80 Leith Athletic 1893-12-02 Sat s n


Division 1 12 of 18 Bank Park (Beechwood Park) 4000 Young and Gordon fighting
1893-94 1 Davie Russell 85 Renton 1894-03-03 Sat s n


Division 1 14 of 18 Tynecastle Park 2500 Fight between Russell and McDermid
1898-99 2 George Hogg 50 Rangers 1899-01-14 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R1 First Ibrox 25612 Kicking an opponent
1898-99 2 Isaac Begbie 60 Rangers 1899-01-14 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R1 First Ibrox 25612 Kicking an opponent
1901-02 1 George Hogg 65 Hibernian 1901-09-14 Sat s n


Division 1 05 of 18 Easter Road 12000 George Hogg and Hamilton Handling tussling
1904-05 1 Robert MacKie 86 Queens Park 1905-02-04 Sat s n


Division 1 22 of 26 Hampden Park 4000 Rough play fouling Andrew Richmond
1904-05 1 Robert McNeil 0 Hibernian 1905-05-06 Sat s n


East of Scotland Cup SF Easter Road 6000 Had a go at Donaghy missed player but caught referee's eye
1905-06 1 Harry McNaught 35 Celtic 1906-04-21 Sat s n


Division 1 30 of 30 Celtic Park 7000 Collision with Hamilton
1922-23 1 Jock White 80 Albion Rovers 1922-09-09 Sat s n


Division 1 04 of 38 Tynecastle Park 20500 McColgan and White involved in a fight
1922-23 1 Peter W Neil 70 Ayr United 1922-09-16 Sat s n


Division 1 05 of 38 Somerset Park 3000 Kicking Low in the face
1922-23 1 Tim Williamson 65 Falkirk 1923-03-03 Sat s n


Division 1 31 of 38 Brockville Park 8000 Retaliation after being tripped by Glancy
1924-25 1 Lachlan Macmillan 60 Hibernian 1924-10-18 Sat s n


Division 1 13 of 38 Tynecastle Park 33500 MacMillan and Ritchie fighting
1925-26 1 William Black 85 Greenock Morton 1925-09-05 Sat s n


Division A 04 of 38 Cappielow Park 5000 Fighting with Thomas Robertson
1925-26 1 Jock White 48 Hibernian 1926-01-01 Fri s n


Division A 22 of 38 Tynecastle Park 33000 Continiuing to dispute penalty award
1928-29 1 Lachlan Macmillan 84 Raith Rovers 1929-04-27 Sat s n


Division A 38 of 38 Tynecastle Park 6000 Fighting
1928-29 1 Tom Robertson [3] 67 Hibernian 1929-05-11 Sat s s


Rosebery Charity Cup Final Tynecastle Park 8000 Fighting with Gilfeather
1929-30 1 Tim Morgan 30 Falkirk 1929-10-12 Sat s n


Division A 10 of 38 Brockville Park 12500 Fighting with Gilroy
1930-31 1 Barney Battles Jnr 83 Falkirk 1930-10-11 Sat s n


Division A 10 of 38 Brockville Park 8000 Sent of in a case of mistaken identity. Case dismissed by SFA.
1931-32 1 Alex Massie 65 Kilmarnock 1931-12-26 Sat s n


Division A 25 of 38 Rugby Park 4000 Trivial offence on Freddie Malloy
1931-32 1 Robert King 86 Rangers 1932-02-13 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 Tynecastle Park 53396 Foul on English
1934-35 1 Alex Massie 42 Queen of the South 1934-11-03 Sat s n


Division A 15 of 38 Palmerston Park 7000 Disputing referee's decision
1941-42 1 Bobby Christie 88 Rangers 1942-04-11 Sat s n


Southern League Cup Section 6 of 6 Tynecastle Park 16000 Feud with Shaw
1943-44 1 Jimmy Philp 44 Motherwell 1944-04-08 Sat s n


Southern League Cup Section 5 of 6 Fir Park 5000 Fighting with Gillian
1961-62 1 Norrie Davidson 75 Partick Thistle 1962-03-10 Sat s n


Division 1 28 of 34 Firhill Stadium 7843 Clash with Sandy Brown
1962-63 1 Roy Barry 68 Falkirk 1962-10-30 Tue s n


Division 1 09 of 34 Brockville Park 3371 Booked and sent off protesting a penalty (missed)
1964-65 1 Don Kerrigan 68 Sportsklubben Brann 1965-06-08 Tue s n


Overseas Tour1964-65 OT 1 of 4 Brann Stadion 15700 Fighting with Hetleon
1966-67 1 Alan Anderson 83 Airdrieonians 1966-09-17 Sat s n


Division 1 02 of 34 Tynecastle Park 7063 Clash with Marshall off the ball.
1966-67 1 Willie Wallace 72 Clyde 1966-10-29 Sat s n


Division 1 08 of 34 Tynecastle Park 7034 Foul on goalkeeper 'over-harrying'
1966-67 1 Alan Anderson 39 St Johnstone 1967-02-11 Sat s n


Division 1 22 of 34 Tynecastle Park 5987 Clash with goalkeeper
1968-69 1 Roald Jensen 89 Dundee United 1968-11-16 Sat s n


Division 1 11 of 34 Tannadice Park 7914 Fighting with Reid
1969-70 1 Jim Townsend 35 Celtic 1970-03-28 Sat s n


Division 1 31 of 34 Tynecastle Park 27690 2nd booking for disputing initial booking
1970-71 1 Peter Oliver 60 St Johnstone 1970-08-29 Sat s n


Division 1 01 of 34 Tynecastle Park 10347 Sent off on advice of Linesman
1971-72 1 Eddie Thomson 86 Airdrieonians 1971-08-25 Wed s n


League Cup Section 4 of 6 Tynecastle Park 10469 Ordered off in conceding match winning penalty 4 minutes from time.
1971-72 1 Jim Townsend 73 Aberdeen 1971-11-27 Sat s s


Division 1 13 of 34 Pittodrie 20702 Protesting for offside at Aberdeen's second goal.
1971-72 1 Alan Anderson 66 Falkirk 1971-12-11 Sat s n


Division 1 15 of 34 Brockville Park 7210 Seconds after fouling Somner and Setterington he fells Ferguson
1972-73 1 Ian Sneddon 44 Motherwell 1972-11-08 Wed s n


TEXACO Cup R2 Fir Park 10929 Sent off for 2 bad fouls on Billy Campbell
1972-73 1 Alan Anderson 80 East Fife 1973-01-20 Sat s n


Division 1 21 of 34 Tynecastle Park 5625 2nd Booking
1972-73 1 Jim Jefferies 67 Airdrieonians 1973-02-07 Wed s n


Scottish Cup R3 Broomfield Park 5800 2nd Booking Foul on McCann
1973-74 1 Drew Busby 56 Motherwell 1973-09-15 Sat s n


