Name Appearances Goals Goals Ave Position Birthday
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Sea No is the seq number of Competitive games that season
Cont No is the consecutive number of Competitive games
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used, No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Game
ManScorers 0 22 35 17y 02m 08d 2014-07-12 Sat Friendly A East Fife Robbie Neilson 1 Prince Buaben 24 ;Gary Oliver 35 ;Osman Sow 59 ----- 1 0 34 35 17y 03m 16d 2014-08-20 Wed Petrofac Training Cup R2 A Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) Robbie Neilson 2 Jason Christopher Talbot og 90 [Jordan White 6] ;[Jordan White 76] ;[Myles Hippolyte 81] ;[David Robertson 84] 2 0 35 35 17y 06m 26d 2014-11-30 Sun Scottish Cup R4 H Celtic Robbie Neilson 3 ----- [Virgil van Dijk 29] ;[John Guidetti pen 52] ;[Anthony Stokes 54] ;[Virgil van Dijk 61] 3 1 1 1 20 35 17y 07m 02d 2014-12-06 Sat Championship 15 of 36 H Queen of the South Robbie Neilson 4 James Keatings 20 ;Danny Wilson 66 ;Prince Buaben 73 ;Adam Eckersley 78 [Iain Russell pen 55] 4 0 35 35 17y 07m 19d 2014-12-23 Tue Championship 17 of 36 A Cowdenbeath Robbie Neilson 5 James Keatings 25 ;Callum Paterson 62 -----
All Appearances by Team click links for details
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used , No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Scorers 1 35 35 17y 06m 26d 2014-11-30 Sun Scottish Cup R4 H Celtic Robbie Neilson ----- [Virgil van Dijk 29] ;[John Guidetti pen 52] ;[Anthony Stokes 54] ;[Virgil van Dijk 61] 1 35 35 17y 07m 19d 2014-12-23 Tue Championship 17 of 36 A Cowdenbeath Robbie Neilson James Keatings 25 ;Callum Paterson 62 ----- n/a n/a 22 35 17y 02m 08d 2014-07-12 Sat Friendly A East Fife Robbie Neilson Prince Buaben 24 ;Gary Oliver 35 ;Osman Sow 59 ----- 1 34 35 17y 03m 16d 2014-08-20 Wed Petrofac Training Cup R2 A Livingston (Meadowbank Thistle) Robbie Neilson Jason Christopher Talbot og 90 [Jordan White 6] ;[Jordan White 76] ;[Myles Hippolyte 81] ;[David Robertson 84] 1 1 20 35 17y 07m 02d 2014-12-06 Sat Championship 15 of 36 H Queen of the South Robbie Neilson James Keatings 20 ;Danny Wilson 66 ;Prince Buaben 73 ;Adam Eckersley 78 [Iain Russell pen 55]