Name Appearances Goals Goals Ave Position Birthday
Back toDavid Riddoch
All Appearances by date click links for details.
Sea No is the seq number of Competitive games that season
Cont No is the consecutive number of Competitive games
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used, No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Game
ManScorers 0 3 20y 07m 06d 1884-12-20 Sat Friendly H Glasgow Northern Committee 1 Jimmy Wood ;Tommy Jenkinson ----- 0 8 20y 07m 27d 1885-01-10 Sat Friendly A St Bernards Committee 2 Andrew Lees 7 ;George Wight og ;Rab Henderson [Jamie Low 9] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] 0 7 20y 08m 03d 1885-01-17 Sat Friendly H 5th Kirkcudbright RV Committee 3 Tommy Jenkinson ;Tommy Jenkinson ;Tommy Jenkinson ;Tommy Jenkinson ;Jimmy Wood ;Jimmy Wood ;Jimmy Wood ;Jimmy Wood ;David Riddoch ;David Riddoch ;John Addison [Missing] ;[Missing] 0 8 20y 08m 17d 1885-01-31 Sat Friendly H Hibernian Committee 4 John Addison ;John Addison [Phillip Clarke] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] 0 11 20y 08m 24d 1885-02-07 Sat Friendly A Our Boys Committee 5 David Riddoch ;David Riddoch [Missing] 0 11 20y 09m 07d 1885-02-21 Sat Friendly H Edinburgh University Committee 6 ----- ----- 0 7 20y 09m 21d 1885-03-07 Sat Friendly H Port Glasgow Athletic Committee 7 Grant ;Tommy Jenkinson ;James Fraser [Graham] ;[Graham] ;[McKerral] 0 7 20y 10m 00d 1885-03-14 Sat Friendly H St Bernards Committee 8 Davie Aitken [William Neilson MacKinnon] ;[Wight] 0 7 20y 10m 07d 1885-03-21 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup SF N Edinburgh University Committee 9 David Riddoch ;Rab Henderson 87 [Douglas [6]] 0 7 20y 10m 21d 1885-04-04 Sat Friendly A Dumbarton Committee 10 ----- [William McKinnon 20] ;[Thomas McMillan] ;[William McKinnon 65] 0 11 20y 11m 09d 1885-04-23 Thu Friendly H Renton Committee 11 Rab Henderson 20 ;Bob Waugh 25 ;Bob Waugh [James Kelly 55] ;[James McCall] ;[Alexander Barbour] 0 7 20y 11m 11d 1885-04-25 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup Final N Hibernian Committee 12 ----- [James McGhee 5] ;[John Lee] ;[James McGhee]
All Appearances by Team click links for details
=Sub On
=Taken Off
=Not Used , No=(Nominal) Shirt No
=1 goal
=2 goals
=3 goals
=4 goals
=5 goals
=6 goals
=7 goals
=8 goals
rtsSub Boo
kedOff Go
alsAge Date NR MR C Rd V Team Sc Manager Scorers n/a n/a 7 20y 08m 03d 1885-01-17 Sat Friendly H 5th Kirkcudbright RV Committee Tommy Jenkinson ;Tommy Jenkinson ;Tommy Jenkinson ;Tommy Jenkinson ;Jimmy Wood ;Jimmy Wood ;Jimmy Wood ;Jimmy Wood ;David Riddoch ;David Riddoch ;John Addison [Missing] ;[Missing] n/a n/a 7 20y 10m 21d 1885-04-04 Sat Friendly A Dumbarton Committee ----- [William McKinnon 20] ;[Thomas McMillan] ;[William McKinnon 65] n/a n/a 11 20y 09m 07d 1885-02-21 Sat Friendly H Edinburgh University Committee ----- ----- n/a n/a 7 20y 10m 07d 1885-03-21 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup SF N Edinburgh University Committee David Riddoch ;Rab Henderson 87 [Douglas [6]] n/a n/a 3 20y 07m 06d 1884-12-20 Sat Friendly H Glasgow Northern Committee Jimmy Wood ;Tommy Jenkinson ----- n/a n/a 8 20y 08m 17d 1885-01-31 Sat Friendly H Hibernian Committee John Addison ;John Addison [Phillip Clarke] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] n/a n/a 7 20y 11m 11d 1885-04-25 Sat Rosebery Charity Cup Final N Hibernian Committee ----- [James McGhee 5] ;[John Lee] ;[James McGhee] n/a n/a 11 20y 08m 24d 1885-02-07 Sat Friendly A Our Boys Committee David Riddoch ;David Riddoch [Missing] n/a n/a 7 20y 09m 21d 1885-03-07 Sat Friendly H Port Glasgow Athletic Committee Grant ;Tommy Jenkinson ;James Fraser [Graham] ;[Graham] ;[McKerral] n/a n/a 11 20y 11m 09d 1885-04-23 Thu Friendly H Renton Committee Rab Henderson 20 ;Bob Waugh 25 ;Bob Waugh [James Kelly 55] ;[James McCall] ;[Alexander Barbour] n/a n/a 8 20y 07m 27d 1885-01-10 Sat Friendly A St Bernards Committee Andrew Lees 7 ;George Wight og ;Rab Henderson [Jamie Low 9] ;[Missing] ;[Missing] n/a n/a 7 20y 10m 00d 1885-03-14 Sat Friendly H St Bernards Committee Davie Aitken [William Neilson MacKinnon] ;[Wight]