Division 1 03 of 34 Fir Park 9815 Late tackle on Muir
1973-74 1 Donald Park 74 Clyde 1974-04-24 Wed s n


Division 1 31 of 34 Shawfield Stadium 1315 Arguing with linesman regards a throw in.
1974-75 1 Don Murray 91 Clyde 1975-04-05 Sat s n


Division 1 31 of 34 Tynecastle Park 5854 2nd booking for dissent after full time going up the tunnel.
1975-76 1 Ralph Callachan 78 Montrose 1976-03-09 Tue s n


Scottish Cup QF Tynecastle Park 16228 Penalty box scramble with Cant.
1976-77 1 Bobby Prentice 62 Celtic 1976-10-25 Mon s n


League Cup SF Hampden Park 21816 Chopping Down Doyle
1976-77 1 Donald Park 77 Celtic 1977-04-02 Sat s n


Premier 29 of 36 Tynecastle Park 16801 2nd booking for handball.
1976-77 1 Malcolm Robertson 90 Ayr United 1977-04-06 Wed s n


Premier 30 of 36 Tynecastle Park 11044 sent off on advice of linesman after McSherry was found on the ground.
1977-78 1 Drew Busby 72 Queen of the South 1977-09-14 Wed s n


First Division 05 of 39 Palmerston Park 4227 sent off for pulling down Peter Dickson.
1977-78 1 Cammy Fraser 72 Dundee United 1977-11-09 Wed s n


League Cup QF Tannadice Park 7286 2nd booking for taking corner kick from wrong side.
1977-78 1 Dave McNicoll 38 Greenock Morton 1977-12-10 Sat s n


First Division 19 of 39 Tynecastle Park 12033 Foul on McGhee
1977-78 1 Drew Busby 87 Hibernian 1978-05-07 Sun s n


EoSS Final Easter Road 16000 2nd booking foul on Duncan who is taken off on a stretcher
1978-79 2 Donald Park 57 Hibernian 1978-08-26 Sat s n


Premier 03 of 36 Tynecastle Park 19663 Dissent after being warned about a foul on McLeod
1978-79 2 Jim Jefferies 88 Hibernian 1978-08-26 Sat s n


Premier 03 of 36 Tynecastle Park 19663 2nd booking for intervening in a fight between players
1978-79 1 Lawrie Tierney 43 Greenock Morton 1978-08-30 Wed s n


League Cup R1 Tynecastle Park 6729 Elbows Russell off the ball and is sent off on advice of the linesman
1978-79 1 Malcolm Robertson 65 Celtic 1978-10-28 Sat s n


Premier 11 of 36 Tynecastle Park 19269 Clash with Lynch
1978-79 1 Ray Dunlop 89 Greenock Morton 1979-03-03 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R4 Tynecastle Park 7283 Retaliation to foul by Thomson
1978-79 1 Cammy Fraser 89 Celtic 1979-04-18 Wed s n


Premier 29 of 36 Tynecastle Park 10633 Scythed down Burns
1979-80 1 Ian George Black 85 Motherwell 1979-09-19 Wed s n


First Division 08 of 39 Fir Park 3551 2nd booking for foul on Brian McLaughlin
1980-81 1 Frank Liddell 35 Ayr United 1980-09-24 Wed s n


League Cup R2 Somerset Park 4484 2nd Booking for late challenge on Nicol
1981-82 1 Gary Liddell 31 Kilmarnock 1981-08-15 Sat s n


League Cup Section 3 of 6 Tynecastle Park 7746 Kicked McDicken after a tussle
1981-82 1 Paddy Byrne 63 Dunfermline Athletic 1981-11-14 Sat s n


First Division 15 of 39 Tynecastle Park 5570 Kicking Hugh Hamill who was on ground after being fouled by Derek Addison
1981-82 1 Gerry McCoy 85 Queen of the South 1982-03-13 Sat s n


First Division 27 of 39 Palmerston Park 1995 Incident with Jimmy Miller
1981-82 1 Peter Shields 69 Hamilton Academical 1982-04-10 Sat s n


First Division 32 of 39 Douglas Park 2432 Off the ball incident with Joe Craig before restart after 2nd goal
1981-82 1 Gerry McCoy 77 Kilmarnock 1982-05-08 Sat s n


First Division 38 of 39 Rugby Park 9997 Off the ball incident with Keith Robin
1982-83 1 Alex MacDonald 44 Ayr United 1982-12-27 Mon s n


First Division 19 of 39 Somerset Park 3448 Retalliation after being fouled by McCallister
1982-83 1 John Robertson 67 Queen of the South 1983-01-29 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R3 Palmerston Park 6034 Off the ball clash with Jim Wilkie
1982-83 1 Willie Johnston 61 Queen of the South 1983-02-02 Wed s n


Scottish Cup R3 Tynecastle Park 6472 Johnston and Miller fighting
1982-83 1 Willie Johnston 45 Celtic 1983-03-12 Sat s n


Scottish Cup QF Celtic Park 25458 Alledgedly head butted by Davie Provan in 5th minute of first half injury time.
1982-83 1 Alex MacDonald 77 Raith Rovers 1983-03-29 Tue s n


First Division 31 of 39 Stark's Park 3306 2nd booking for dissent
1983-84 1 Jimmy Bone 42 Dundee United 1984-02-18 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R4 Tannadice Park 14371 2nd Booking for foul on Paul Hegarty
1984-85 1 Brian Whittaker 47 Celtic 1984-09-15 Sat s n


Premier 06 of 36 Celtic Park 18411 Only on field for two minutes 2nd Booking for foul on John Colquhoun
1984-85 1 Dave Bowman 55 Dundee United 1984-09-26 Wed s n


League Cup SF Tynecastle Park 10541 Fighting between Bowman and Narey
1984-85 1 Walter Kidd 72 Brechin City 1985-02-16 Sat s n


Scottish Cup R4 Glebe Park 6250 Lost temper with Brian Reid and hit him with right hook.
1984-85 1 Roddy Macdonald 15 Aberdeen 1985-03-13 Wed s n


Scottish Cup QF Pittodrie 23490 Off the ball incident with Eric Black
1985-86 1 Brian McNaughton 30 SC Birkenfeld 1985-08-04 Sun n n


Overseas Tour1985-86a OT 5 of 5 A 750 Retaliation
1985-86 2 Walter Kidd 70 Rangers 1985-08-24 Sat s n


Premier 03 of 36 Ibrox 35746 Retaliates to a foul by Bell.
1985-86 2 Sandy Clark 70 Rangers 1985-08-24 Sat s n


Premier 03 of 36 Ibrox 35746 Involved in a fight with Ally McCoist who was also sent off.
1985-86 1 Walter Kidd 77 Aberdeen 1986-05-10 Sat s s


