Cowden Days and Hot Turku Nights
Andrew Goldie wiz @ Ra
"Our Leader's Name is Nelly
"Jist look at Davy's belly....
"And Stewart's burd is Smelly...
The Gray Cowden Family!"
More of whom, much, much later
For the more distinguished readers (ie those over 50) let me firstly
say that this pre-season bash blows the old Highland tour of Cove, Buckie
and Dornoch out the water. You get back, and after a day or two in the
recovery room, you find yourself asking "Did it really happen?" Only until
Davy posted up the pictures did the terrible and sometimes ugly truth
reveal itself, and hopefully this short resume will make a little more
sense of the photies in the gallery. With people coming and going for
a short time, there was a different chemistry every couple of days and
occasionally the mixture was explosive.
Now Read On.
DavyAllan and m'sel' flew to Helsinki and found ourselves in Turku quite
by chance so we were settled in easily. Stewart, however, was off and
running by the Sunday morning having been enjoying the favours of a Helsinki
Floozie named Petra. Now, quite obviously I have no quarrel with anyone
with the name of a Blue Peter dog, but when it comes to gnawing on a bone?
More will be revealed later. Ugh.
Having got on a coach to take us into the middle of a beautiful nowhere
(Hats Off to Vivien and Davy B!) - the No Fishin' notice had been hastily
replaced by "FC Boda This Way" - we denuded the local
petrol station of every fluid ounce of alcohol, we watched an experimental
(ie, not very good) Hearts side struggle to match the levels of enthusiasm
of both the opposition and the Hearts support. Cheerleader-in-chief was
Our Very Own Neil Mackay, and Edinburgh is quaking in its size-8s knowing
he will be back resident there shortly. After Hearts' opening goal he
expressed his approval by racing onto the pitch, shirtless but not beerless,
can in one hand, waving his shades around in the other. The programme
mentioned "Triallist", and I believe his case comes up next
However, he was outdone shortly after by Not Our Very Own Brian Smith,
whose encouragement of the shed-side linesman following the crippling
of Robbie Neilson in front of his and our eyes was as constructive as
it was crackpot. "LINESMAN!" he ran up to the man, but
stood never less than five yards away - no encroachment, no threatening
behaviour, you understand -
minutes later, Brian sat down again. This was to prove something of a motif
for the entire week. |
The referee - something of a cross between Hugh Dallas and Franz Beckenbauer
- was quite obviously the local scoutmaster (only one who fancied himself
more than his charges) and strutted around blowing his whistle for no
reason. Expect him to be tossing the coin the next time Hearts get into
the UEFA Cup. (Don't laugh.) Half-time entertainment was provided by the
World's Strongest Man (supposedly) lifting some (supposedly) serious weights.
The locals cheered but we weren't impressed. "That's nothing,"
we said, "This time last year Steve Fulton attempted the world
pie-eating record at half-time. That was something to see."
Meantime, the Heroes of Rainbow Hearts had 'taken' the home
terraces, much to the chagrin of various locals who voiced their concerns.
"Sijoittunut nahty suuria hienoukia maali syntyi vapaapotkusta!"
one of the Hagar-lookalikes exploded.
"Aye, well, that's easy for you to say," the Rainbows responded
with some spirit, and when Hearts scored the winner the argument was decided.
No need to tell you that Finland was easy on the eye, and
no need to go into detail about exploits. However, we were most impressed
that a quick glance on the inside back page of Scott Rogers' passport showed
that he's the only man we know whose Name, Nationality and Profession can
be listed on one line. Equally, during the long evening after the Boda match,
Brian found himself in Another Zone Entirely with two middle-aged man-eating
good'ol' gals (who no doubt thought they were in the Twilight Zone). |
Turns out he was just warming them up for Davy Allan and your correspondent,
as Room 427 in wir hotel was the hottest ticket in town that night.
Possibly. Possibly not. I don't really remember.
