Name Appearances Goals Goals Ave Position Birthday
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Sea No is the seq number of Competitive games that season
Cont No is the consecutive number of Competitive games
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used, No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Game
ManScorers 1 1 1 1 10 17y 11m 02d 1905-03-04 Sat Division 1 25 of 26 H Greenock Morton Lindsay Waugh 1 Bobby Walker 3 ;David (Soldier) Wilson 88 ----- 0 11 17y 11m 16d 1905-03-18 Sat Inter City League 02 of 04 H Airdrieonians Lindsay Waugh 2 Robert Davidson [1] og [Alex Thomson 75] 0 10 17y 11m 30d 1905-04-01 Sat Inter City League 03 of 04 A Airdrieonians Lindsay Waugh 3 William Lavety [Francis O'Rourke] ;[Charles Garrett] ;[James Ferguson] 0 10 21y 04m 15d 1908-08-17 Mon North-Eastern Cup R1-Abandoned A Aberdeen James McGhee 1 Rod Walker ----- 0 11 21y 04m 16d 1908-08-18 Tue Friendly A Hibernian James McGhee 2 ----- [Lindsay] ;[Lindsay] ;[Brown [8]] 0 10 21y 04m 24d 1908-08-26 Wed East of Scotland Cup Final A St Bernards James McGhee 3 Frank McLaren ;Philip Cole [James Simpson] 0 9 21y 05m 00d 1908-09-02 Wed Player Benefit A St Bernards James McGhee 4 Archie Devine ;Archie Devine [Peter Hyde] ;[Forrester] 2 2 1 1 9 21y 05m 03d 1908-09-05 Sat Division 1 04 of 34 H Queens Park James McGhee 5 William Scott 5 ;John M Anderson og ;George Sinclair 85 ----- 3 3 2 1 9 21y 05m 10d 1908-09-12 Sat Division 1 05 of 34 A Motherwell James McGhee 6 Bobby Walker ;William Scott ;Tom Hynds ;William Scott ;George Sinclair ;Archie Devine [James Stewart] 4 4 3 1 9 21y 05m 24d 1908-09-26 Sat Division 1 07 of 34 H Airdrieonians James McGhee 7 William Scott ;William Scott [William Hunter] ;[William Hunter] ;[Alex Thomson] ;[William Hunter] ;[William Hunter] ;[Alex Thomson] 0 10 21y 07m 02d 1908-11-04 Wed Friendly H Seaforth Highlanders James McGhee 8 Unknown ;Archie Devine ;Unknown [Hamilton] 0 8 21y 07m 09d 1908-11-11 Wed Friendly H Edinburgh University James McGhee 9 Alistair J Stewart ;Archie Devine ;George Gilmour ;Archie Devine ;Daniel Cavin ;Unknown [Veitch pen]
All Appearances by Team click links for details
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used , No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Scorers n/a n/a 10 21y 04m 15d 1908-08-17 Mon North-Eastern Cup R1-Abandoned A Aberdeen James McGhee Rod Walker ----- n/a n/a 11 17y 11m 16d 1905-03-18 Sat Inter City League 02 of 04 H Airdrieonians Lindsay Waugh Robert Davidson [1] og [Alex Thomson 75] n/a n/a 10 17y 11m 30d 1905-04-01 Sat Inter City League 03 of 04 A Airdrieonians Lindsay Waugh William Lavety [Francis O'Rourke] ;[Charles Garrett] ;[James Ferguson] 1 1 9 21y 05m 24d 1908-09-26 Sat Division 1 07 of 34 H Airdrieonians James McGhee William Scott ;William Scott [William Hunter] ;[William Hunter] ;[Alex Thomson] ;[William Hunter] ;[William Hunter] ;[Alex Thomson] n/a n/a 8 21y 07m 09d 1908-11-11 Wed Friendly H Edinburgh University James McGhee Alistair J Stewart ;Archie Devine ;George Gilmour ;Archie Devine ;Daniel Cavin ;Unknown [Veitch pen] 1 1 10 17y 11m 02d 1905-03-04 Sat Division 1 25 of 26 H Greenock Morton Lindsay Waugh Bobby Walker 3 ;David (Soldier) Wilson 88 ----- n/a n/a 11 21y 04m 16d 1908-08-18 Tue Friendly A Hibernian James McGhee ----- [Lindsay] ;[Lindsay] ;[Brown [8]] 1 1 9 21y 05m 10d 1908-09-12 Sat Division 1 05 of 34 A Motherwell James McGhee Bobby Walker ;William Scott ;Tom Hynds ;William Scott ;George Sinclair ;Archie Devine [James Stewart] 1 1 9 21y 05m 03d 1908-09-05 Sat Division 1 04 of 34 H Queens Park James McGhee William Scott 5 ;John M Anderson og ;George Sinclair 85 ----- n/a n/a 10 21y 07m 02d 1908-11-04 Wed Friendly H Seaforth Highlanders James McGhee Unknown ;Archie Devine ;Unknown [Hamilton] n/a n/a 10 21y 04m 24d 1908-08-26 Wed East of Scotland Cup Final A St Bernards James McGhee Frank McLaren ;Philip Cole [James Simpson] n/a n/a 9 21y 05m 00d 1908-09-02 Wed Player Benefit A St Bernards James McGhee Archie Devine ;Archie Devine [Peter Hyde] ;[Forrester]