Scottish Cup Final Hampden Park 58841 2nd booking for throwing ball at Frank McDougall
1986-87 1 John Robertson 77 Hamilton Academical 1986-10-18 Sat s n


Premier 13 of 44 Douglas Park 5405 Incident on the touchline with Millar
1986-87 1 Gary Mackay 70 Motherwell 1986-11-19 Wed s n


Premier 19 of 44 Fir Park 6341 Second bookable offence
1986-87 1 Roddy Macdonald 18 Aberdeen 1987-01-21 Wed s n


Premier 29 of 44 Pittodrie 15746 Off the ball clash with Dodds who was only booked.
1986-87 1 Brian Whittaker 43 Kilmarnock 1987-02-04 Wed s n


Scottish Cup R3 Rugby Park 14932 Kicked Harkness in the chest
1986-87 1 John Robertson 56 Falkirk 1987-03-21 Sat s n


Premier 36 of 44 Brockville Park 6681 Alledged Head butt retaliation to a foul by Albert Kidd which He denied. Results in 4 match ban which includes lost Scottish Cup SF.
1986-87 1 Scott Crabbe 68 Dundee United 1987-05-11 Mon s n


Premier 44 of 44 Tynecastle Park 6779 Swing at Kirkwood
1988-89 1 Kenny Black 0 TSV Battenberg 1988-07-13 Wed s n


Overseas Tour1988-89 OT 1 of 6 A 600 Late tackle
1988-89 1 Wayne Foster 0 Remscheid 1988-07-20 Wed s n


Overseas Tour1988-89 OT 4 of 6 A 200 Retaliation
1988-89 1 Dave McPherson 76 Motherwell 1988-11-26 Sat s n


Premier 17 of 36 Fir Park 6208 Retaliation
1988-89 1 Mike Galloway 35 Rangers 1988-12-10 Sat s n


Premier 19 of 36 Tynecastle Park 26424 2nd booking Foul on Gough
1988-89 3 Alan McLaren 35 Celtic 1989-03-18 Sat s s


Scottish Cup QF Celtic Park 46348 Disputing penalty award.
1988-89 3 Tosh McKinlay 36 Celtic 1989-03-18 Sat s s


Scottish Cup QF Celtic Park 46348 Involved in melee.
1988-89 3 John Robertson 130 Celtic 1989-03-18 Sat s s


Scottish Cup QF Celtic Park 46348 Given a 'red card' retrospectively after SFA probe
1988-89 1 Craig Levein 53 St Mirren 1989-04-08 Sat s n


Premier 31 of 36 Love Street 6970 Elbows
1989-90 1 Eamonn Bannon 34 Dundee 1989-09-09 Sat s s


Premier 04 of 36 Dens Park 8438 Retaliation after a foul Albert Craig. His first ever red card.
1989-90 1 Walter Kidd 71 Motherwell 1989-09-16 Sat s s


Premier 05 of 36 Fir Park 8948 Second booking
1989-90 1 Wayne Foster 53 Motherwell 1989-11-18 Sat s s


Premier 14 of 36 Tynecastle Park 12035 Second booking in 2 minutes for late challenge on Maxwell
1989-90 1 Wayne Foster 42 Dunfermline Athletic 1989-12-09 Sat s s


Premier 17 of 36 East End Park 11295 2nd booking in 3 minutes for late challenge on Tierney
1989-90 1 Gary Mackay 75 Motherwell 1990-01-13 Sat s s


Premier 23 of 36 Fir Park 8822 Challenge on O'Neill
1989-90 1 Walter Kidd 88 Aberdeen 1990-02-03 Sat s s


Premier 25 of 36 Pittodrie 17352 2nd booking for kicking ball away. Claimed he did not hear the whistle.
1990-91 1 Derek Ferguson 72 Celtic 1990-11-10 Sat n s


Premier 12 of 36 Tynecastle Park 19189 2nd booking for tackle on Mike Galloway
1990-91 1 Craig Levein 61 Rangers 1991-01-05 Sat n s


Premier 21 of 36 Tynecastle Park 20956 2nd booking for fouling Hateley just after Hearts thought they had a penalty.
1990-91 1 John Robertson 22 Aberdeen 1991-04-13 Sat n s


Premier 32 of 36 Tynecastle Park 16771 Throwing ball at Brian Irvine after being fouled.
1990-91 1 Gary Mackay 86 St Johnstone 1991-04-20 Sat n s


Premier 33 of 36 McDiarmid Park 6822 2nd Booking
1991-92 1 Tosh McKinlay 58 Dunfermline Athletic 1991-08-10 Sat s s


Premier 01 of 44 East End Park 10736 Lunging at McCall
1991-92 1 Craig Levein 56 Airdrieonians 1991-08-13 Tue s s


Premier 02 of 44 Broomfield Park 6326 2nd yellow pulls down Lawrence conceding a penalty
1991-92 1 Graeme Hogg 70 Hamilton Academical 1991-08-28 Wed n s


League Cup R3 Douglas Park 4006 hauling back Accies substitute Clark by his shirt
1991-92 1 Ian Baird 30 St Mirren 1991-09-14 Sat n s


Premier 07 of 44 Love Street 5836 a misdemeanour which must have seemed more reprehensible on the park than it did from the back of the stand.
1991-92 1 Gary Mackay 84 Dundee United 1991-11-23 Sat n s


Premier 20 of 44 Tannadice Park 12796 Involved in a melee sent off on advice of linesman.
1991-92 1 Ian Baird 71 St Mirren 1992-01-25 Sat n n


Scottish Cup R3 Love Street 8952 2nd booking
1991-92 1 Craig Levein 74 Dundee United 1992-02-08 Sat n n


Premier 32 of 44 Tynecastle Park 10516 Professional foul
1991-92 1 Graeme Hogg 75 Falkirk 1992-03-04 Wed n n


Premier 34 of 44 Brockville Park 6002 2nd booking for dissent
1991-92 1 John Millar 24 Aberdeen 1992-03-18 Wed s n


Premier 36 of 44 Pittodrie 10581 2nd booking for elbows
1992-93 1 Ally Mauchlen 76 Dundee United 1992-08-08 Sat s s


Premier 03 of 44 Tannadice Park 9112 second bookable offence foul on Jim McInally
1992-93 1 Tosh McKinlay 78 Aberdeen 1992-11-28 Sat n s


Premier 19 of 44 Pittodrie 13555 2nd Booking
1992-93 1 Craig Levein 86 Dundee United 1993-01-30 Sat n s


Premier 28 of 44 Tannadice Park 7732 "a ""professional"" foul on Paddy Connolly"
1992-93 1 John Millar 68 Rangers 1993-04-14 Wed n s


Premier 38 of 44 Tynecastle Park 14622 2nd booking for late tackle
1992-93 1 Ian Baird 66 Aberdeen 1993-05-05 Wed n s


