Belgrade Players by Place of Birth Besancon
No of Players 15
Players by Name Player Date of Birth Jim Cowell 28-Jul-1961 Willie Devlin 30-Jul-1899 Scott Gallacher 15-Jul-1989 Joe Hamill 25-Feb-1984 John Jaap 12-Aug-1895 Paul Kaczan 3-Feb-1983 Alan Lithgow 12-Mar-1988 Jamie McCart 20-Jun-1997 Roddy McKenzie 8-Aug-1975 Paul McMullan 13-Mar-1984 John Millar 8-Dec-1966 John Neill 17-Aug-1987 Alexander Stewart 14-Oct-1965 Gary Tierney 19-Mar-1986 Ryan Wallace 30-Jul-1990
Players in Date of Birth Order Player Date of Birth John Jaap 12-Aug-1895 Willie Devlin 30-Jul-1899 Jim Cowell 28-Jul-1961 Alexander Stewart 14-Oct-1965 John Millar 8-Dec-1966 Roddy McKenzie 8-Aug-1975 Paul Kaczan 3-Feb-1983 Joe Hamill 25-Feb-1984 Paul McMullan 13-Mar-1984 Gary Tierney 19-Mar-1986 John Neill 17-Aug-1987 Alan Lithgow 12-Mar-1988 Scott Gallacher 15-Jul-1989 Ryan Wallace 30-Jul-1990 Jamie McCart 20-Jun-1997