14CitadelNorthLeith Players by Place of Birth Accra
No of Players 11
Players by Name Player Date of Birth Jim Hamilton 9-Feb-1976 Graeme Hogg 17-Jun-1964 Alexander Kane 17-Oct-1897 n/a 29-Oct-1996 John Pattillo 17-Oct-1914 John Souttar 25-Sep-1996 Nicky Walker 29-Sep-1962 Andy Watson 3-Sep-1959 Ernie Winchester 18-May-1944 Alex Wright 25-May-1895 Dennis Wyness 22-Mar-1977
Players in Date of Birth Order Player Date of Birth Alex Wright 25-May-1895 Alexander Kane 17-Oct-1897 John Pattillo 17-Oct-1914 Ernie Winchester 18-May-1944 Andy Watson 3-Sep-1959 Nicky Walker 29-Sep-1962 Graeme Hogg 17-Jun-1964 Jim Hamilton 9-Feb-1976 Dennis Wyness 22-Mar-1977 John Souttar 25-Sep-1996 n/a 29-Oct-1996