Premier 42 of 44 Tynecastle Park 6038 2nd booking after scoring for gesturing to fans.
1993-94 1 Justin Fashanu 50 Partick Thistle 1993-09-04 Sat n s


Premier 05 of 44 Tynecastle Park 7273 Straight red for elbowing Grant Tierney.
1993-94 1 Scott Leitch 60 St Johnstone 1993-10-09 Sat s s


Premier 11 of 44 Tynecastle Park 6028 2nd booking for pro foul
1993-94 1 John Colquhoun 43 Partick Thistle 1994-01-29 Sat s s


Scottish Cup R3 Firhill Stadium 9619 Straight red for punching Chic Charnley who used an elbow on John Colquhoun.
1993-94 1 Neil Berry 85 Motherwell 1994-02-05 Sat s s


Premier 29 of 44 Fir Park 7009 2nd Yellow for a trip
1994-95 2 Craig Levein 45 Raith Rovers 1994-08-09 Tue s s


Friendly Stark's Park 2172 Levein & Hogg have a punch up after half-time whistle. Hogg red carded whilst on strecher.
1994-95 2 Graeme Hogg 45 Raith Rovers 1994-08-09 Tue s s


Friendly Stark's Park 2172 Levein & Hogg have a punch up after half-time whistle. Hogg red carded whilst on strecher.
1994-95 1 Gary Mackay 72 Hibernian 1994-08-27 Sat n s


Premier 03 of 36 Tynecastle Park 12371 2nd Yellow for barging Brian Hamilton off the ball
1994-95 1 Stephen Frail 36 St Johnstone 1994-08-31 Wed n s


League Cup R3 Tynecastle Park 8467 deliberately handling a John O'Neil shot under his own bar
1994-95 1 John Robertson 85 Airdrieonians 1995-04-08 Sat n s


Scottish Cup SF Hampden Park 22538 Retaliation
1995-96 1 Scott Leitch 61 Celtic 1995-09-23 Sat n s


Premier 04 of 36 Tynecastle Park 13696 Lashed out at Paul McStay
1995-96 1 Gary Mackay 63 Hibernian 1995-10-01 Sun n s


Premier 05 of 36 Easter Road 12374 Stamping on Gareth Evans
1995-96 2 Neil Berry 27 Raith Rovers 1995-12-09 Sat n s


Premier 17 of 36 Stark's Park 6349 Conceding a penalty for a foul on Raith striker Steve Crawford
1995-96 2 Gary Locke 77 Raith Rovers 1995-12-09 Sat n s


Premier 17 of 36 Stark's Park 6349 2nd booking for pulling
1995-96 1 Pasquale Bruno 34 Aberdeen 1996-02-10 Sat n s


Premier 26 of 36 Tynecastle Park 14314 elbowing Dean Windass
1996-97 1 Darren Beckford 80 Kilmarnock 1996-08-17 Sat n s


Premier 01 of 36 Tynecastle Park 10854 Second bookable offence for off the ball incident
1996-97 4 Pasquale Bruno 46 Rangers 1996-09-14 Sat n s


Premier 05 of 36 Ibrox 47240 Second yellow card for foul on Durie
1996-97 4 Davy Weir 60 Rangers 1996-09-14 Sat n s


Premier 05 of 36 Ibrox 47240 Off the ball clash with Durie
1996-97 4 Neil Pointon 63 Rangers 1996-09-14 Sat n s


Premier 05 of 36 Ibrox 47240 2nd yellow for Kicking the post and dissent
1996-97 4 Paul Ritchie 67 Rangers 1996-09-14 Sat n s


Premier 05 of 36 Ibrox 47240 Straight red for Dissent to linesman
1996-97 1 Stefano Salvatori 60 Celtic 1996-09-17 Tue s s


League Cup QF Tynecastle Park 14442 second yellow card for persistant fouling
1996-97 1 Neil Pointon 44 Rangers 1996-12-21 Sat s s


Premier 18 of 36 Tynecastle Park 15139 2nd Yellow card for bodycheck
1997-98 1 Stephane Adam 79 Raith Rovers 1997-08-19 Tue n s


League Cup R3 Stark's Park 7146 Tussle with Danny Lennon both sent off.
1997-98 1 Grant Murray 78 Rangers 1998-02-28 Sat n s


Premier 27 of 36 Ibrox 50046 Second booking
1998-99 1 Paul Ritchie 74 Ross County 1998-09-09 Wed n s


League Cup QF Tynecastle Park 11672 off the ball incident with County's Gary Wood
1998-99 2 Davy Weir 17 Dundee 1998-12-30 Wed s s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 36 Tynecastle Park 13383 for bringing down James Grady inside the box
1998-99 2 Gilles Rousset 93 Dundee 1998-12-30 Wed s s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 36 Tynecastle Park 13383 Sent off after the final whistle for comments made to the officials
1999-00 1 Colin Cameron 58 Celtic 1999-11-20 Sat s s


Scottish Premier League 12 of 36 Tynecastle Park 17184 clashed off the ball with Johan Mjallby to be instantly dismissed
1999-00 1 Gilles Rousset 40 Motherwell 1999-11-23 Tue s s


Scottish Premier League 13 of 36 Fir Park 7858 for handling McCulloch's shot outside his box
1999-00 1 Gary Locke 73 Kilmarnock 1999-11-27 Sat s s


Scottish Premier League 14 of 36 Rugby Park 8326 second yellow card of the game for a challenge on Ally Mitchell
1999-00 1 Gary McSwegan 65 St Johnstone 2000-05-06 Sat s s


Scottish Premier League 34 of 36 Tynecastle Park 12638 kicking out at Darren Dods
2000-01 1 Colin Cameron 45 Rangers 2001-03-03 Sat s s


Scottish Premier League 29 of 38 Ibrox 49003 a 2nd yellow for a touchline foul on Barry Ferguson
2000-01 1 Robert Tomaschek 89 Dundee United 2001-04-07 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 33 of 38 Tannadice Park 7242 stamping on Craig Easton
2000-01 1 Steven Pressley 52 Rangers 2001-05-05 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 36 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15158 second yellow for bringing down Albertz
2000-01 1 Thomas Flogel 89 Hibernian 2001-05-13 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 37 of 38 Easter Road 8913 kick on Stuart Lovell
2001-02 2 Thomas Flogel 58 Aberdeen 2001-10-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 12 of 38 Pittodrie 13883 a bad foul on Aberdeen youngster Philip McGuire in the centre circle
2001-02 2 Graham Weir 90 Aberdeen 2001-10-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 12 of 38 Pittodrie 13883 red for a foul on Derek Young
2001-02 1 Alan Maybury 32 Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) 2002-01-19 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 25 of 38 Almondvale Stadium 9150 "Straight red as the ball stuck underneath Fernadez, He swung his boot taking both man and ball"
2002-03 1 Phil Stamp 92 Hibernian 2002-11-03 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 13 of 38 Easter Road 15660 Second booking for goal celebration
2002-03 1 Alan Maybury 58 Rangers 2002-12-01 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 17 of 38 Tynecastle Park 12156 Second booking for foul on Neil McCann
2002-03 2 Andy Webster 78 Kilmarnock 2003-05-03 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 35 of 38 Rugby Park 9091 2nd yellow for a challenge on McSwegan
2002-03 2 Austin McCann 89 Kilmarnock 2003-05-03 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 35 of 38 Rugby Park 9091 Straight red for a late tackle on Paul Di Giacomo
2003-04 2 Paul Hartley 85 Celtic 2004-02-07 Sat n s


