Kilmarnock 0-3
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By Comp
Opp Scorers
Total G W D L W D L F A Min Max Avg Competitive Games 7 0 0 7 0% 0% 100% 0 21 1000 14280 8439 All Games 7 0 0 7 0% 0% 100% 0 21 1000 14280 8439
By Comp Comp G W D L W D L F A Min Max Avg L 7 0 0 7 0% 0% 100% 0 21 1000 14280 8439
Scorers The specified statement did not generate any data No Scorer Pen Goals
OppScorers No Scorer Pen Goals 1 Alistair Murdoch McCoist 0 3 1 Paul Heffernan 0 3 3 Malcolm Wright McPhail 0 2 3 Smith 0 2 5 Aleksei Eremenko 0 1 5 Alex Patrick 0 1 5 Benjamin Thomson 0 1 5 Billy Dickson 0 1 5 Conor Sammon 0 1 5 Frazer Wright 0 1 5 James Edward Robertson 0 1 5 Jimmy Cook 0 1 5 Samuel Young Ross 1 1 5 Tommy McLean 0 1 5 Walter Couper Rutherford 0 1
Results by Date Rk Date Mr Nr Comp Round V Crowd Scorers 1 1916-10-14 Sat Division 1 Rugby Park 1000 ----- [Alex Patrick] ;[Malcolm Wright McPhail] ;[Walter Couper Rutherford] 2 1921-12-31 Sat Division 1 Rugby Park 7000 ----- [Smith] ;[Malcolm Wright McPhail] ;[Smith] 3 1937-03-06 Sat Division A Rugby Park 8000 ----- [James Edward Robertson] ;[Samuel Young Ross pen] ;[Benjamin Thomson] 4 1970-10-03 Sat Division 1 Rugby Park 5365 ----- [T McLean 10] ;[J Cook 19] ;[B Dickson 65] 5 1998-08-30 Sun SPL Rugby Park 10376 ----- [A McCoist 8] ;[A McCoist 61] ;[A McCoist 86] 6 2010-10-31 Sun SPL Tynecastle Park 13056 ----- [F Wright 45] ;[C Sammon 80] ;[A Eremenko 82] 7 2013-02-16 Sat SPL Tynecastle Park 14280 ----- [P Heffernan 43] ;[P Heffernan 65] ;[P Heffernan 71]