Name Appearances Goals Goals Ave Position Birthday
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Sea No is the seq number of Competitive games that season
Cont No is the consecutive number of Competitive games
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used, No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Game
ManScorers 0 1 22y 11m 07d 1906-03-03 Sat Friendly A Greenock Morton Lindsay Waugh 1 William Williamson ;George Chapman [1] pen [Robert B Grieve 20] ;[James Dart 40] ;[Robert B Grieve] 0 1 23y 00m 30d 1906-04-23 Mon EoSS Final-Rematch H Hibernian Lindsay Waugh 2 ----- ----- 0 1 23y 01m 11d 1906-05-05 Sat East of Scotland League 04 of 06 A St Bernards Lindsay Waugh 3 Bobby Walker ;George Couper ;George Couper ;Charlie Thomson pen ;Charlie Thomson ----- 0 1 23y 01m 14d 1906-05-08 Tue East of Scotland League 05 of 06 A Falkirk Lindsay Waugh 4 George Couper ;George Couper ;David Lindsay ;Bobby Walker ;William Williamson ----- 0 1 23y 01m 15d 1906-05-09 Wed Benefit A East of Scotland Lindsay Waugh 5 Bobby Walker ;Bobby Walker [Walker] ;[Archibald] ;[Graham [8]] 0 1 23y 01m 18d 1906-05-12 Sat East of Scotland Cup Final A Leith Athletic Lindsay Waugh 6 Charlie Thomson ;George Couper ;George Lawrie ;David Lindsay [Robert Noon] 0 1 23y 01m 20d 1906-05-14 Mon East of Scotland League 06 of 06 H Leith Athletic Lindsay Waugh 7 George Couper ;William Williamson ;William Williamson [John Lee] ;[Charles Jackson pen] 0 1 23y 01m 21d 1906-05-15 Tue EoSS Final A Hibernian Lindsay Waugh 8 George Couper ;Bobby Walker 85 [Robert Glen] 0 1 23y 02m 02d 1906-05-26 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup SF H St Bernards Lindsay Waugh 9 William Williamson ;George Couper ;George Couper [William Smith] 0 1 23y 02m 06d 1906-05-30 Wed Rosebery Charity Cup Final H Hibernian Lindsay Waugh 10 ----- [Henry McCann] ;[Thomas Findlay] 0 1 23y 05m 04d 1906-08-28 Tue Benefit A Clydebank Juniors Lindsay Waugh 11 Charlie Thomson [Taylor] ;[Ashcroft pen]
All Appearances by Team click links for details
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used , No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Scorers n/a n/a 1 23y 05m 04d 1906-08-28 Tue Benefit A Clydebank Juniors Lindsay Waugh Charlie Thomson [Taylor] ;[Ashcroft pen] n/a n/a 1 23y 01m 15d 1906-05-09 Wed Benefit A East of Scotland Lindsay Waugh Bobby Walker ;Bobby Walker [Walker] ;[Archibald] ;[Graham [8]] n/a n/a 1 23y 01m 14d 1906-05-08 Tue East of Scotland League 05 of 06 A Falkirk Lindsay Waugh George Couper ;George Couper ;David Lindsay ;Bobby Walker ;William Williamson ----- n/a n/a 1 22y 11m 07d 1906-03-03 Sat Friendly A Greenock Morton Lindsay Waugh William Williamson ;George Chapman [1] pen [Robert B Grieve 20] ;[James Dart 40] ;[Robert B Grieve] n/a n/a 1 23y 00m 30d 1906-04-23 Mon EoSS Final-Rematch H Hibernian Lindsay Waugh ----- ----- n/a n/a 1 23y 01m 21d 1906-05-15 Tue EoSS Final A Hibernian Lindsay Waugh George Couper ;Bobby Walker 85 [Robert Glen] n/a n/a 1 23y 02m 06d 1906-05-30 Wed Rosebery Charity Cup Final H Hibernian Lindsay Waugh ----- [Henry McCann] ;[Thomas Findlay] n/a n/a 1 23y 01m 18d 1906-05-12 Sat East of Scotland Cup Final A Leith Athletic Lindsay Waugh Charlie Thomson ;George Couper ;George Lawrie ;David Lindsay [Robert Noon] n/a n/a 1 23y 01m 20d 1906-05-14 Mon East of Scotland League 06 of 06 H Leith Athletic Lindsay Waugh George Couper ;William Williamson ;William Williamson [John Lee] ;[Charles Jackson pen] n/a n/a 1 23y 01m 11d 1906-05-05 Sat East of Scotland League 04 of 06 A St Bernards Lindsay Waugh Bobby Walker ;George Couper ;George Couper ;Charlie Thomson pen ;Charlie Thomson ----- n/a n/a 1 23y 02m 02d 1906-05-26 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup SF H St Bernards Lindsay Waugh William Williamson ;George Couper ;George Couper [William Smith]