Scottish Cup R4 Tynecastle Park 15372 Shown 2nd yellow card for a foul on Lennon and an outburst at Young
2003-04 2 Alan Maybury 90 Celtic 2004-02-07 Sat n s


Scottish Cup R4 Tynecastle Park 15372 Sent off for a late challenge on Lennon in injury time
2003-04 1 Paul Hartley 87 Partick Thistle 2004-04-10 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 32 of 38 Firhill Stadium 4043 Late challenge on Jamie Mitchell which led to 2nd yellow. First for simulation.
2004-05 1 Patrick Kisnorbo 48 Schalke 04 2004-11-04 Thu n s


UEFA Cup Group A 2 of 4 Murrayfield Stadium 27272 Received a second yellow card for diving
2004-05 1 Alan Maybury 27 Motherwell 2004-11-20 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 15 of 38 Tynecastle Park 10598 Tripped Corrigan in the box given straight red.
2004-05 1 Andy Webster 33 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2004-12-11 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 18 of 38 Pittodrie 2011 Slammed Graham Bayne into the barrier and was accused of stamping on the former Dundee striker
2004-05 1 Saulius Mikoliunas 92 Rangers 2005-03-02 Wed n s


Scottish Premier League 27 of 38 Tynecastle Park 13842 "After the penalty award by Davis He lost the place, ran towards Davis and pushed him."
2004-05 1 Steven Pressley 90 Celtic 2005-05-15 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 37 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15927 Denied a late penalty after a strong challenge by Beattie. Given 2nd Yellow for simulation.
2005-06 1 Craig Gordon 25 Falkirk 2005-10-02 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 09 of 38 Falkirk Stadium 6342 "Sent off when he felled Darrly Duffy, who converted from the resulting penalty kick"
2005-06 1 Steven Pressley 89 Dunfermline Athletic 2005-10-22 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 11 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16500 Held back Darren Young and was seen as last man by referee
2005-06 1 Edgaras Jankauskas 62 Hibernian 2005-10-29 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 13 of 38 Easter Road 17180 2nd Yellow after pushing Hibs midfielder Scott Brown to the ground
2005-06 1 Saulius Mikoliunas 85 Rangers 2005-12-17 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 19 of 38 Ibrox 49723 A straight red card for a challenge on Ferguson
2005-06 1 Takis Fyssas 76 Celtic 2006-01-01 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 Tynecastle Park 17378 Adjudged to have deprived Shaun Maloney of a goal-scoring opportunity. No contact at all. Later rescinded on appeal.
2005-06 1 Paul Hartley 130 Celtic 2006-01-01 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 Tynecastle Park 17378 Sent off retrospectively.
2005-06 1 Julien Brellier 83 Dundee United 2006-02-07 Tue n s


Scottish Premier League 25 of 38 Tannadice Park 10584 In the melee that followed Robson's red card Brellier was sent off for pushing David McCracken
2005-06 1 Roman Bednar 70 Partick Thistle 2006-02-25 Sat n s


Scottish Cup QF Tynecastle Park 16698 "2 yellow cards in 10 minutes, the second for a theatrical dive in the penalty area"
2005-06 1 Paul Hartley 118 Gretna 2006-05-13 Sat n s


Scottish Cup Final Hampden Park 51232 Hartley was booked in melee after Ref fails to give last minute penalty and seconds later retaliates to a fly kick from Townsley
2006-07 1 Bruno Aguiar 66 AEK Athens 2006-08-09 Wed n s


Champions League Q3 Murrayfield Stadium 32459 Shown a second yellow card for throwing the ball away
2006-07 1 Robbie Neilson 90 Rangers 2006-08-19 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 04 of 38 Ibrox 50239 2 yellows for fouls on Martin.
2006-07 2 Julien Brellier 30 AEK Athens 2006-08-23 Wed n s


Champions League Q3 Olympic Stadium 42925 "1st Yellow for wearing an uncovered earring, 2nd for elbowing Vladimir Ivic in the back"
2006-07 2 Neil McCann 63 AEK Athens 2006-08-23 Wed n s


Champions League Q3 Olympic Stadium 42925 a straight red card for a late tackle on Ivic
2006-07 1 Roman Bednar 94 St Mirren 2006-09-09 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 06 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16823 A red card after full-time for foul and abusive language after berating referee Dougie McDonald for waving away several penalty claims
2006-07 1 Mauricio Pinilla 83 Aberdeen 2006-09-24 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 08 of 38 Pittodrie 11160 Second booking for throwing the ball away.
2006-07 1 Saulius Mikoliunas 59 Hibernian 2006-10-15 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 10 of 38 Easter Road 16623 Second caution on 59 minutes for an inane trip on Sproule
2006-07 1 Paul Hartley 74 St Mirren 2006-12-02 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 17 of 38 Love Street 5728 "1st Yellow for a foul on Hugh Murray, 2nd Yellow for a foul on same player."
2006-07 1 Laryea Kingston 62 Aberdeen 2007-03-10 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 30 of 38 Pittodrie 13964 "1st booking for persistent fouling, 2nd for a high boot which caught Barry Nicholson on the head. Later given 2nd red for alledged racism."
2006-07 1 Ibrahim Tall 33 Dundee United 2007-03-17 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 31 of 38 Tynecastle Park 17172 Ibrahim Tall and David Roberston sent off after they squared up.
2006-07 1 Jose Goncalves 91 Kilmarnock 2007-04-07 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 33 of 38 Tynecastle Park 17019 Sent off for sprinting 40 yards to remonstrate with Gary Wales.
2007-08 1 Calum Elliot 89 Dundee United 2007-10-20 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 10 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16661 Handled the ball on the goal line conceding penalty.
2007-08 1 Christian Nade 45 Kilmarnock 2007-10-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 11 of 38 Rugby Park 6373 Reacted badly to what Frazer Wright said and pushed the defender to the ground
2007-08 1 Michael Stewart 20 Gretna 2007-11-25 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 14 of 38 Fir Park 1544 Reacted angrily to an innocuous challenge by Danny Grainger in front of Ref. Reduced to caution on appeal.
2007-08 1 Eduardas Kurskis 87 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2007-12-22 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 18 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16202 2nd yellow for pushing Russell Duncan. 1st for for fouling Marius Niculae.
2007-08 3 Marius Zaliukas 67 Dundee United 2008-01-02 Wed n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 Tannadice Park 7507 Straight red card for violent play after Wilkie grabbed him.
2007-08 3 Lee Wallace 87 Dundee United 2008-01-02 Wed n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 Tannadice Park 7507 "Robson, sprinting into the box, was challenged from behind by Wallace."
2007-08 3 Michael Stewart 93 Dundee United 2008-01-02 Wed n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 Tannadice Park 7507 2nd Yellow for arguing with Hearts fans on touchline.
2007-08 1 Calum Elliot 35 Kilmarnock 2008-01-05 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 22 of 38 Tynecastle Park 14346 "1st Yellow for a late, revenge foul on Invincibile. 2nd for rash lunge at Tim Clancy"
2007-08 1 Gary Glen 25 Gretna 2008-05-13 Tue n s


