Name Appearances Goals Goals Ave Position Birthday
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All Appearances by date click links for details.
Sea No is the seq number of Competitive games that season
Cont No is the consecutive number of Competitive games
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used, No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Game
ManScorers 1 1 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-03 Sat Southern Football League Division A 13 of 30 A Clyde David McLean 1 Alfie Conn [Arthur Dixon] ;[John Hepburn] ;[John Lochery Riley] 2 2 2 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-10 Sat Southern Football League Division A 14 of 30 H Aberdeen David McLean 2 Bobby Baxter 39 [John Pattillo 3] ;[Alfred Williams 44] 3 3 3 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-17 Sat Southern Football League Division A 15 of 30 A Rangers David McLean 3 Archie Kelly 74 [William Waddell 12] 4 4 4 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-24 Sat Southern Football League Division A 16 of 30 A Falkirk David McLean 4 Archie Kelly 4 ;Archie Kelly 21 ;Jimmy Walker 52 ;Jimmy Walker 78 ;Alfie Conn 85 [George Brooks 12] ;[John Thomson Fitzsimmons 18] ;[Thomas Brady 72] 5 5 5 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-01 Sat Southern Football League Division A 17 of 30 H Partick Thistle David McLean 5 Willie MacFarlane 50 ;Archie Kelly 61 ;Willie MacFarlane 77 ;Willie MacFarlane 84 [William O'Donnell 25] 6 6 6 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-08 Sat Southern Football League Division A 18 of 30 A Motherwell David McLean 6 Archie Kelly 17 ;Jimmy Walker 33 ;Bobby Baxter pen 65 ;Alex McCrae 71 [Charles Robertson 24] ;[James [25] Brown 58] ;[Charles Robertson 60] ;[William Barclay 78] ;[Charles Robertson 84] 7 7 7 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-15 Sat Southern Football League Division A 19 of 30 H Third Lanark David McLean 7 Andy Black 38 ;Jimmy Walker 68 [Alex D Lister 87] 8 8 8 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-22 Sat Southern Football League Division A 20 of 30 H St Mirren David McLean 8 Archie Kelly 19 ;Bobby Baxter pen 82 [Thomas C McIntosh 13] ;[Alex Linwood 54]
All Appearances by Team click links for details
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used , No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Scorers 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-10 Sat Southern Football League Division A 14 of 30 H Aberdeen David McLean Bobby Baxter 39 [John Pattillo 3] ;[Alfred Williams 44] 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-03 Sat Southern Football League Division A 13 of 30 A Clyde David McLean Alfie Conn [Arthur Dixon] ;[John Hepburn] ;[John Lochery Riley] 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-24 Sat Southern Football League Division A 16 of 30 A Falkirk David McLean Archie Kelly 4 ;Archie Kelly 21 ;Jimmy Walker 52 ;Jimmy Walker 78 ;Alfie Conn 85 [George Brooks 12] ;[John Thomson Fitzsimmons 18] ;[Thomas Brady 72] 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-08 Sat Southern Football League Division A 18 of 30 A Motherwell David McLean Archie Kelly 17 ;Jimmy Walker 33 ;Bobby Baxter pen 65 ;Alex McCrae 71 [Charles Robertson 24] ;[James [25] Brown 58] ;[Charles Robertson 60] ;[William Barclay 78] ;[Charles Robertson 84] 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-01 Sat Southern Football League Division A 17 of 30 H Partick Thistle David McLean Willie MacFarlane 50 ;Archie Kelly 61 ;Willie MacFarlane 77 ;Willie MacFarlane 84 [William O'Donnell 25] 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-11-17 Sat Southern Football League Division A 15 of 30 A Rangers David McLean Archie Kelly 74 [William Waddell 12] 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-22 Sat Southern Football League Division A 20 of 30 H St Mirren David McLean Archie Kelly 19 ;Bobby Baxter pen 82 [Thomas C McIntosh 13] ;[Alex Linwood 54] 1 1 3 Not Known 1945-12-15 Sat Southern Football League Division A 19 of 30 H Third Lanark David McLean Andy Black 38 ;Jimmy Walker 68 [Alex D Lister 87]