Ayr United 0-1
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By Comp
Opp Scorers
Total G W D L W D L F A Min Max Avg Competitive Games 7 0 0 7 0% 0% 100% 0 7 4693 8000 6203 All Games 8 0 0 7 0% 0% 87% 0 8 0 8000 5428
By Comp Comp G W D L W D L F A Min Max Avg L 6 0 0 6 0% 0% 100% 0 6 4693 8000 6104 LC 2 0 0 1 0% 0% 50% 0 2 0 6801 3400
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Scorers No Scorer Pen Goals
OppScorers No Scorer Pen Goals 1 Alastair James Love 0 1 1 Alexander David Ingram 0 1 1 Anderson Alan 0 1 1 Billy Fulton 0 1 1 Brian McLaughlin 0 1 1 J. Ian McAllister 0 1 1 James Richardson 0 1 1 Rikki (Richard C) Fleming 0 1
Results by Date Rk Date Mr Nr Comp Round V Crowd Scorers 1 1920-01-05 Mon Division 1 Tynecastle Park 8000 ----- [James Richardson 40] 2 1960-10-15 Sat Division 1 Somerset Park 7000 ----- [B Fulton 9] 3 1971-04-03 Sat Division 1 Somerset Park 5406 ----- [A Ingram 26] 4 1972-03-25 Sat Division 1 Somerset Park 6347 ----- [Anderson Alan og 36] 5 1973-12-15 Sat Division 1 Tynecastle Park 4693 ----- [R Fleming 25] 6 1979-08-29 Wed League Cup 1st-Abandoned Somerset Park 0 ----- [J McAllister 20] 7 1979-09-03 Mon League Cup 1st Tynecastle Park 6801 ----- [B McLaughlin 20] 8 1980-04-01 Tue First Division Tynecastle Park 5178 ----- [A Love 9]