Scottish Premier League 38 of 38 Fir Park 1090 kicking out at Gretna's Craig Barr
2008-09 1 Saulius Mikoliunas 74 Rangers 2008-08-16 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 02 of 38 Ibrox 48191 1st Yellow for simulation before late challenge on Miller was punished with a second booking.
2008-09 1 Eggert Jonsson 74 Dundee United 2008-09-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 07 of 38 Tannadice Park 8004 2nd yellow card in the 74th minute following a body-check on Conway
2008-09 1 Marius Zaliukas 51 Celtic 2008-11-02 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 11 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15460 A 'last-man' foul on McDonald that appeared to be outside the box. Penalty given.
2008-09 1 Michael Stewart 41 St Mirren 2008-11-08 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 12 of 38 Love Street 4192 "Straight red Violent Conduct. Swung a leg at Murray , when that failed to make contact, he pushed him over. Sent off on advice of 4th official."
2008-09 1 Lee Wallace 75 Rangers 2008-11-29 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 16 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15710 Picked up a second yellow card for a late challenge on Burke.
2008-09 2 Marius Zaliukas 70 Aberdeen 2008-12-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 19 of 38 Pittodrie 18021 Straight red Violent Conduct
2008-09 2 Lee Wallace 94 Aberdeen 2008-12-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 19 of 38 Pittodrie 18021 After the match sent off in the tunnel
2008-09 1 Marius Zaliukas 82 Falkirk 2009-02-07 Sat n s


Scottish Cup R5 Tynecastle Park 15547 Straight red Violent Conduct
2008-09 1 Janos Balogh 44 Hibernian 2009-03-14 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 29 of 38 Easter Road 15091 Straight red brought down Fletcher outside box
2008-09 1 Christos Karipidis 78 Hibernian 2009-05-07 Thu n s


Scottish Premier League 35 of 38 Tynecastle Park 14714 Straight red brought down Fletcher inside box
2008-09 1 Marius Zaliukas 64 Aberdeen 2009-05-12 Tue n s


Scottish Premier League 36 of 38 Pittodrie 11588 Straight red Violent Conduct
2009-10 1 Michael Stewart 52 Dundee United 2009-08-17 Mon n s


Scottish Premier League 01 of 38 Tannadice Park 8253 2nd Yellow for 2nd reckless challange near halfway.
2009-10 1 Eggert Jonsson 71 Motherwell 2009-10-31 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 10 of 38 Fir Park 4830 Brought down player in goal scoring opportunity.
2009-10 1 Jose Goncalves 78 St Johnstone 2009-11-21 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 12 of 38 Tynecastle Park 13416 Straight red for heads high kick.
2009-10 4 Michael Stewart 48 Hamilton Academical 2009-12-06 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 14 of 38 New Douglas Park 2003 Straight red for lashing out with no contact. Reduced to yellow on appeal.
2009-10 4 Ismael Bouzid 81 Hamilton Academical 2009-12-06 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 14 of 38 New Douglas Park 2003 2nd Yellow for trip.
2009-10 4 Suso Santana 95 Hamilton Academical 2009-12-06 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 14 of 38 New Douglas Park 2003 Violent conduct in the tunnel after the match.
2009-10 4 Ian Black 95 Hamilton Academical 2009-12-06 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 14 of 38 New Douglas Park 2003 Foul and abusive language in the tunnel after the match.
2009-10 1 Ruben Palazuelos 56 Hibernian 2010-01-03 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 19 of 38 Easter Road 16949 Straight red for head butt on Darren McCormack
2009-10 1 Christian Nade 73 Rangers 2010-01-23 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 21 of 38 Ibrox 47031 2nd yellow for kicking ball away.
2009-10 1 Laryea Kingston 52 Aberdeen 2010-02-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 27 of 38 Pittodrie 8316 Straight red for foul on Fraser Fyvie
2009-10 1 Eggert Jonsson 84 Rangers 2010-04-18 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 34 of 38 Ibrox 47590 Straight red for giving away penalty.
2010-11 1 Ruben Palazuelos 62 Hamilton Academical 2010-08-21 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 02 of 38 New Douglas Park 2899 2nd yellow for foul. 1st for kicking the ball away.
2010-11 1 Craig Thomson 25 Falkirk 2010-09-21 Tue n s


League Cup R3 Falkirk Stadium 4216 Sent off on advice of 4th Official for stamping
2010-11 1 Ruben Palazuelos 93 Dundee United 2011-02-19 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 26 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15473 Straight red for giving away penalty for an unfair challenge on David Robertson.
2010-11 1 Marius Zaliukas 33 Hibernian 2011-04-03 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 31 of 38 Easter Road 17793 Straight red for giving away penalty for an unfair challenge on Akpo Sodje.
2010-11 1 Eggert Jonsson 61 Rangers 2011-05-07 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 36 of 38 Ibrox 46178 Straight red for a foul on Jelavic. Reduced to yellow on appeal.
2010-11 1 David Obua 32 Celtic 2011-05-11 Wed n s


Scottish Premier League 37 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16681 Straight red for violent conduct.
2011-12 1 Ian Black 50 Motherwell 2011-08-07 Sun n s


Scottish Premier League 03 of 38 Fir Park 5685 Straight red for foul on Keith Lasley.
2011-12 1 Ian Black 16 Kilmarnock 2011-10-29 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 13 of 38 Tynecastle Park 12829 Straight red for foul on Dean Shiels
2011-12 1 Marius Zaliukas 11 St Mirren 2012-01-14 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 23 of 38 Tynecastle Park 12462 Concedes a Penalty for a foul on Paul McGowan
2011-12 1 Jamie Hamill 80 Kilmarnock 2012-02-11 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 26 of 38 Rugby Park 4327 A 2nd booking for a foul on Garry Hay
2012-13 1 Darren Barr 77 Dundee United 2012-10-31 Wed n s


League Cup QF Tannadice Park 3789 A 2nd booking for a foul on Johnny Russell
2012-13 1 Scott Robinson 76 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2013-01-26 Sat n s


