Name Appearances Goals Goals Ave Position Birthday
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All Appearances by date click links for details.
Sea No is the seq number of Competitive games that season
Cont No is the consecutive number of Competitive games
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used, No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Game
ManScorers 1 1 1 1 2 Not Known 1910-04-02 Sat Division 1 27 of 34 H Third Lanark John McCartney 1 George Buchanan 6 ;John Lowe 47 [Robert Hosie 5] ;[James [1885] Richardson] 2 2 2 1 2 Not Known 1910-04-09 Sat Division 1 28 of 34 A Motherwell John McCartney 2 ----- [David G Taylor pen 52] 0 2 Not Known 1910-04-26 Tue Benefit A Penicuik Select John McCartney 3 John Lowe ;Henry Brown ;George Buchanan ;EW Hall [Brown [22]] 0 2 Not Known 1910-04-28 Thu HMFC Testimonial H Celtic John McCartney 4 Basil Colombo [Thomas Allan] 0 2 Not Known 1910-05-07 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup SF H Hibernian John McCartney 5 ----- [Harry Anderson 50] 0 2 Not Known 1910-08-17 Wed Player Benefit H Hibernian John McCartney 6 George Bennett ;Henry Brown ----- 0 3 Not Known 1910-08-22 Mon HMFC Testimonial H Hibernian John McCartney 7 ----- [Hugh Thomson] ;[Hugh Thomson] 0 2 Not Known 1910-08-24 Wed Dunedin Cup SF A Hibernian John McCartney 8 Dick Harker ;George Sinclair ;George Sinclair [Donald Dixon 75] ;[Donald Dixon 84] 0 2 Not Known 1910-08-31 Wed Benefit A Linlithgowshire Select XI John McCartney 9 James Bennett 50 [Waugh] ;[Russell] ;[Russell] 0 5 Not Known 1910-09-19 Mon EoSS R1 A Leith Athletic John McCartney 10 Robert Russell ;John Lowe [Marr Paterson] ;[Richard O'Brien 82] ;[John Meaney 85] 3 3 1 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-08 Sat Division 1 09 of 34 H Raith Rovers John McCartney 11 ----- ----- 4 4 2 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-15 Sat Division 1 10 of 34 A Celtic John McCartney 12 ----- ----- 5 5 3 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-22 Sat Division 1 11 of 34 H Hibernian John McCartney 13 Dick Harker 60 ;Bobby Walker 85 ----- 6 6 4 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-29 Sat Division 1 12 of 34 H Dundee John McCartney 14 Henry Brown ;Frank McLaren pen [Robert Hamilton] ;[Robert Hamilton] ;[Frank L Lindley] 7 7 5 1 3 Not Known 1910-11-05 Sat Division 1 13 of 34 A Aberdeen John McCartney 15 Len Melrose 6 ;Thomas T Wilson [Patrick Travers] ;[Thomas Murray] ;[Angus MacIntosh] 8 8 6 1 3 Not Known 1910-11-12 Sat Division 1 14 of 34 A Hamilton Academical John McCartney 16 Frank McLaren ;Len Melrose [Harry G Leckie] 9 9 7 1 2 Not Known 1910-12-17 Sat Division 1 19 of 34 H Aberdeen John McCartney 17 ----- [Angus MacIntosh] ;[Patrick Travers] ;[Thomas Murray] 10 10 8 1 2 Not Known 1911-02-25 Sat Division 1 28 of 34 A Greenock Morton John McCartney 18 Fred Smith 75 ;Dick Harker 89:30 [Robert Speirs 35] ;[James McLean 44] 11 11 9 1 3 Not Known 1911-03-04 Sat Division 1 29 of 34 A Falkirk John McCartney 19 George Buchanan 35 [James [12] Robertson] ;[Robert Terris] ;[Robert Terris] 0 2 Not Known 1911-04-24 Mon North-Eastern Cup SF H Falkirk John McCartney 20 Percy Dawson 12 [James Anderson Croal] ;[John Brown] ;[William Agnew pen 85]
All Appearances by Team click links for details
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used , No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Scorers 1 1 3 Not Known 1910-11-05 Sat Division 1 13 of 34 A Aberdeen John McCartney Len Melrose 6 ;Thomas T Wilson [Patrick Travers] ;[Thomas Murray] ;[Angus MacIntosh] 2 2 2 Not Known 1910-12-17 Sat Division 1 19 of 34 H Aberdeen John McCartney ----- [Angus MacIntosh] ;[Patrick Travers] ;[Thomas Murray] n/a n/a 2 Not Known 1910-04-28 Thu HMFC Testimonial H Celtic John McCartney Basil Colombo [Thomas Allan] 1 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-15 Sat Division 1 10 of 34 A Celtic John McCartney ----- ----- 1 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-29 Sat Division 1 12 of 34 H Dundee John McCartney Henry Brown ;Frank McLaren pen [Robert Hamilton] ;[Robert Hamilton] ;[Frank L Lindley] 1 1 3 Not Known 1911-03-04 Sat Division 1 29 of 34 A Falkirk John McCartney George Buchanan 35 [James [12] Robertson] ;[Robert Terris] ;[Robert Terris] n/a n/a 2 Not Known 1911-04-24 Mon North-Eastern Cup SF H Falkirk John McCartney Percy Dawson 12 [James Anderson Croal] ;[John Brown] ;[William Agnew pen 85] 1 1 2 Not Known 1911-02-25 Sat Division 1 28 of 34 A Greenock Morton John McCartney Fred Smith 75 ;Dick Harker 89:30 [Robert Speirs 35] ;[James McLean 44] 1 1 3 Not Known 1910-11-12 Sat Division 1 14 of 34 A Hamilton Academical John McCartney Frank McLaren ;Len Melrose [Harry G Leckie] n/a n/a 2 Not Known 1910-05-07 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup SF H Hibernian John McCartney ----- [Harry Anderson 50] n/a n/a 2 Not Known 1910-08-17 Wed Player Benefit H Hibernian John McCartney George Bennett ;Henry Brown ----- n/a n/a 3 Not Known 1910-08-22 Mon HMFC Testimonial H Hibernian John McCartney ----- [Hugh Thomson] ;[Hugh Thomson] n/a n/a 2 Not Known 1910-08-24 Wed Dunedin Cup SF A Hibernian John McCartney Dick Harker ;George Sinclair ;George Sinclair [Donald Dixon 75] ;[Donald Dixon 84] 1 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-22 Sat Division 1 11 of 34 H Hibernian John McCartney Dick Harker 60 ;Bobby Walker 85 ----- n/a n/a 5 Not Known 1910-09-19 Mon EoSS R1 A Leith Athletic John McCartney Robert Russell ;John Lowe [Marr Paterson] ;[Richard O'Brien 82] ;[John Meaney 85] n/a n/a 2 Not Known 1910-08-31 Wed Benefit A Linlithgowshire Select XI John McCartney James Bennett 50 [Waugh] ;[Russell] ;[Russell] 1 1 2 Not Known 1910-04-09 Sat Division 1 28 of 34 A Motherwell John McCartney ----- [David G Taylor pen 52] n/a n/a 2 Not Known 1910-04-26 Tue Benefit A Penicuik Select John McCartney John Lowe ;Henry Brown ;George Buchanan ;EW Hall [Brown [22]] 1 1 3 Not Known 1910-10-08 Sat Division 1 09 of 34 H Raith Rovers John McCartney ----- ----- 1 1 2 Not Known 1910-04-02 Sat Division 1 27 of 34 H Third Lanark John McCartney George Buchanan 6 ;John Lowe 47 [Robert Hosie 5] ;[James [1885] Richardson]