Name Appearances Goals Goals Ave Position Birthday
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Sea No is the seq number of Competitive games that season
Cont No is the consecutive number of Competitive games
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used, No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Game
ManScorers 1 0 33 12 35y 07m 03d 2019-08-16 Fri League Cup R2 A Motherwell Craig Levein 2nd 1 Michael Smith 39:11 ;Conor Washington pen 45+1:31 [Chris Long 59:54] 2 1 1 1 7 12 35y 07m 12d 2019-08-25 Sun Premiership 03 of 38 A Celtic Craig Levein 2nd 2 Conor Washington 81 [Christophe Berra og 29] ;[Callum McGregor 54] ;[Halkett Craig og 60] 3 2 2 2 5 12 35y 07m 18d 2019-08-31 Sat Premiership 04 of 38 H Hamilton Academical Craig Levein 2nd 3 Sean Clare 20 ;Christophe Berra 58 [George Oakley 50] ;[George Oakley 73] 4 3 3 3 5 12 35y 08m 01d 2019-09-14 Sat Premiership 05 of 38 H Motherwell Craig Levein 2nd 4 Uche Ikpeazu 61 ;Ryotaro Meshino 86 [Declan Gallagher 20] ;[Sherwin Seedorf 52] ;[Jermaine Hylton 66] 5 4 4 4 8 12 35y 08m 09d 2019-09-22 Sun Premiership 06 of 38 A Hibernian Craig Levein 2nd 5 Uche Ikpeazu 70 ;Aaron Hickey 84 [Stevie Mallan 47] 6 5 5 5 8 12 35y 08m 12d 2019-09-25 Wed League Cup QF H Aberdeen Craig Levein 2nd 6 Steven MacLean 21:06 ;Craig Halkett 90+1:25 [Sam Cosgrove pen 11:03] ;[Sam Cosgrove pen 30:26] 7 6 6 6 7 12 35y 08m 15d 2019-09-28 Sat Premiership 07 of 38 A St Mirren Craig Levein 2nd 7 ----- ----- 8 7 7 7 11 12 35y 08m 22d 2019-10-05 Sat Premiership 08 of 38 H Kilmarnock Craig Levein 2nd 8 ----- [Mulraney Jake og 42] 9 8 8 8 5 12 35y 09m 07d 2019-10-20 Sun Premiership 09 of 38 H Rangers Craig Levein 2nd 9 Ryotaro Meshino 6 [Alfredo Morelos 39] 10 9 9 1 19 12 35y 09m 17d 2019-10-30 Wed Premiership 11 of 38 A St Johnstone Craig Levein 2nd 10 ----- [Christophe Berra og 58] 11 10 10 2 5 12 35y 09m 21d 2019-11-03 Sun League Cup SF N Rangers Austin MacPhee 1 ----- [Filip Helander 45+0:08] ;[Alfredo Morelos 46:35] ;[Alfredo Morelos 61:59] 12 0 33 12 35y 09m 27d 2019-11-09 Sat Premiership 12 of 38 H St Mirren Austin MacPhee 2 Steven Naismith 6 ;Sean McLoughlin og 30 ;Oliver Bozanic 42 ;Jamie Walker 46 ;Jake Mulraney 77 [Jonathan Obika 21] ;[Daniel Mullen 33] 13 11 11 1 5 12 35y 10m 10d 2019-11-23 Sat Premiership 13 of 38 A Kilmarnock Austin MacPhee 3 ----- [Chris Burke 9] ;[Eamonn Brophy 14] ;[Chris Burke 16] 14 12 12 2 8 12 35y 10m 18d 2019-12-01 Sun Premiership 14 of 38 A Rangers Austin MacPhee 4 ----- [Alfredo Morelos 11] ;[Ryan Kent 37] ;[Christophe Berra og 64] ;[Greg Stewart 80] ;[Greg Stewart 85] 15 13 13 3 5 12 35y 10m 21d 2019-12-04 Wed Premiership 15 of 38 H Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) Austin MacPhee 5 Steven MacLean 88 [Marvin Bartley 33] 16 14 14 4 5 12 35y 10m 24d 2019-12-07 Sat Premiership 16 of 38 A Motherwell Austin MacPhee 6 ----- [Chris Long 40] 17 15 15 5 5 12 35y 11m 01d 2019-12-14 Sat Premiership 17 of 38 H St Johnstone Daniel Stendel 1 ----- [Callum Hendry 74] 18 16 16 6 19 12 35y 11m 05d 2019-12-18 Wed Premiership 18 of 38 H Celtic Daniel Stendel 2 ----- [Ryan Christie 28] ;[Olivier Ntcham 40] 19 17 17 7 5 12 35y 11m 08d 2019-12-21 Sat Premiership 19 of 38 A Hamilton Academical Daniel Stendel 3 Oliver Bozanic 82 [Mickel Miller 64] ;[Will Collar 72]