League Cup SF Easter Road 16326 2 footed challenge on Owain Tudur Jones
2012-13 1 Ryan Stevenson 25 Dundee United 2013-02-09 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 25 of 38 Tannadice Park 6842 Unfair challenge on Gary Mackay-Steven
2012-13 1 Andy Webster 28 Dundee 2013-04-27 Sat n s


Scottish Premier League 35 of 38 Dens Park 5896 2nd yellow for Unfair challenge on Carl Finnigan
2013-14 2 Kevin McHattie 66 Aberdeen 2013-08-24 Sat n s


Premiership 04 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15218 Concedes a Penalty for a foul on Calvin Zola
2013-14 2 Danny Wilson 95 Aberdeen 2013-08-24 Sat n s


Premiership 04 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15218 "Sent Off in tunnel for 'offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures'"
2013-14 1 Jamie Hamill 81 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2013-08-31 Sat n s


Premiership 05 of 38 Caledonian Stadium 4034 Concedes a Penalty for a supposed handball. Ball clearly strikes his head in TV replays.
2013-14 1 Ryan Stevenson 88 St Johnstone 2014-01-18 Sat n s


Premiership 23 of 38 McDiarmid Park 3395 Tussle with Alan Mannus
2013-14 1 Danny Wilson 72 Aberdeen 2014-04-02 Wed n n


Premiership 32 of 38 Tynecastle Park 13913 2nd yellow for pulling back Adam Rooney
2013-14 1 Jamie Hamill 67 Ross County 2014-04-19 Sat n n


Premiership 34 of 38 Tynecastle Park 13692 2nd yellow for barging Derek Adams after goal celebrations
2014-15 1 Scott Robinson 87 Ludogorets Razgrad 2014-07-03 Thu n n


English Tour ET 1 of 2 Leigh Sports Village 235 2nd yellow
2014-15 2 Osman Sow 88 Hibernian 2014-08-17 Sun n n


Championship 02 of 36 Tynecastle Park 17280 Straight red elbowing Michael Nelson
2014-15 2 Jamie Walker 130 Hibernian 2014-08-17 Sun n n


Championship 02 of 36 Tynecastle Park 17280 Retrospective 'red card' for attempted head butt on Lewis Stevenson
2014-15 1 Prince Buaben 72 Falkirk 2014-08-30 Sat n n


Championship 04 of 36 Tynecastle Park 16369 Straight red foul on Olumide Durojaiye
2014-15 1 Callum Paterson 79 Hibernian 2014-10-26 Sun n n


Championship 11 of 36 Easter Road 14562 Straight red foul a lunge from behind on Malonga
2014-15 1 Morgaro Gomis 8 Celtic 2014-11-30 Sun n n


Scottish Cup R4 Tynecastle Park 12676 Straight red foul a challenge on Scott Brown
2014-15 1 Brad McKay 93 Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) 2015-02-07 Sat n n


Championship 23 of 36 Almondvale Stadium 5352 Concedes a Penalty for a foul on Myles Hippolyte
2014-15 1 Adam Eckersley 130 Hibernian 2015-04-12 Sun n n


Championship 33 of 36 Easter Road 13530 Retrospective 'red card' for attempted head butt on Scott Allan
2015-16 1 Callum Paterson 77 Hamilton Academical 2015-08-29 Sat n n


Premiership 06 of 38 New Douglas Park 4745 Supposed 2 footed challenge on Darian Mackinnon. Overturned on appeal 3rd Sep 2015.
2015-16 1 Juwon Oshaniwa 87 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2015-09-11 Fri n n


Premiership 07 of 38 Caledonian Stadium 4160 Raised hand to Tobi Sho-Silva
2015-16 1 Gavin Reilly 92 Kilmarnock 2015-10-03 Sat n n


Premiership 10 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16461 Straight red for kicking out at Steven Smith after being fouled
2015-16 1 Blazej Augustyn 48 Ross County 2015-10-24 Sat n n


Premiership 12 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16246 Straight red denying goal scoring opportunity on Liam Boyce
2015-16 1 Juanma 28 St Johnstone 2015-12-19 Sat n n


Premiership 18 of 38 McDiarmid Park 4780 Straight red for retaliation after foul by David Wotherspoon
2015-16 1 Igor Rossi 40 Hamilton Academical 2016-01-24 Sun n n


Premiership 23 of 38 New Douglas Park 2684 Straight red for 2 footed challenge on Darren Lyon on edge of Hamilton box
2015-16 1 Blazej Augustyn 78 Hibernian 2016-02-16 Tue n n


Scottish Cup R5 Easter Road 19433 2nd yellow for throwing ball
2015-16 1 Jordan McGhee 40 Dundee United 2016-02-20 Sat n n


Premiership 25 of 38 Tannadice Park 8031 2nd yellow for foul on Edward Ofere
2015-16 1 Juwon Oshaniwa 92 Celtic 2016-04-02 Sat n n


Premiership 31 of 38 Celtic Park 49009 2nd yellow for supposed foul on Nir Bitton
2015-16 1 Abiola Dauda 57 St Johnstone 2016-05-15 Sun n n


Premiership 38 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16046 Straight red for foul on Liam Craig
2016-17 1 Jamie Walker 130 Celtic 2016-08-07 Sun n n


Premiership 01 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16777 Given retrospective 2 game ban for diving to win penalty
2016-17 1 Isma 61 Partick Thistle 2017-02-25 Sat n n


Premiership 26 of 38 Firhill Stadium 4143 2nd yellow for foul on Christie Elliott
2016-17 1 Sam Nicholson 83 St Johnstone 2017-04-05 Wed n n


Premiership 31 of 38 McDiarmid Park 4197 Straight red spitting at linesman
2016-17 1 Jamie Walker 90 Aberdeen 2017-05-07 Sun n n


Premiership 35 of 38 Tynecastle Park 16522 2nd yellow for foul on Niall McGinn
2016-17 1 Prince Buaben 26 Rangers 2017-05-13 Sat n n


Premiership 36 of 38 Ibrox 47809 Straight red for last man challenge on Josh Windass
2017-18 1 Isma 69 Kilmarnock 2017-08-12 Sat n n


Premiership 02 of 38 Rugby Park 5076 Retaliation after Kirk Broadfoot pulled his hair. Rescinded after appeal.
2017-18 1 Connor Randall 65 Ross County 2017-10-14 Sat n n


Premiership 09 of 38 Victoria Park 4819 2nd yellow for foul on Kenny van der Weg
2017-18 1 Jamie Brandon 35 Hamilton Academical 2017-12-02 Sat n n


Premiership 16 of 38 Tynecastle Park 15357 2nd yellow for foul on Antonio Rojano
2017-18 1 Harry Cochrane 78 St Johnstone 2017-12-23 Sat n n


