Morton 1-1
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By Comp
Opp Scorers
Total G W D L W D L F A Min Max Avg Competitive Games 14 0 14 0 0% 100% 0% 14 14 3407 22556 9174 All Games 14 0 14 0 0% 100% 0% 14 14 3407 22556 9174
By Comp Comp G W D L W D L F A Min Max Avg L 12 0 12 0 0% 100% 0% 12 12 3407 17500 8073 SC 2 0 2 0 0% 100% 0% 2 2 9000 22556 15778
Scorers No Scorer Pen Goals 1 Arthur Dixon 0 1 1 Willie Gibson 1 1 1 Roald Jensen 0 1 1 Andy Lynch 0 1 1 Denis McQuade 0 1 1 Brown Tommy 0 1 1 Dawson James 0 1 1 Forbes Freddie J 0 1 1 George Anderson 0 1 1 Gillies Jackie 0 1 1 Miller Tom 0 1 1 Sharp John 0 1 1 Walker Bobby 0 1 1 White John 0 1
OppScorers No Scorer Pen Goals 1 Alex McNab 0 1 1 Bobby Thomson 0 1 1 Daniel McGarry 0 1 1 Donald George Gillies 0 1 1 George Anderson 0 1 1 George Stanley Seymour 1 1 1 James Garth 0 1 1 John [1] Divers 0 1 1 Mark Edward McGhee 0 1 1 McNabb 1 1 1 Neil Martin 0 1 1 Robert Stewart 0 1 1 Stanley Rankin 0 1 1 Thomas [4] Robertson 0 1
Results by Date Rk Date Mr Nr Comp Round V Crowd Scorers 1 1907-09-07 Sat Division 1 Cappielow Park 5000 Bobby Walker [Robert Stewart] 2 1917-12-15 Sat Division 1 Cappielow Park 6000 Dawson James 10 [George Stanley Seymour pen] 3 1919-04-05 Sat Division 1 Tynecastle Park 17500 Sharp John 30 [Alex McNab 40] 4 1920-09-04 Sat Division 1 Cappielow Park 10000 Forbes Freddie J 40 [Neil Martin 80] 5 1921-08-27 Sat Division 1 Cappielow Park 10000 Miller Tom 90 [McNabb pen] 6 1925-09-05 Sat Division A Cappielow Park 5000 Jock White 35 [Thomas [4] Robertson 10] 7 1941-02-01 Sat Wartime S Cappielow Park 7000 Tommy Brown 66 [Daniel McGarry 38] 8 1943-10-09 Sat Wartime S Tynecastle Park 9000 Gillies Jackie 77 [James Garth 33] 9 1947-11-08 Sat Division A Cappielow Park 5000 Arthur Dixon 62 [J Divers 69] 10 1968-03-30 Sat Scottish Cup SF Hampden Park 22556 Roald Jensen 11 [S Rankin 14] 11 1972-03-21 Tue Division 1 Cappielow Park 3407 Andy Lynch 4 [D Gillies 30] 12 1977-12-10 Sat First Division Tynecastle Park 12033 George Anderson og 2 [M McGhee 62] 13 1978-09-16 Sat Premier Tynecastle Park 6945 Denis McQuade 88 [B Thomson 35] 14 1979-03-03 Sat Scottish Cup 2nd Tynecastle Park 9000 Willie Gibson pen 22 [G Anderson 85]