Hearts Non First XI Player Details - Newman-1978-03-25-U1
NB Not all lineups have been traced so details here may be incomplete
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1978-03-25-RB Newman Newman-1978-03-25-U1
1978-04-11-G Newman
NB not all line ups and scorers traced so totals may be incompletePlays Starts SubUsed UnUsedSub Goals 0
1 0
Team Played For
Click on heading to sort by that columnLevel Team Plays Starts SubUsed UnUsedSub Goals 2 Hearts 2nd XI 0
1 0
Click on heading to sort by that columnRk Opponent Plays Starts SubUsed UnUsedSub Goals 1 Raith Rovers 2nd XI 0
1 0
Click on heading to sort by that columnRk Season Plays Starts SubUsed UnUsedSub Goals 1 1977-78 0
1 0
Appearance Grid
No Date Season V Comp Round Team F A Opponents Scorers Agg P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 Unused Unused Unused Unused 1 1978-03-25 1977-78 H Reserve League 21 of 30 Hearts 2nd XI 2 2 Raith Rovers 2nd XI Ian Paterson; Donald MacLaren John Brough 1978-03-25-RB Newman Frank Farmer Gordon Brown Tom Watson Stuart Cribbes David Johnston Donald MacLaren Ian Paterson Allan Hoggan Eric Peggie Sub
Goals Scored
The specified statement did not generate any data No Goals Date Season V Comp Round Team F A Opponents Scorers