The following afternoon found us sipping a restorative Belgian beer in
the Old Bank, one of the most civilised bars to be found in Western Europe,
and a scan of the local press showed the exposé of the year. The
picture didn't actually prove Stewart was wearing nothing beneath his
kilt, but a strategically-placed black disc ("The Black Hole of Calcutta")
inferred there was something there you really didn't want to know about.
As well as consuming Quite A Lot Of Drink, the food wasn't
too shabby and we decimated the local reindeer population at a restaurant
where some of the menu was actually on display. Choose your animal! Some
others later went off to a club where they did something similar. Or so
I heard. |
The game against crack Finnish side VPS was prefixed by an
unrefreshed march to the stadium, so we thought perhaps mass hallucination
was affecting us all when we saw a man in a green t-shirt carrying a maroon
cross. Davy's digitally-enhanced picture proves this, so all we could suppose
was that some Hibs fan had come over early for their tour of the mosquito-ridden
forestland, carrying his burden. |
The game itself wasn't up to much (what I saw of it, anyway) as we watched
a non-experimental (ie, not very good) Hearts side struggle to get to
know each other. It was quite easy to spot Mark DeFries - he was the injured
one trotting up and down the lines. He did a lot of that on this tour.
In the end, Hearts shared five goals with VPS, but they were more greedy
than us, simple as that. The local wildlife had turned out to bellow their
support for their team, and in a response to plummeting share values,
one of our number swapped his £45 Hearts top for a minging old VPS
dishtowel which will undoubtedly be worth a fortune on e-Bay in a hundred
years' time.
Meantime, Stewart was investing in a little foreign exchange of his own
just as the Hearts players were getting on their coach to a mystifyingly
enthusiastic response from all of us considering they'd just been beat.
Mike Rogers presented Antti Niemi with a jersey with the number of goals
Hearts will concede this season on the back and while we repaired to the
bar, some Hearts players went back to the repair shop - or McDonald's
as it's better-known. We have eye-witnesses' who will swear on oath that
a well-known Scottish Internationalist fixed himself with 3 cheeseburgers,
6 chicken nuggets, one fries and two ice-creams. None of this poncey pasta
diet nonsense, eh? I mean, what the hell are they - professional athletes?
The Open Golf Tournament started at Muirfield on the Thursday, so in
its honour we had a drink-induced shot at the crazy golf course in a beer
garden close by. If anyone remembers the Japanese bloke after whom the
Road Hole Bunker was renamed The Sands of Nakajima in 1978, the 8th hole
will keep Davy Allan awake at night for years to come. Drive up the slope,
but gently enough for it not to go round the topmost curve and slowly
return to the tee.
Got that, Davy? Ten shots later
Oh well, he got his money's worth,
put it that way. Then to the football game, which wisely someone had arranged
a minibus to - we'd walked far enough playing golf.
The little beer enclosures were proving unsurprisingly popular
in view of the fact that Hearts kept giving away two-goal starts, but old
habits die hard and I joined the cognoscenti in the Centre Stand. It was
to my surprise, then, when a young Finnish journalist asked us a load of
interested questions at half-time. You can't believe everything you read
in the papers, because I'm quoted as saying "Suomeen meidat toi
tietenkin Hearts. Olemme kai tarpeeksi tyhmia lahteakseeme seuraamaan joukkeueen
harjoitusotteluita" - which is pretty damn' impressive, 'cause
I can't speak a word of Finnish. |
They also quoted Davy Brunton, and the estimable Ian McKintosh
(who'd jetted in from Jamaica, Top Man) and one "Gray Cowden"
- obviously Finnish for Gary Cowen, though after the measured debate/punch-up
with Davy Allan concerning Grecian 2000 the day before, it seemed suspiciously
coincident. |
A few memories to share and treasure: the beauty that was the Old Bank,
Turku Cathedral on the river, the beer (natch), the women (natch), and
Scott phoning us up on the Friday morning from Helsinki Airport to tell
us he'd left his passport in the fridge of his hotel room. Having delivered
it to him, Davy and m'sel' decided to hop on the next available plane
home rather than have an extra couple of days on the lash. Man, we needed
it. I'm off to McDonald's to refuel - anyone fancy it?