Hearts Scottish Cup Results
HEART OF MID-LOTHIAN v HIBERNIANS - Notwithstanding the extreme measures which the committee of the Renton Club thought fit to take against the Scottish Football Association in connection with their protest against the Hibernians, the date of the all important final tie as originally fixed was not disturbed, Lord Low, on the matter being referred to the Court of Session refusing to grant interim interdict.
Thus it was that for the first time in the history of the national competition two eastern combinations met to fight out the final tie between them.

Winners of the Scottish Cup, Edinburgh League and McCrae cups and Roseberry Charity Cup in 1896, the Hearts also display the Scottish League and Edinburgh League Championship flags for the previous season.
Left to right, back row, in bowler hats, R.Smith (secretary), Tom Purdie (first captain),
J.C.Cairns (treasurer), R.Cheyne, W.Lorimer (president), J.Adam (vice - president),
E.Cunningham, W.Dow, J.Chapman (trainer);
Players standing - Bob McCartney, Jock Fairbairn, J.Mirk;
Seated on chairs - Bob McLaren, Willie Michael, Johnny Walker,
George Hogg (captain), Isaac Begbie, David Russell;
On dais - Davie Baird, A.King.
Three times previously, however, has an Edinburgh team figured in the final, and singularly enough each in turn was successful.
First of all, in the season 1886-7, the Hibernians - of whom the present club is not quite a continuation, but a resuscitation, were successful in bringing the trophy to Edinburgh.
Exactly four years later the Heart of Mid-Lothian emulated the feat of their Easter Road friends, and strangely enough both clubs met and defeated the once redoubtable Dumbarton.
After the lapse of another similar period the St.Bernards got upsides with their neighbours, and, in consequence of the decisive victory on Saturday of the Heart of Mid-Lothian, the Scottish Cup, as a matter of fact, only leaves Logie Green to find a resting place at Tynecastle.
It is also a curious fact that the home of the St.Bernards should have been the scope of the present final.
Much was said regarding the holding capacity of Logie green, and it is a credit to the Saints management that they met in every way the requirements of the Association, and that, as a matter of fact, everybody who applied gained admission.
The weather in the forenoon was dull, but at 2.30 it had improved greatly, and although it became cloudy at times, yet the game was carried through under pretty fair weather conditions.

The Hibernians led the way, followed immediately after by the Heart of Mid-Lothian, both teams receiving a welcome cheer as they stepped into the arena.
Michael started the game against a slight breeze, which was neutralised by the fact that the Hibernians had what sun there was in their eyes.
The Tynecastle players at once settled down, and though beaten back by M'Farlane they returned, and accidental "hands" against Robertson within the penalty line further enhanced their prospects.
Baird took the kick, and with a fast low shot, which glanced into the net off M'Call's legs, scored the first goal three minutes from the start amid terrific cheering.
The Hibernians retaliated gamely, and Fairbairn had to save a shot from the left.
Groves was very conspicuous in attack, the ex-Aston Villa man dribbling round Russell and others in quite his old style.
M'Cartney, However, was in great form, and it was pleasing to see him play up so well.
Murphy let the opposing wing have too much rope, and it was early apparent that he, for the day at least, was off colour.
King and Walker several times raised the siege, their runs being cheered to the echo.
Generally speaking, the Heart of Mid-Lothian had the best of matters, and played pretty football, but it cannot be said that their opponents by any manner of means lay down.
Following on a foul against the Hibernians, the Hearts had a splendid opportunity of adding to their score.
M'Call left his charge unguarded, and with M'Laren in attendance, the Easter Road goal escaped marvellously.
Try as they liked, however, the Tynecastle players could not find the net, while the same on one or two occasions might be said of the Hibernians.
Half-time arrived with the Heart of Mid-Lothian leading by a goal to nothing.
The Hibernians re-started in brisk fashion, and put in all they knew.
Fairbairn was called upon, but he saved in his usual masterly fashion.
For a time the Hearts were pretty sorely pressed, but the defence proved equal to the attack.
Matters however, took a turn, and Walker and King rushed the game to the other end.
King from the goal line rattled the ball along, and although M'Call got it he could not hold it, and it fell into the net.
This second reverse took a lot out of the Hibernians, and when Michael headed through a third all was now over with the Hibernians.
The cheering which followed this point was something terrific.
Hats, sticks, and handkerchiefs were thrown wildly in the air.
The Hibernians, however, strove pluckily, and O'Neil at length scored their first goal.
Soon after the whistle blew, leaving the Heart of Mid-Lothian winners of one of the best games ever seen in a final.
Result:- Heart of Mid-Lothian, three goals; Hibernians, one goal.
The victory, it might be said, was popular in every sense of the word. Those who witnessed the demonstration following upon the third point will not readily forget it.
Regarding the arrangements, it is satisfactory to note that everything passed off without a single hitch.
The police arrangements were perfect, while mention must be made of the untiring efforts of Messrs. Lapsley, Anderson, Robertson, and Monteith.
Heart of Mid-Lothian.- Fairbairn; M'Cartney and Mirk; Begbie, Russell, and Hogg, McLaren, Baird, Michael, King and Walker.
Hibernians.- M'Call; Robertson and M'Farlane; Breslin, Neill, and Murphy; Murray, Kennedy, Groves, Smith, and O'Neill.
Referee - Mr. M'Leod, Cowlairs.