Premiership 20 of 38 McDiarmid Park 4975 2nd yellow for foul on Antonio Rojano
2017-18 1 Kyle Lafferty 88 Aberdeen 2017-12-30 Sat n n


Premiership 22 of 38 Pittodrie 18371 Straight red for foul on Graeme Shinnie
2018-19 1 Michael Smith 55 Rangers 2018-10-07 Sun n n


Premiership 08 of 38 Ibrox 49865 2nd booking for block on Flanagan
2018-19 1 Steven MacLean 130 Celtic 2018-10-28 Sun n n


League Cup SF Murrayfield Stadium 61161 Given retrospective 2 match ban
2018-19 1 Arnaud Djoum 74 Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) 2018-12-14 Fri n n


Premiership 18 of 38 Almondvale Stadium 4201 2nd booking for block on Dolly Menga
2018-19 1 Demetri Mitchell 86 Aberdeen 2018-12-22 Sat n n


Premiership 19 of 38 Pittodrie 16451 2nd booking for foul on Dean Campbell
2018-19 1 Ben Garuccio 91 Motherwell 2019-02-17 Sun n n


Premiership 26 of 38 Fir Park 5091 Straight red for foul on Liam Grimshaw
2018-19 1 Jamie Brandon 43 Celtic 2019-02-27 Wed n n


Premiership 28 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18258 Straight red for foul on Jeremy Toljan
2019-20 1 Andy Irving 83 Dundee United 2019-07-12 Fri n n


League Cup Group 1 of 4 Tynecastle Park 9091 "Throwing himself in front of the ball, stopping it with his hand just outside the box"
2019-20 1 Aaron Hickey 79 Aberdeen 2019-08-04 Sun n n


Premiership 01 of 38 Pittodrie 16410 Second yellow card for foul on Niall McGinn
2019-20 1 Jake Mulraney 92 Motherwell 2019-12-07 Sat n n


Premiership 16 of 38 Fir Park 4745 Foul and abusive language to referee
2019-20 1 Sean Clare 77 Aberdeen 2019-12-29 Sun n n


Premiership 21 of 38 Tynecastle Park 17788 Pulling back Jon Gallagher as he was played in on goal
2019-20 1 Marcel Langer 86 Celtic 2020-02-12 Wed n n


Premiership 26 of 38 Celtic Park 57431 Straight red for foul on Scott Brown
2020-21 0 Robbie Neilson 2nd 100 Raith Rovers 2021-01-23 Sat n n


Championship 12 of 27 Tynecastle Park 0 Red Card For Robbie Neilson 2nd (Heart of Midlothian)
2020-21 1 Peter Haring 94 Dundee 2021-03-06 Sat n n


Championship 19 of 27 Tynecastle Park 0 A straight red card for a challenge on Declan McDaid
2021-22 0 Robbie Neilson 2nd 87 Rangers 2021-10-16 Sat n n


Premiership 09 of 38 Ibrox 49960 Red Card For Robbie Neilson 2nd (Heart of Midlothian)
2021-22 1 Andy Halliday 89 Aberdeen 2021-10-30 Sat n n


Premiership 12 of 38 Pittodrie 9736 Straight red for foul on Lewis Ferguson
2021-22 1 Taylor Moore 64 Motherwell 2021-11-20 Sat n n


Premiership 14 of 38 Fir Park 7908 2nd yellow for foul on Connor Shields
2021-22 1 Josh Ginnelly 80 Rangers 2021-12-12 Sun n n


Premiership 18 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18593 2nd yellow for getting involved in a melee
2022-23 2 Alex Cochrane 89 Celtic 2022-08-21 Sun n n


Premiership 04 of 38 Celtic Park 58776 2nd yellow for foul on Callum McGregor
2022-23 2 Toby Sibbick 91 Celtic 2022-08-21 Sun n n


Premiership 04 of 38 Celtic Park 58776 2nd yellow for foul on Liel Abada
2022-23 1 Jorge Grant 54 Zurich 2022-08-25 Thu n n


Europa League PO Tynecastle Park 17225 2nd yellow for diving in the box
2022-23 1 Cammy Devlin 39 Rangers 2022-10-01 Sat n n


Premiership 08 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18433 Straight red for stamping on the ankle of Rabbi Matondo
2022-23 1 Lewis Neilson 48 Fiorentina 2022-10-06 Thu n n


Europa Conference League Group A 3 of 6 Tynecastle Park 17243 Straight red for tugging Jovic's shirt as the striker broke clear
2022-23 1 Jorge Grant 38 Motherwell 2022-11-06 Sun n n


Premiership 13 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18806 Straight red for foul on Callum Slattery
2022-23 1 Kye Rowles 75 Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) 2022-11-12 Sat n n


Premiership 15 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18448 Conceding penalty for foul on Joel Nouble decision made by VAR 2 minutes after the offence
2022-23 1 Alex Cochrane 38 Union Deportiva Almeria 2022-12-04 Sun n n


Friendly Abandoned Estadio Jose Burgos 0 Fighting with Rodrigo Ely
2022-23 0 Robbie Neilson 2nd 78 St Mirren 2023-01-13 Fri n n


Premiership 21 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18721 Red Card For Robbie Neilson 2nd (Heart of Midlothian)
2022-23 1 Lawrence Shankland 91 Hibernian 2023-01-22 Sun n n


Scottish Cup R4 Easter Road 18622 2nd Yellow for a supposed foul on Rocky Bushiri
2022-23 1 Josh Ginnelly 96 Dundee United 2023-02-04 Sat n n


Premiership 25 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18279 2nd Yellow for after applauding referee Nick Walsh as he was about to be booked for time-wasting.
2022-23 1 Robert Snodgrass 62 St Mirren 2023-04-08 Sat n n


Premiership 31 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18660 2nd Yellow for foul on Curtis Main
2022-23 1 Alex Cochrane 45 Celtic 2023-05-07 Sun n n


Premiership 34 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18143 Initial yellow card upgraded by VAR for foul on Daizen Maeda a few yards outside the corner of the penalty box.
2022-23 1 Peter Haring 77 St Mirren 2023-05-13 Sat n n


Premiership 35 of 38 New St Mirren Park 7238 Straight red for adjudged serious foul play for tackle on Mark O'Hara. Rescinded after appeal on 17 May 2023. Reduced to yellow.
2022-23 3 Alex Cochrane 29 Hibernian 2023-05-27 Sat n n


Premiership 38 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18971 Initial yellow card for giving away a penalty upgraded by VAR to a red for foul on Chris Cadden outside the penalty box.
2022-23 3 Ross Stewart 110 Hibernian 2023-05-27 Sat n n


Premiership 38 of 38 Tynecastle Park 18971 Red given for melee on pitch after full time.
2024-25 1 Jorge Grant 75 Aberdeen 2024-10-06 Sun n n


Premiership 08 of 38 Pittodrie 19175 2nd yellow for bringing down Duk

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