CompSat 08 Oct 2005 Scotland 0 Belarus 1 ››
Scoring Order
Scotland Team
Opposition Team
Match Number 664 Season 2005-06 Date Sat 08 Oct 2005 Opponents Belarus Venue Hampden Park Crowd 51105 Score Half-Time 0-1 Agg Competition World Cup 2006 Qualifying Round 09 of 10 Report
Scorers -----
Opp Scorers Vital Uladzimiravich Kutuzaw 6
Referee Zsolt Szabo Hungary
Manager Walter Smith No of Team Changes 3 Notes
TypeWins Dra
wsLoss Unb
eatNo Wins Team Wins Dra
wsLoss Unb
eatNo Wins All Games
Scoring Order Goal
NoScorer Scores For Score Time 1 Vital Uladzimiravich Kutuzaw Belarus 0-1
Scotland Team No Player Club App Age Goals Pen Bk Tm Note Red Tm Note Cap
TainSub For Sub
TimeThis Tot This Tot 1 Craig Gordon Heart of Midlothian 12 81 22y 09m 08d
2 Graham Alexander Preston North End 20 40 33y 11m 28d
3 David Weir Everton 43 69 35y 04m 28d 1
4 Steven Pressley Heart of Midlothian 26 32 31y 11m 27d
5 Ian Murray Rangers 4 6 24y 06m 18d
Shaun Richard Maloney
46 6 Darren Fletcher Manchester United 18 80 21y 08m 07d 5
7 Barry Ferguson Rangers 32 45 27y 08m 06d 3
78 8 Christian Dailly West Ham United 58 67 31y 11m 15d 6
9 Paul Hartley Heart of Midlothian 5 25 28y 11m 19d 1
10 Kenny Miller Wolverhampton Wanderers 24 69 25y 09m 15d 18
11 Lee McCulloch Wigan Athletic 5 18 27y 04m 24d 1
Subs No Player Club App Age Goals Pen Bk Tm Note Red Tm Note Cap
TainSub For Sub
TimeThis Tot This Tot 16 Shaun Maloney Celtic 1 47 22y 08m 14d 7
Ian Murray
Opposition No Player Club App Tot
AppAge Goals Tot
GoalsPen Bk Tm Note Red Tm Note Cap
TainSub SubTime 1 Vasil Iosifavich Khamutowski Steaua Bucharest ROU 1 1 27y 01m 08d 2 Alyaksandr Mikalayevich Kulchy Tom Tomsk RUS 3 3 31y 11m 07d BK 93 3 Ihar Viktaravich Tarlowski Fakel Voronezh RUS 1 1 31y 00m 17d 4 Andrey Mikalayevich Astrowski Chornomorets Odesa UKR 3 3 32y 04m 25d 5 Uladzimir Mikhaylavich Karytska Terek Grozny RUS 1 1 26y 03m 02d 6 Andrey Ivanavich Lavrik Amkar Perm RUS 3 3 30y 10m 01d 7 Dzyanis Yuryevich Kowba Krylia Sovetov Samara RUS 2 2 26y 01m 02d 8 Vital Mikalayevich Bulyga Krylia Sovetov Samara RUS 2 2 25y 08m 26d Dzyanis Vasilyevich Sashcheka 89 9 Tsimafey Syarheyevich Kalachow Khimki RUS 2 2 24y 05m 07d 10 Alyaksandr Paulavich Hleb Arsenal ENG 2 2 24y 05m 07d 11 Vital Uladzimiravich Kutuzaw Sampdoria Genova ITA 1 1 25y 06m 18d 1
Opposition Subs No Player Club App Tot
AppAge Goals Tot
GoalsPen Bk Tm Note Red Tm Note Cap
TainSub SubTime 19 Dzyanis Vasilyevich Sashcheka Halmstads SWE 1 1 24y 00m 05d