London Hearts Supporters Club
Birthday Caps Name Goals Goals Ave


Full Name

Alec Troup


C Traynor
Eddie Turnbull
Alec Troup - Scotland Football League Record from 25 Jan 1921 to 26 Oct 1921 clubs - Dundee
London Hearts Supporters Club
Birthday Caps Name Goals Goals Ave


Full Name

Alec Troup


C Traynor
Eddie Turnbull

Page Links
Clubs When Capped
Appearances by Team
Goals By Team
Appearances by date
All Goals

Birthplace Date of Birth 4-May-1895
Place of Death Date of Death
Height Weight
First Game Tue 25 Jan 1921 Last Game Wed 26 Oct 1921
Career Length 9m 2d Career Length in Days 275

Apps Starts Sub Used Replaced
2 2 0 0
W D L Sent Off
2 0
Birthplace Date of Birth 4-May-1895
Place of Death Date of Death
Height Weight
First Game Tue 25 Jan 1921 Last Game Wed 26 Oct 1921
Career Length 9m 2d Career Length in Days 275

Apps Starts Sub Used Replaced
2 2 0 0
W D L Sent Off
2 0
Goals Hat-Tricks Penalties
0 0 0

Clubs When Capped
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Club Club Seq First Last Games Goals W D L F A
Dundee 12 25 Jan 1921 26 Oct 1921 2 0 2 0 0 6 0

Appearances by Team
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Team Ranking W D L P Sts Sub
Irish League 47 equal 2 2 2

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Goals By Team
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Team Ranking Total Goals
Team Ranking H A Tot

Appearances by date click links for details
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No P S Sb Off Club M No Date Cm R V Team Sc Agg Crowd Scorers
1 P S Dundee 53 Tue 25 Jan 1921 s



Irish League


15000 French; Cassidy; Rankin
2 P S Dundee 55 Wed 26 Oct 1921 s



Irish League


15000 Ferguson; Cunningham; Duncan

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All Goals Scored click on date for match details
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