London Hearts Memorable Match

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Nominated By

Ally DobbIe

Where Do You Live




Approx Date

1997 - 98


Home, League


5 - 3


Adam HatrIck, NeIl McCann 1, cant remember the other

What Happened

Although I cant remember the other scorer, It was the fIrst tIme I managed to see us that season and It was a Sunday match agaInst KIllIe, lovely day and we just played the best football I had seen for a whIle, some defendIng was pItIful but the match was rIvetIng end to end stuff and a certaIn newIsh player called Stephane Adam scored a hat - trIck whIlst hearts passed the ball and counter attacked wIth speed and accuracy - It was just pure magIc and I'll never forget It - If you leave Stephane then that match wIll be just as memorable as your goal In the Cup FInal


EmaIl the NomInator