All Appearances by Team click links for details
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used , No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Scorers 1 1 8 12 35y 08m 12d 2019-09-25 Wed League Cup QF H Aberdeen Craig Levein 2nd Steven MacLean 21:06 ;Craig Halkett 90+1:25 [Sam Cosgrove pen 11:03] ;[Sam Cosgrove pen 30:26] 1 1 7 12 35y 07m 12d 2019-08-25 Sun Premiership 03 of 38 A Celtic Craig Levein 2nd Conor Washington 81 [Christophe Berra og 29] ;[Callum McGregor 54] ;[Halkett Craig og 60] 2 2 19 12 35y 11m 05d 2019-12-18 Wed Premiership 18 of 38 H Celtic Daniel Stendel ----- [Ryan Christie 28] ;[Olivier Ntcham 40] 1 1 5 12 35y 07m 18d 2019-08-31 Sat Premiership 04 of 38 H Hamilton Academical Craig Levein 2nd Sean Clare 20 ;Christophe Berra 58 [George Oakley 50] ;[George Oakley 73] 2 2 5 12 35y 11m 08d 2019-12-21 Sat Premiership 19 of 38 A Hamilton Academical Daniel Stendel Oliver Bozanic 82 [Mickel Miller 64] ;[Will Collar 72] 1 1 8 12 35y 08m 09d 2019-09-22 Sun Premiership 06 of 38 A Hibernian Craig Levein 2nd Uche Ikpeazu 70 ;Aaron Hickey 84 [Stevie Mallan 47] 1 1 11 12 35y 08m 22d 2019-10-05 Sat Premiership 08 of 38 H Kilmarnock Craig Levein 2nd ----- [Mulraney Jake og 42] 2 2 5 12 35y 10m 10d 2019-11-23 Sat Premiership 13 of 38 A Kilmarnock Austin MacPhee ----- [Chris Burke 9] ;[Eamonn Brophy 14] ;[Chris Burke 16] 1 1 5 12 35y 10m 21d 2019-12-04 Wed Premiership 15 of 38 H Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) Austin MacPhee Steven MacLean 88 [Marvin Bartley 33] 1 33 12 35y 07m 03d 2019-08-16 Fri League Cup R2 A Motherwell Craig Levein 2nd Michael Smith 39:11 ;Conor Washington pen 45+1:31 [Chris Long 59:54] 2 1 5 12 35y 08m 01d 2019-09-14 Sat Premiership 05 of 38 H Motherwell Craig Levein 2nd Uche Ikpeazu 61 ;Ryotaro Meshino 86 [Declan Gallagher 20] ;[Sherwin Seedorf 52] ;[Jermaine Hylton 66] 3 2 5 12 35y 10m 24d 2019-12-07 Sat Premiership 16 of 38 A Motherwell Austin MacPhee ----- [Chris Long 40] 1 1 5 12 35y 09m 07d 2019-10-20 Sun Premiership 09 of 38 H Rangers Craig Levein 2nd Ryotaro Meshino 6 [Alfredo Morelos 39] 2 2 5 12 35y 09m 21d 2019-11-03 Sun League Cup SF N Rangers Austin MacPhee ----- [Filip Helander 45+0:08] ;[Alfredo Morelos 46:35] ;[Alfredo Morelos 61:59] 3 3 8 12 35y 10m 18d 2019-12-01 Sun Premiership 14 of 38 A Rangers Austin MacPhee ----- [Alfredo Morelos 11] ;[Ryan Kent 37] ;[Christophe Berra og 64] ;[Greg Stewart 80] ;[Greg Stewart 85] 1 1 19 12 35y 09m 17d 2019-10-30 Wed Premiership 11 of 38 A St Johnstone Craig Levein 2nd ----- [Christophe Berra og 58] 2 2 5 12 35y 11m 01d 2019-12-14 Sat Premiership 17 of 38 H St Johnstone Daniel Stendel ----- [Callum Hendry 74] 1 1 7 12 35y 08m 15d 2019-09-28 Sat Premiership 07 of 38 A St Mirren Craig Levein 2nd ----- ----- 2 33 12 35y 09m 27d 2019-11-09 Sat Premiership 12 of 38 H St Mirren Austin MacPhee Steven Naismith 6 ;Sean McLoughlin og 30 ;Oliver Bozanic 42 ;Jamie Walker 46 ;Jake Mulraney 77 [Jonathan Obika 21] ;[Daniel Mullen 33]